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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Limo

  1. Limo

    Brexit :(

    You owe us a shit ton of money, our fishermen depend on being able to fish in your waters (as yours do on being able to fish in ours) and one of our members needs part of your border to stay open to avoid civil war. The fact that you will not be able to trade with us unless you harmonize your laws, the way Switzerland and Norway do, isn’t even the biggest problem. In fact, that mostly affects you guys, not us.
  2. Limo

    Brexit :(

    Nope, it's tragic. In the original definition of the word: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hamartia / grabs Ancient Greek popcorn
  3. Limo

    Now Reading

    Interesting. Do you have a source for this? As far as I know Old English is the language of the Anglo Saxon invaders - who came in *after* the Romans had left.
  4. Limo

    Now Reading

    You and I probably could, but if modern English is your first language it's harder to understand as Middle English is much more Germanic. Old English is, of course, even more Germanic, but also Old, so modern German or Dutch won't help you there.
  5. Looks at @prdctvsm's location and country ... of course.
  6. Limo

    Now Reading

    Welcome to WATMM. Come for the music, stay for the book recommendations, movie recommendations and tv show recommendations. And the grumbling of old people about youngsters these days.
  7. Limo

    Now Reading

    Thanks to the hype train here I just blasted through vol. 1 of Liu Cixin’s Three Body Problem trilogy. Normally not much of a SciFi reader but this was great. Lots of technical stuff but most of it was quite fun. The bit where they try to unfold a photon was Lem level hilarious. Hype is justified. On to book two.
  8. Yup, in my experience they can do that. It looks like temperature (warmer = better) and simply moving the things a lot help. Briefly.
  9. Funny ? However: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burrata
  10. So are you going to try out the fix in that article? Because if so I'd be curious as to how difficult it actually is.
  11. Postman just delivered my vinyl copy. Only took PostNL two and a half weeks. Impressive, of course, as distances in the Netherlands tend to be huge and infrastructure is sketchy at best. Once packages arrive at Rotterdam port or Schiphol airport (which is usually very quick), they are then loaded on caravans of anemic goats that slowly meander through the soggy marshlands in the general direction of where it is the packages need to go.
  12. Apart from all the telemetry, of course.
  13. Guy is really into scrapbooking, it seems.
  14. I know an *adult* (50 plus) who thinks American Idiot is peak Green Day. And she does know Dookie. ?
  15. So basically everywhere with people is f-ed. And Sweden.
  16. I like the Amazon Turk Echoboy plugin.
  17. You're in San Francisco, right? Stop whining. (cries in 52 degrees North)
  18. - Apes don’t read philosophy. - Yes they do, Otto, they just don’t understand it.
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