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Everything posted by cichlisuite

  1. This is a copypaste from a NYT article I believe
  2. some people have headlights angled upwards, a dick move for sure, but even if they're not set higher, they are noticeably brightner. where H7 bulbs could already be blinding, the LEDs are even more so i was beginning to think about specially tinted (or polarized) windshields that absorb the excessive light so it doesn't come through to the eyes, but i don't know if those exist already... probably with some newer expensive cars idk
  3. these new LED lights on cars blind the shit out of me when driving at night, somehow it's even worse on a rainy night when raindrops and reflections disperse light everywhere. didn't the manufacturers test this stuff before rolling it out? sometimes when faced with an incoming column of modern SUVs i just grab the wheel and hope for the best
  4. he was, it's just that his IRL vanity influences his show character i guess, idk maybe i'm wrong
  5. Jerry is indeed the worst, sometimes it seems as if he is the same IRL which is even worse. I get the feeling that Costanza and Kramer are the schadefreude of Elaine and Jerry, when all the characters are supposed to be these silly caricatures with various social disfunctions. I tend to think that IRL Jerry influenced David to write him as the better person who always knows better and gets the hottest women just to satisfy his ego and that his vanity got the better part of his show character. There are not many scenes where Jerry is the flawed guy when all others are. Beside Costanza and Kramer, the side characters are also hillarious, like Newman, Peterman, Frank Costanza, and uncle Leo. Pure comedy gold.
  6. i see, it's the controversy dollar
  7. i'm thinking of diving into this breaking bad and better call saul craze, but on the other hand i'm kind of tired of watching psychopaths, i mean, just look at politics these days i watched some clips on yt, and that Lalo character is really something. or don "frunk" eladio, lol
  8. aim for the moon, land between the stars, etc or when the tongue in cheek sometimes is the whole basis or motivation for creating stuff in the first place. this reminds me of when i was running the gamut of european avantgarde and eventually stumbled upon some weird flicks that i guess i could describe as soft porn disguised as avant garde or vice versa idk lol, not quite giallo, but trashy in its own way. Tinto Brass was one of those more prominent guys that were riding that edge, and it's when i realized i had reached and exceeded the boundaries of a genre. 60s and 70s was a wild time
  9. don't they all do that? directors, i mean i remember seeing a gif of scarlet johanson on her knees with someone squeezing her cheeks and she opened her mouth and the director framed the shot showing the man standing over her like doing... you know what lol don't know what movie was that from though
  10. I see you've found the Mosfilm channel. Many gems there. Also Zerkalo (The Mirror), my favorite Tarkovski film
  11. I knew this from the start, it's so obvious. AI research getting the most financing and being the hottest new thing rushing R&D with intense focus, despite numerous other fields that would do well with the attention and financing the AI field is receiving. The disinformation can also be highly personalized, catering to the personalized interests, ideologies, fears, filtering out content that would let you see outside your bubble -- forever walled in. AI bots creating traffic and relevancy in threads, discussions, articles -- creating hype for advertising and political campaigns. Disrupting ideology so that sane people will become isolated in a sea of idiocracy and manufactured reality. The western civilization is already living in this volatile ideology bubble based on fabricated history and present. Now this ideology can be enforced with autonomous armed robots, guided weapons, drones, satellites, web crawlers, spyware... yes, world ruled by psychopats whose greed will enslave the entire human race. And we will embrace everything gradually, because technology and innovation is so cool and shiny new, and convenient, and yadayada
  12. Good opportunities for China as well, I gather. And btw, Adobe subscription model is only good for milking money out of their monopolistic position. I'm still hoping for the day that some similar industry-standard type of software comes on Linux. Then I say a sweet goodbye to Adobe and Windows for ever. I strongly suspect there is some kind of cartel agreement between nVidia, Adobe and Microsoft.
  13. When typesetting a book, and the chapter ends with just 4 to 5 lines of text on a blank page, not enough to break a line somewhere and push the text down by a line or two, but too much to squeeze it somewhere in by tricks on a previous page it just makes me miserable and want to curl up in a bush somewhere and sleep the rest of the day off, then change my career.
  14. the black market for luxury items will be booming again soon in russia the history repeats the whole thing is so ridiculous i can't even
  15. better than latrine le pen or that gargamel giftzwerg i mean nazi rats are coming out from the below decks everywhere in the world... i guess the ship is sinking?
  16. Is it possible to donate karma? If it is, I will gladly do so. I liked reddit at first, but it's just the same old circlejerk. The whole format is designed for threads to bury quickly so no discussions can develop over time, except for the first 12 hours. There's a lot of repeating. Just to show how unimaginative reddit is, all subreddits that aggregate interesting content are called porn something, so I have ArtPorn, ArchitecturePorn, DesignPorn, AbandonedPorn, BookPorn, etc porn is not intellectually stimulating or innovative, it's not pretty, or gorgeous, or sophisticated, it's not something you want to devote your life to and surround/immerse yourself with lol
  17. hawtin also had some solid dj projects back in the day with John Aquaviva, Decks EFX & 909 and DE9, that stuff was inspiring, then he collaborated on Final Scratch (which offered some interesting mash-up possibilities), but then he moved to Berlin and became too übercoolische, that m_nus label was shit, shared a flat with a bunch of hipsters while Magda made the tea, and good drugs fried his brain and creativity, which led to this piano over Consumed
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