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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dcom

  1. I agree, there's a definite hypnagogic/hypnapompic quality to this release, but as soon as you wake up or fall asleep, it evaporates.
  2. My pet peeve with Burial is that he's so consistent, he's consistently catering to those accustomed and acclimated to his style and sound, and there's no sense of adventure, just nodding off to nostalgia. He's got his signature style, but after that it's mostly just variations on a theme, a one trick pony. Don't get me wrong, Burial is still way, way up there with his compositions, arrangements and style, but wouldn't you rather be surprised than comforted?
  3. After two thorough listens I doubt I'll ever listen to this again. I love the albums and a handful of the EPs (Tunes 2011-2019 is more than enough of that), the ambient bits work when part of a whole, but to me, they don't carry that well on their own for 45 minutes.
  4. Yes, and that release is from 2006, the release dates on Herb's Bandcamp are not what they should be.
  5. Here's a selection of albums from Bandcamp that caught my attention and ear in 2021; with the exception of the first one, I've culled compilations. I bought almost a thousand releases (I don't do single tracks) during the year, about 20 % physical (CDs and vinyl), but a third was disqualified because they were not released in 2021. The list is not exhaustive or in any particular order, and I apologise for filter failure - I hate making preference-based ordered lists.
  6. Encanto was supposed to be the best new Disney feature-length since Frozen - but no, it isn't. It's not a complete disaster, but yet another Lin-Manuel Miranda vehicle, the songs are easily forgotten, the plot rather forced, simple harmless waste of time. Ron's Gone Wrong, also on Disney+, was way more entertaining than Encanto - more personality, more fun, more laughs, somewhat off-kilter and less bland as most animation features are. Worth watching. Don't Look Up was cringy in a good way, I actually moaned with frustration due to the over-the-top depiction of modern societal idiocy. Ghostbusters: Afterlife, well, yeah, no. Goosebumps in disguise, riding on the coattails of 80s brand cinema nostalgia. Watch once with prejudice.
  7. It's been 19 days since we tested positive; isolated completely for 10 days, ordered foodstuffs and pharmaceuticals with home delivery. Both adults (w/ two shots) had medium-severity sniffles, minor throat issues and a sporadic cough, slight fever, no loss of taste or smell; 1y10m kid had a bit more severe symptoms, fever peaked at 39.5 C/103 F during a couple of nights, rather nasty nasal/sinus congestion and coughing. I home-tested negative after 7 days, SO was still positive at that point. None of us have any symptoms anymore, so we got off easy. Infection numbers are still breaking all previous records here in Finland due to omicron, but healthcare is managing it - there hasn't been a huge surge of patients requiring hospitalization, most probably due to almost 84 % of the over-12y population being vaccinated twice, almost 88 % at least once, third round ongoing at about 25 % - most infections are like ours, nothing too severe and manageable in home isolation.
  8. Because It Doesn't Matter™.
  9. I'm not dumping on anything, I simply stated that I'm unable to appreciate or enjoy his music, that doesn't take anything away from you - but can you elaborate on why you enjoy his music and what makes Samurai Math Beats an IDM classic?
  10. I have most of Bogdan Raczynski's releases on RePHLeX, but even with repeated exposure, I've never been able to get into a frame of mind where I would appreciate, let alone enjoy, his music - which I find mostly so irritating I've probably listened to the first five albums completely only once (I always give all new records at least one listen-through). So why do I have them? Because I bought all things RePHLeX without question until I noticed that wasn't a smart strategy, and stopped. But I'd love to hear from people who like his output - why and wherefore you like it?
  11. That is an altogether much underappreciated album, as well as their brilliant video work on Commercial Entertainment Product, which actually predates the Telecommunication Breakdown album by three years. Both extremely highly recommended.
  12. Wouldn't that be ν ?
  13. Better new year's wishes to all of WATMM: be as I as you can, D like no-one's watching to M no-one else cares about.
  14. Here's one of my all-time favourites from the category in question: Unknown Entity - Raging Horn. The breakdown at 3:25, the closed hihats and the open hihat accents are just brilliant. Also, to stay within the confines of WATMM, it blends well with AFX's Elephant Song. I've got other things on my palette at the moment, but I'll post a collection from this category at some point.
  15. You probably mean techno that doesn't have a kick on every downbeat (the 1st of the bar) but off-beat, syncopated, cross-rhythm, polymeter? If so, you're after my specialty and I can easily inundate you with what I've got.
  16. Dubby ambient techno & electronics, PWYW. Recommended.
  17. Generative and modular weirdness from the artist also known as Proswell. Recommended.
  18. Wide-ranging collection of electronics and other more or less experimental fare. Recommended.
  19. It's called Litmus Eve, and it's out now. £5.
  20. The dubplates are out, £24.99 a piece - way, way too spicy even for me for a single-track lathe-cut 10".
  21. Joan Didion has died at 87. (LitHub) If you don't know her work, you should.
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