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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dcom

  1. Tati was a genius of understated comedy. You'll have to watch everything he's made several times to catch everything that's going on. Check out The School For Postmen and especially Evening Classes, it's amazing. Mon Oncle is probably my favourite, but all his work is brilliant.
  2. Audacity is my weapon of choice, has been for a long time. I've recorded and/or edited all my sets on it. It's great.
  3. Cut the midrange, drop the bass?
  4. Chilled IDM album from D-Fried, melodies spiced with jittery-skittery rhythms. Recommended.
  5. Breaks, beats, drums, bass, melodies, IDM, variety. Brilliant first compilation from Dyadik, highly recommended.
  6. Cugly. Not to be confused with fugly or bugly. There's one for almost all starting consonants, you can probably guess what nugly is, let's not even touch that.
  7. You are actually watching inane bollocks like that? I'm burning out synapses by just scrolling past them.
  8. Breviceps Macrops, the GTFO frog. They're small, and they hate you so much they squeak.
  9. Yeah and with slash-your-wrists lyrics about joining the 27 club by shooting yourself when you turn 27... not very Eurovision.
  10. Iceland was the best of this lot, now they're doing something bizarre to the tune of Albignoni's Adagio. I like Yngwie Malmsteen's version better.
  11. My (Ch-Vox) Redux was missing the download card, I contacted Bleep (Ochre) about it and they "credited" me with the download on my account on Bleep - although I had it already when I bought the bundle - and marked the issue settled. I'm expecting a code to replace the card, if they don't deliver, that's just cheap. I'm always giving the extra codes out to friends who I think would like the music.
  12. I was thinking the same thing, but that wasn't outrun, synth or any other wave. It was crap.
  13. But still... have to watch.
  14. Fantastic first release for this Distant Worlds sublabel - currently, alas, vinyl only. Recommended.
  15. Immortal - Indian Evil Bass Prodigy. 14 years old.
  16. I've heard this performed so many times it's ridiculous, but for Finns it's of the utmost importance. It's actually a protest piece against increasing Russian censorship. Play it to a Finn and they will be silent and still for the whole duration, and you'd better make sure you do, too. I like the hymn version better than the instrumental. Everything about this piece is amazing - this version is a bit fast, though.
  17. Inkipak's second album, now out on Mighty Force. Beautiful breakbeat driven melodic electronics and some acid, highly recommended.
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