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Everything posted by IDEM

  1. !!! indeed Edit: Has it really been three years since What did Jack do? Jesus Christ.
  2. IDEM

    elseq 1-5

    I was listening to "c7b2" this morning when my nine-year-old walked in, listened for a second and said, "That sounds like farts." I guess it's time for her to have her own WATMM account. They grow up so fast ... ?
  3. I also loved DS9 when it first aired. I imagine it might feel a bit campy today, but that's no deal breaker. Looking forward to a rewatch, but first I'll have to get through TNG which I've also recently started rewatching (I never watched all episodes, just caught it on TV whenever I could back in the day) and enjoy tremendously.
  4. IDEM


    I'm not sure exactly who they are, but they don't sound very young at all. Apparently they're both "experimental musicians" and seem to be longtime Autechre fans too. They also have a podcast called Pop Shield which has been running since at least 2016 or something and seems really decent from the episode titles (they have features on Warp etc.), so I guess I'll check that out as well. If nothing else, this Gonkcast is a nice opportunity to go back to the older albums and see if I agree with their opinions or not. Is it perfect? No, but it adds a little perspective on something I love, which can be enjoyable once in a while. Deep Cuts, my usual favorite, is on hiatus, so now while doing sit-ups, I listen to these dudes blabber on to numb the pain.
  5. Denmark vs. Zombie Minks https://www.courthousenews.com/denmarks-culled-minks-rise-from-mass-grave/
  6. First half sounds uncannily like the title melody of some lost C64 game.
  7. IDEM


    I've listened to the first one while working out, and it's alright, kind of reading a WATMM megathread except it's just two people insted of twelve.
  8. Ligeti, "Requiem: Kyrie" (BOC Remix) confirmed.
  9. Good stuff. I'd never heard of him before, and as I watched it, I thought, he's probably dead, because a) that dude is blasted, and b) if he wasn't dead, he'd be famous now, and I'd heard of him. Oh well ... ? Don't have much else to add to the thread, my holy trinity consists of Louis CK, Dave Chappelle, and Ricky Gervais, but everybody's familiar with them. Demetri Martin is good too. I love DELIRIOUS by Eddie Murphy, and if he really returns to stand-up as planned, I'd watch that in a heartbeat. Really liked him on CICGC, charming fellow he is. Still like Seinfeld too FWIW, even if he's gotten a bit smug and satiated.
  10. Better late than never, right?
  11. Kraftwerk -- Tour de France Soundtracks (17 years [not counting The Mix])
  12. Aphex Twin -- Syro (13 years) GAS -- Narkopop (17 years) Soundgarden -- King Animal (16 years)
  13. Interesting, I didn't know any of that. TLOU 2 was just an example that came to mind because I've just played it; I didn't mean to really compare the two beyond graphics. It just struck me that the character animations did look quite stiff and wooden in the clips I've seen, and I'd expected something different considering the hype train (that has reached even me, and I'm not much of a gamer at all). Not knowing anything about it really, I just wanted to hear if that's something that has been discussed in the gaming community or whatever. I figured it might be connected to a long development time or something of the sort (I know there are games that just can't compete anymore after a couple of years in development hell -- Duke Nukem Forever, anyone?). Anyway, sounds like a cool game, and I agree that gameplay is king, so I might give it a spin when it comes out.
  14. Yeah, for me too; most of their albums are a bit of a mixed bag, but there are always some stellar numbers sprinkled across them. And the new one actually seems pretty cohesive so far, got a nice flow to it too. Hm, I never got into that one cause it seemed especially ragtag. Will try again.
  15. "Cognitive Dissonance" of Post-Truth is such a freaking belter, too. One of my favorite tracks in recent history by any artist. Play it loud, and the sun just keeps on rising, again and again.
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