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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Limo

  1. Limo

    SIGN or PLUS?

    Plus is more like the ae we know and love. Sign is starting to grow on me.
  2. DHL lost a package I sent out. Now I’m out a delay pedal *and* 50 bucks. Where this gets problematic is that DHL has stopped replying to my emails about when they’re going to pay me back - something they have to do because I was smart enough to insure the package. Apparently they’re “busy”. For more than a month now.
  3. That was *awesome* What’s also cool is that you can read the book it was based on after watching the movie without feeling spoilered at all - and it’s a really good book, too.
  4. Was gonna write something about this lowering the quality of the content, but then remembered some of the highlights of this forum ... If there’s an alternative to AdSense, that would be preferable, but that might be hard to organize. Like maybe give Boomkat a sidebar where they can showcase heir latest releases or something. (Warp is probably not going to spend a penny on this site because we do all their advertising for them for free). Anyway, you’re in charge, so good luck with whatever you decide to do.
  5. How much would AdSense bring in? It can’t be much? And how much are you paying out of your own pocket? Could that be offset some other way? I’m not a big fan of ads, as you can probably tell, but I also don’t think you should be paying to run this.
  6. \../ 2020 is doing pretty good for classic IDM acts so far.
  7. Boze Cialo / Corpus Christi Juvenile delinquent pretends to be a priest. Of course he does really well at it. Helps to bring a divided community back together, that sort of stuff. Truly offensive.
  8. Listening to psin AM on headphones makes me realize how unique Autechre are. Normal producers check their work on shitty sound systems to make sure it sounds ok. Used to be car stereos, now it's probably phone speakers. Autechre, of course, don't do this. Without all the little details psin AM sounds *boring as hell* but what do they care? Just listen on headphones, you f-in normie
  9. ^ the IDM generation's version of the vintage Les Paul
  10. It's probably the other way around: if you still like something after it's been beaten into you for a long time, it's probably very good. Most things get boring very quickly. A lot (but not all) of Autechre's music is not among those things.
  11. @ManjuShri great find. Thanks!
  12. 1: Damn moneygrab. 2: Damn this preview sounds promising.
  13. By far their best, IMHO. Definitely their nastiest, too. That said, I already paid for it once and my sedate middle aged ass has very little need to own a copy of it again.
  14. Kindohm at it again. Love the sound design on this one.
  15. That is five minutes of my life I don’t regret wasting. Wonder what the story is behind this place. And who thinks up a bathtub like that? Sheesh.
  16. Around the equator? For all intents and purposes, yes it is. Over here in the higher latitudes, the curvature of the earth should be taken into account when calculating the distance between coordinates.
  17. You know, everyone keeps saying that and yet I poop happy as squirting otter the morning after eating spicy food. I've never set my asshole on fire, not even after eating half a jar of Mme Jeannette's viciously hot Surinamese sambal.
  18. In case anyone's interested, here's the discography at the end of The Jazz Book - a super dense overview of, well, jazz. If you want to check out more after listening to everything in this thread. Enjoy! jazz book discography.pdf
  19. No, they’re encoders. I’ve looked into it as mine has issues as well and it turns out the problem is there’s too much lubricant in the encoders. The solution is to open them up, clean them up and apply lubricant again, only not as much as before. Too much work, and I’m fairly clumsy so M4L device it is. In hindsight I should’ve just bought Largo.
  20. IMHO stainless steel is safer for that ... much easier to clean afterwards.
  21. @drome: do the math. Let's just use the US as an example. Around a quarter of a million people died, out of a population of 350 million. Meaning 1 in 1400 people. Let's also say you know about 100 people (it's probably way less, but ok). Each person has a 1/1400 chance of dying (not really, but let's keep things simple). The chances of you knowing at least one person that died from COVID-19 is: 1/1400 * 100 meaning you have less than a 1 in 100 chance of knowing someone who died from COVID-19. Of course, given that in reality not everyone runs an equal risk of dying from COVID-19, the odds anyone here knows anyone who died from it are even lower. BTW, both my brother in law and my upstairs neighbor work in IC units. I can assure you they know people who died from it.
  22. Blofeld is a great synth but sooner or later you ‘ll need a piece of software to operate it. I use the M4L controller. It’s very good.
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