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Everything posted by Extralife

  1. Baghdad Batteries (basically a Fehlmann album) is excellent. The rest is very hit or miss. The most recent one, Abolition of the Royal Familia is actually pretty good as well. No Fehlmann though - it’s more in the vein of an Adventures type thing.
  2. Yeah it’s real good. I’m embarrassed to say that I have only really listened to his Quinoline Yellow work. What other stuff do I need?
  3. Good idea. Let’s do it. (Not me.)
  4. https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/12/politics/mcconnell-impeachment-trump-capitol-riot/index.html So Mitch is supposedly all for impeachment now. I wonder if he can convince 20+ of his cowardly colleagues in the Senate.
  5. Late arriver to Fargo, but I’m currently on the second to last episode of Season 1. Great stuff.
  6. This is really nice stuff. @dcom What other material from them do you rate?
  7. Take a break from reality and listen to this people.
  8. This is out and it sounds absolutely fantastic. A great electro concept-album.
  9. Never thought I’d see Blake Shelton posted on WATMM. A sad day.
  10. https://gachabakradze.com/album/obscure-languages New album from one of my favorite artists from the past few years. His ep "Western Arrogance from last year was pure fire. High expectations for this one.
  11. https://schematicmusiccompany.bandcamp.com/album/accumulating-intangibles Impressive ambient/dub techno album in the vein of early Spacetime Continuum. Really enjoyed this one.
  12. https://minotaurshock.bandcamp.com/album/qi Loved this guy for a long time. Nice to see he is putting out great music again. This ep sounds more on the pure electronic tip. (not "folktronica like his previous stuff). Made entirely in the Digitone. "There are echoes of David’s Nineties heroes in the freewheeling grooves, from early Plaid and the Black Dog to AFX, but with a dry crispness to the production that gives the tracks a futuristic sheen - think Mark Fell or Oversteps-era Autechre."
  13. Midnight Sun 4 is the best I’ve heard from Aleksi in a long, long time.
  14. Doesn’t sound like Uwe to me. Also no mentions on his mailing list.
  15. This might be the thing that irritates me most about many of my American peers.
  16. Well at least he was able to hand out awards to his favorite golfers in a closed door ceremony today.
  17. https://unknownartist001.bandcamp.com/album/uu001-3 “New and Notable” on Bandcamp today ?
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