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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Limo

  1. Years ago (ok, decades) when I was looking into this, having artwork done significantly added to the cost. This is why white labels exist and why so many labels just use generic sleeves.
  2. The entire internet is a project of the US military. And the only reason Silicon Valley in its current form exists is that there were so many defense contractors there engineers could easily find a new job should their startups not work out. So there you have it: lots of government money and a vast pool of techies with questionable morals.
  3. You must. They are very good.
  4. Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t this specific BK model almost as expensive as a similar Le Creuset?
  5. Keep thinking that, white boy ? Joking aside: Indonesians (yes, all 250 million of them, though I’m not sure Papuans even have sambal to make their sago paste more palatable) have all sorts of different recipes for the stuff, most of which include extra ingredients. Trassi (a dried cake made of rotten shrimp) is a common one, as is palm sugar (esp. in Central Java, where they like their food sweet). A common alternative to trassi is small dried fish, pounded to a pulp. Etc. Source: grew up there. The people who cooked for us always made their own - and none of their versions tasted like that foul vinegary concoction that gets sold as Sambal Oelek.
  6. Home made, dude, home made. Sambal oelek is a Dutch invention. As in “made by Unilever”.
  7. No self respecting Indonesian eats sambal oelek. That stuff is vile. ?
  8. I doubt AFX has a lot of fans that are not grown men these days.
  9. Explain? Also: cool. Also: how come they’re shipping to Australia before shipping to me?
  10. From the nation that brought you Bach, Beethoven and Brahms. I’m sure Sean and Rob can make this work. After all, on this album they do a fairly listenable rendition of background music to teary faced Kate Winslet hopping around the Moors crying out “Oh! Heatcliff!”
  11. Maybe I’m just slow ? But maybe it’s a matter of taste. Autechre’s broad strokes always seem bland and flat, and, in the case of this specific album, too obvious. Their music really needs the details to give it depth and meaning.
  12. If this had been someone else’s album, I would’ve skipped it. But then I never like ae albums the first few times I hear them. Unfair for Eric Elektrontwiddler’s two hour long set of Rytm noodling? Maybe. Guess benefit of the doubt is something that has to be earned.
  13. Now that you mention it, some of those pads *do* have a bit of a Dutch trance sound to them.
  14. My vinyl copy was just delivered. In the evening. By bike messenger. Very hipster of you, Warp. The inner sleeves are *extremely* orange.
  15. It does to me too, but mostly in the synthesis. It’s almost traditional, except that there’s a bunch of little twists in every track that suggest it’s not.
  16. The MKI goes for €650 or so. That's a steal. They still get updates.
  17. ^ thank you, uncle Roger. Yes, expensive pans are worth it. They last long and can take a lot of abuse, unlike @user’s cheap non stick pan which will be dead in about two years. That said, there’s also a law of diminishing returns where after a certain point paying much, much more doesn’t really yields much of an additional benefit. From my limited experience with them I’d say Le Creuset lies on the wrong side of that divide. YMMV. I’d say any solid, cast iron pan will be good enough. It doesn’t have to have a Le Creuset stamp on it to be reliable. Since you’re in NL, you can try “BK” pans. They’re fairly reliable (my stainless steel frying pan has been abused from here to hell and back for the past 19 years and is still going strong) and reasonably affordable.
  18. For some reason the 80s style bass heavy synth chords really annoy me. I’ve been puzzled by new ae albums before, exasperated, even, but never annoyed. Anyone else feel this way?
  19. What’s gotten into *you* then?
  20. Wait ... wtf is this accessible garbage? That's not the ae I know, love and can feel elitist about!
  21. Not anymore, unfortunately. Something to do with COVID.
  22. Wait ... your grandma is the Roman empress Helena ?
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