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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Limo

  1. Newegg doesn't deliver to Europe, though, and I'm pretty sure Nil is French ?
  2. So as a result of this post I bought a copy and played it for a while tonight. It’s quite interesting, though in my first run I stepped on sea urchins and got poisoned, plunged off a cliff, narrowly escaped getting eaten by sharks only to get beaten up by an octopus before finally drowning. So no need to use the save feature.
  3. Ain’t nobody got time for that!
  4. Also the most carcinogenic. Mainly because at this point you’re pretty much just swallowing coffee been paste. Yum.
  5. Nonsense. The options in the last UK election were “a turd” and “a turd and throwing the country off a cliff”. In the US it’s not between turds either, it’s between a corrupt career politician and an out and out psycho puppeteered by fascists. I can’t for the life of me understand why people are even bothering to discuss the turdiness of Joe Biden. Just hold your nose and vote for him, dammit.
  6. Even by Dutch standards this is excessive. Show off.
  7. Had to look that up but ... holy crap a €300 tooth brush?
  8. Note to self: while WATMM is *great* for movie tips, it’s best to look elsewhere for fashion advice
  9. Just listened to it again tonight. Maybe not the greatest Tortoise album but this remains and awesome track:
  10. Over here it’s nearly all students behaving like this that are causing the second wave. Students are gonna student. Doesn’t mean they’re not assholes, though.
  11. Interesting. FWIW in my home country the constitution explicitly forbids judicial review of laws enacted by parliament. The reasoning is parliamentarians are elected and judges are not and the former therefore trump the latter.
  12. Yes. Young people are gonna young.
  13. The Ableton site is so much more interesting when you read in French.
  14. Which makes sense from their point of view because it doesn’t really affect them all that much. Unfortunately “stay indoors because if you don’t you will feel really bad for a couple of days and there’s a one in 20 chance you might kill your grandparents” isn’t such a strong public health message, really.
  15. Lolwut? Even music albums get prequels now? Didn’t know actress was run by a bunch of lazy Hollywood execs.
  16. Oh, yeah, I got that. Falun Gong are dicks *as well* as idiots. Still, the US doesn’t harvest Tom Cruise’s organs, so ...
  17. It’s not just dissidents, it’s that the lives of prisoners, political or otherwise, don’t count for much in China. Organs, in the other hand, can be useful, so do the math. BTW, I’m not sure if this organ harvesting thing is just a rumor or if it was ever confirmed. Regardless, of course, Chinese prisons are nasty places. Edit just did a five second Google: it’s true: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/jun/17/china-is-harvesting-organs-from-detainees-uk-tribunal-concludes
  18. It’s a bit more complicated than that. Falun Gong was one of many mystic sects operating in China and, like all the other ones, was pretty much left alone. Then one day they show up on Tian an men square to stage some sort of event which really pissed off the government because they hadn’t seen it coming (to fair, it *is* kind of threatening, to have hundreds of people appear on your doorstep out of the blue). So now they’re on the Chinese gov’t shit list. Which mean they go to jail and everyone in Chinese jail, not just Falun Gong members, runs the risk of getting their organs harvested.
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