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Satans Little Helper

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Everything posted by Satans Little Helper

  1. It's you. If nobody seems to notice, it's because you didn't make a thread about it. Or, if you did, people noticed but didn't like it. Shit happens. /rocket science
  2. Ha, funny! They typed some stuff about this over at fivethirtyeight https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/still-unsure-about-getting-the-covid-19-vaccine-start-here/
  3. That's the medical perspective. Our friend Claudius though, has watched a bunch of Brett Weinstein video's. Brett's critique, besides the medical one is also about the impact at the "complex system" level. Which is basically the impact on the environment where this virus resides and evolves/mutates. Claudius mate, please correct me if I'm wrong. I believe Brett has admitted he doesn't know whether or not it would have lasting negative impact. He's only speculating. But I admit I stopped following him in his anti-mRNA vids.
  4. Here's a silly idea: lets not conflate getting a vaxxin (mRNA or other) with speculations about the need of a booster, or a yearly vaxx shot. Those are two very different discussions. And given the fact/result that the current vaxxines have an 8 times lower change of getting covid (delta variant) compared to unvaxxinated, I think we're still safe in a one time no booster scenario. If you want to speculate and all that, fine. But please do a better job at clarifying yourself next time. And sure, perhaps it's best if everyone just got a onetime (2 injections) vaxx without boosters and all that. People with a weaker immune system might belong in a different scenario, but the general population should be fine. Given the 90% reduction of ending up in the hospital when people are vaxxinated (but get covid nevertheless). If they don't end up in hospital, I have no issue with one time vaxx and allowing the natural immune system to sort itself out in the future.
  5. Wait, are we back to "Covid is a flu"? Or rather "just a flu". OK, sceptics tend to be all over the place, imo. Not an anti-vaxxer but the mRNA thing basically "destroys you natural immune system". (I'm still OK, btw. Thank you very much for your concerns wrt my immune system. Appreciated) And covid is just a flu. No biggy. Have we got more flavors? Sure, there's no sign the healthcare system risks overloading when this thing is on the loose in a population. My apologies for putting sceptics in the same box as the 5G/magnetic/cant get kids/autism/Qanon crowd.
  6. Please refresh my memory, but didn't you say earlier on that you weren't an anti-vaxxer? Your argument was that the mRNA vaxxs require more research before they can be safely used on a larger scale, right? "Destroying your natural immune systems" sounds like stereotypical anti-vaxxer garbage. If you're not an anti-vaxxer, stick to your original arguments please. Either that, or where that garbage tinfoil headwear with the misplaced pride which naturally comes along with it.
  7. Thx for the tip! Must say that I like this label. (didn't know it until your post) A lot of dancefloor friendly soulful techno. Sprinkled with a bit of electro here and there. But generally good tunes. Lovely stuff!
  8. O, I misread. I thought you meant how long ago they were put up. Yeah OK. Fair enough. Still though, never hurts to buy fast. ? You never know how long they will be available (even though the prada tracks didn't make it longer than a day)
  9. Both? Acid king is newer I believe!? Syntax I thought was newer as well, but I already had it. (just like those prada/etc tracks) Syntax was good. Acid King, I agree there's too much Substance Abuse in there. In the end, only grabbed the stripped mix of the bunch. Couldn't be arsed to grab it in its entirety. Too much of the same. In the end it's better to regard it as a new substance abuse remix, imo.
  10. Again, I think this is in the process of changing. Because of the reasons mentioned. Consequences will be felt, regardless of wealth. And therefore urgency will change.
  11. Whatever the why, buy fast before these might be set to private as well!
  12. Not necessarily though. I don't think the "the rich have no urgency to change because they don't experience the problems" narrative is still a strong one. (it was perhaps, but things change, imo) Forest fires in a rich country could be - and are, I would argue - just as devastating and life threatening as in a poor country, as an example. And we've seen plenty of those already. (And seeing - Turkey, Greece..) Or those recent floods in Germany? Living in a modern western society could give a false sense of safety, I guess. But it doesn't take much for those privileges to be taken away. Nature doesn't give a F#ck. To a certain extent money can temporarily provide some help, but dealing with those massive forest fires or floods...I don't think a rich country can just buy itself out of those. And if it does, it requires a lot of money. And there comes a point where prevention is way cheaper, if you catch my drift. Or in other words, I expect the dynamics of the political discussion to change. We don't live in a static world. The climate's changing. But the political dimension is also changing. It might not be fast enough, but that doesn't mean it isn't changing.
  13. The amount of sceptics will shrink though. At least, I think it will. But regardless, they'll still be very vocal. It only takes a couple of sceptics to make a lot of noise. *puts on noise reduction headphones..* But hey, at least we're going towards a 4,4 degrees hotter if we don't change. I think we're working hard towards a solution for overpopulation. Just shrink the size of humanity by making the planet less inhabitable. The human race will sort itself out. *and sunglasses*
  14. F Yeah! Been waiting for this a looooong time. Finally. My birthday is early this year. ? instabought
  15. No. This is so generic, I can't even put you in a direction. Normally, year or label/country or something. But this sounds really generic. Don't mean to be so negative, but there isn't much to distinguish these tracks from others. And it sounds familiar. But in a bad way, I'm afraid. Sorry.
  16. There was a CDC presentation leaked recently which talked about the new delta variant. And amongst other things, the effect of being vaccinated. Essentially, the main idea is that vaccines are still the number one solution to prevent the pandemic to get worse. But given delta, it will be more difficult to get this message across, as vaccinated people can still get covid (still 8 times less likely than unvaccinated). And when they get it, they can spread it just like unvaccinated people. But the time they can spread it is roughly half the time compared to people who are not vaccinated. Or, in other words, it's still important to get vaccinated, but it will be harder to convince people to get vaccinated (because of more people who are vaccinated risking getting covid anyways). I've read a couple of articles saying this delta variant might be a game changer. (source: https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2021/07/29/cdc-mask-guidance/) (document: https://www.washingtonpost.com/context/cdc-breakthrough-infections/94390e3a-5e45-44a5-ac40-2744e4e25f2e/)
  17. In all seriousness though. And I mean ALL seriousness. This could not be considered a well-desgined RCT. Because the control group, the anti-vaxxers, are not just a random group. There seems to be a huge selection bias. It's mostly ..euh... very particular people. With valid concerns. And nice tinfoil hats.
  18. But how would they know those voyagers were sent at them specifically? It's a message in a bottle. Not directed at anyone in particular. Must be a rapey sort of aliens to think like that. Scary. I hope it's fake!
  19. OK, this would imply the aliens to live in our very own solar system. As both voyagers haven't been past the van-oort cloud at this point in time. Takes another 300 years to reach it even. /actually
  20. Had my second pfizer 5G shot almost two weeks ago (2 weeks coming Thursday) and must say I didn't notice anything besides a sore shoulder this time. So no noticeable side-effects for me. Either already I had covid without knowing. Or I'm just lucky not to have those side-effect others seemed to have. My new magnetic powers are awesome though!
  21. And he died with an actual corona on his head! O-M-G!!! Jesus died "with" cornona! Repent christian, or you will have the same fate!
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