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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Limo

  1. Nowhere near the deadliest dish in northern Thailand - that would be the fermented fish paste that can come with parasites that burrow into your brain and cause tumors.
  2. In my defence I listen to a lot of music on bandcamp or using mp3s of albums I've bought on vinyl or cd. Still
  3. Impressive. I’ve done most organs except for brains because I think those can actually be dangerous. If you get used to the taste and texture they’re all quite ok. In fact, I’ve come to like them and would eat them more often if it weren’t for my wife. Cod roe is great. I had bat once - the big, flying dog kind. Not much meat on them, gamy taste was well masked with pounded pepper paste.
  4. Because the rest is (mostly) even worse. Figuring out which non Mac computers are not is certainly possible, but I prefer to spend my time on other things.
  5. I heard stories from people in Silicon Valley that Apple is not a very attractive employer. Pay is not great, perks are fewer than at the other FAANGs and hours are long. As a result, people don't stay there for long. The somewhat expected result of this is that it's mostly junior developers that run the show. Whether this is true, I don't know (of course), but Apple certainly acts as if there's not a lot of seniority in the software development department: - API's get deprecated and replaced at breakneck speed. - Documentation is poor or non-existent. - Decisions are made that may make sense in some very narrow way but are terrible when viewed as part of the whole picture - such as this one, where running an application needs the system to phone home - as if home is always available. Typical rookie mistake.
  6. True, though I do see a little wincing here and there, unlike in the Willie Dixon clip above where the only facial expression discernible is a bit of a smile every now and then.
  7. Jalapeños? Those lovely and, yes, minty but, let's be fair, quite mild peppers? ? Got some Korean instant noodles at the Asian store, the spicy ones sold in a display that says "warning - very spicy - not for children". Stupidly decided to have them for breakfast. I like - and can handle - spicy food. Just not at 8:00 AM, it turns out. Afterwards the coffee tasted funny, too.
  8. My Dutch newspaper was completely filled with Trump vs Biden. And it’s one of the better ones we have over here,
  9. Yeah, he has a well defined sound. I like his work a lot - PHM got me through high school and TDS is really diverse and creative but after that I think he runs into his limitations as a composer. It's always the same set of chords and changes and once the novelty of his - impressive - sound design skills wears off that becomes a bit boring. (I know he's supposed to be "classically trained" but from the way his music sounds I'd say that's probably not much more than a bunch of piano lessons).
  10. No, why? Some states are just slow in counting, but it's not like it's a race who can count the slowest, even though that's what the media are making it out to be.
  11. Kinda puts "I wanna f* you like an animal" in a whole different perspective.
  12. Not all that knobby. Nice to use (if the knobs work, which is not a given).
  13. So jazz. In a movie called "Soul". With a soundtrack by Trent Reznor.
  14. Both constituting songs are significantly improved by this mashup:
  15. Acid Reflux EP track listing: - GERD 2:35 - ib syndrome 12:44 - xplsv drhhea (ae rmx) 3:22
  16. Germans have it easy, of course. They blew through their entire allotment of dumbness in one go. Everyone else spreads it out a bit more.
  17. What is it with Anglo-Saxons and their willfully voting to ruin themselves? ?
  18. If Al Capone's cell in the Eastern State Penitentiary in Philadelphia (you can go sightseeing there now) is any indication, his quarters will be small but comfortable: https://www.easternstate.org/explore/exhibits/al-capones-cell
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