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Everything posted by Extralife

  1. The dude who made this is Paul D. Millar. Almost same name as DJ Spooky the illbient kid?
  2. I'm embarrassed to say that I still haven't listened to this yet. I'll remedy soon. Congrats on being featured dude!
  3. Didn't expect to stay up so late last night, eh fellas? ?
  4. Guys -- log on and listen to this NOW. A New Year's treat.
  5. Been there dude. Enjoy your last few months baby free though.
  6. It’s all about Electronic Slave for me. One of my top electro songs ever.
  7. To me, this is his best: https://centralprocessingunit.bandcamp.com/album/radical-user-interfaces ...but they are all good.
  8. Give him a call. My dad died over 10 years ago tragically and I still regret avoiding him in his last few years.
  9. I mean...100 years ago, but still.
  10. https://www.normanrecords.com/features/albums-of-the-year-2020?utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Albums of the Year 2020&utm_content=Albums of the Year 2020+CID_9232152cb6b20c0b33e883cf6323359a&utm_source=EmailMarketingSoftware&utm_term=The best albums of 2020 guaranteed Norman always puts out a unique list. Tons of stuff on here I haven’t heard.
  11. Well I sent Lassi an email via his Bandcamp page thanking him for this remaster and asking if there was more in store. Got this in reply:
  12. Just disguise your stuff as “possibly AFX”. Then you’ll be good.
  13. He wants to “keep her tough” so he talks down to her and belittles her on camera and she smiles and laughs like she’s in on the joke. Makes sense.
  14. Parallel is a great listen. Really brightened up my day.
  15. “Nice” being the running theme here.
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