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Everything posted by perunamuusi

  1. Hudsucker Proxy is one of the Coen's best imho. And is anyone genuinely surprised that Tenet is a bad film? Did you not see Inception?
  2. GESCOM (& VLR!)
  3. Mainly the 1st 6 Byrds albums on 3 C90s that my mate gave me. And a +1 for this...
  4. I've known lots of 3 legged cats and dogs All of them were lovely And one of them was called Tripod
  5. Berk was originally Cockney Rhyming Slang for Cunt (abbreviation of Berkshire/Berkeley Hunt)
  6. There is often a very wide difference between what one means and what another infers As for that link you posted.... not actually sure if you were joking or not now
  7. Prince "Ballad of Dorothy Parker" peak linndrum. Nitro Deluxe "this brutal house" simple but brilliant twist on basic house hat pattern Solomon Angelo
  8. Marquee Moon. Especially the 2nd half.
  9. It's true that all the best music wouldn't have been made without drugs though. Don't really get your point about the beatles either... (And you spelt loser incorrectly)
  10. Transfarmers Two hours of the life of two post-op transsexual farm owners.
  11. https://m.mixcloud.com/WeMerecords/sound-aesthetics-11-fred-de-chez-wémè-dionysian-mysteries Hot mix by Fred de Chez Wémè
  12. Beerwolf. Have you ever considered not being such a fucking simpleton?
  13. Jesus Fuck. This closing track is too much. I have to kill myself to this immediately.
  14. Finally the full length Altibzz LP i always dreamed of
  15. Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. (Is that what it's called?) The new/last Tarantino film. Crap. Looked nice. The scene where they are watching DiCaprio on the telly was good. 2 hrs of nothing to set up the moronic and obvious finale. Total waste of everybody's time. Blackkklansman. OK sorry Quentin. This was a lot worse than your movie. Top Gun. Never seen this before. Pretty wholesome stuff. Didn't really know what was going on in the flying bits. Love the Volleyball stuff. Contemplating watching Cocktail now. Birds of Passage. Excellent.
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