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Everything posted by cichlisuite

  1. No. Have you? - Private Vasquez Maybe we can build a fire, sing a couple of songs, eh? Why don't we try that?! - Burke
  2. Yo! Stop your grinin' and drop your linen. We found them. - private Hudson
  3. We're on the express elevator to hell. Going down! Woooooo!!! - private Hudson
  4. Secure that shit, Hudson. - Sgt. Apone
  5. interesting. it seems the production was in trouble and the final movie deviated from the original vision. i'll check it out. thanks.
  6. the island of dr. moreau this has been on my list forever, mostly because of brando. the story synopsis never intrigued me enough to watch it with anticipation, and then i completely forgot about it. i admit, the val kilmer thread reminded me of this movie, and since i really had nothing better to do, i searched yt, and bam, there it is, a complete version. oh boy, what a madness. when douglas witnessed the shit on the island the movie kind of got hilarious to me, i just couldn't take it seriously (why they never showed the pregnant monster anymore?!). everything was just so cartoonish, especially the way that actor played douglas. i though it was supposed to be goofy, or something, and the way brando portrayed dr. moreau did not help with this first impression. he did a marvelous job, btw, really enjoyed it. but then the message of the movie started to seep through, i thought, sheeeet, this is on point. i really liked the ending.
  7. there's a whole minute of chirping intermission in the middle. what do you think about it @Alcofribas?
  8. well he is dingformung forming things that much german i know
  9. jfk: ich bin ein berliner jerry horne: we are all icelanders dingamformul: we are all muslims
  10. I know of and have experienced the most cringe. But if I tell anyone, the sudden concentration of cringe induced can be lethal. I can't take such responsibility. Sorry.
  11. As i write a post on mobile, and when the text is longer than the screen size, setting the cursor (tapping into the text editor) somewhere else in the text makes the view jump back on top of the editor. Is this happening to anyone else?
  12. It applies to all political organisations, as well as other managerial and social structures that directly benefit or otherwise operate aligned with politics. Even if you somehow eliminate all inside corruption, individuals operating with information and liaisons across the power structure for their personal benefit (abuse of power), nepotism, installing incompetent people in key power positions, censorship and manufacturing of truth and consent, etc (and that's saying a lot and is practically impossible atm), you still have the foreign policy which ranges from mistrust, caution (the tamer ones) to hate (genocides). Foreign policy is simply an extension or manifestation of internal politics. In case of usa, its hegemony and aggression after ww2 launched it far ahead of others, but it also pretty much set the game rules. Now any nation that will want to challenge usa domination, even if it has perfect intentions, its means would have to be belligerent.
  13. it's not misanthropic, i specifically aimed it at political entities didn't i? (you're proving my observation correct i see) i say that politics (as a profession) attract a certain calibre of people (there are very few exceptions), specially in latest decades, that are completely devoid of integrity, moral courage and wisdom, and they are even proud of it - as a sort of "this is our domain, and our dealings are not for the faint-hearted" kind of hubris shtick, unaware of the enormous irony that is generated with that. count in the crooks across the system, then apply what i just said about politicians globally, and you can see that this 'game' kind of perpetuates itself, that has lost all scope and meaning. these people will gladly tell you how ugly "the truth" is, and that many don't have the stomach to take decisions that will affect billions of people. there are no feasible political and systematic alternatives as long as we will allow immoral people to get away with shit, and no one can stop them but us, who are so easily comforted in every-day struggle. unfortunately, we (as people) are losing our foothold, and the only way to regain it will be through blood, and that is not a good prospect in any way.
  14. it makes little sense to your context (because you also often project your own image on your mental constructs and therefore tend to take things personally) i give you that, but otherwise it's a completely valid statement. i was trying to say that all political entities are rotten, and no, that doesn't mean usa is exempt of that
  15. laying a frozen thing directly on skin? intuitively i don't like this idea, but for the sake of science i will try it the thing is, i was trying to generate a draft through the house by opening all outside doors on all sides of the house (the house, of course, has four sides, but only two are 'doored'...) so maybe create even a slight breeze, but the air is still, and it's not working. it has worked in the past, just not now, and it kinda sucks. well, it doesn't really suck (air), it just sucks (as a state of matters). maybe because of this, this is no longer a first world problem, and apart from the threat of the lions and scorpions, i'm living in third world conditions... so... yeah... as a novelty seeker, it sure makes an interesting experience. i've read on this subject, and also talked to some knowledgeable people, and they all say it's slowly going to get worse. more fast-changing weather pattern extremes, drought, followed by intense rain periods that will get increasingly irregular, increased carbon dioxide, until eventually the temperature will plummet, and then much further down the line a new ice age will be upon us
  16. in this colourful world of self-interest and power-fetishism with no means barred to satisfy it, everyone is equally unworthy of respect
  17. Well good for you mate, i'm sitting here with no AC in my boxer shorts, and i don't dare turning on the computer as it will only get hotter, with its fans working loudly even when idling. 39 degrees celsium here, and i slept with a damp towly on my chest
  18. Tom Jenkinson in Alan Partridge style docu-drama with nothing really interesting happening
  19. 1. Read the rules 2. Jots it down 3. Live by the rules 4. Shitpost gangbanger 5. Public meltdown imminent 6. Realized it's just a music forum 7. "Cheers m8" 8. Batcock witness 9. Jazzband connoisseur 10. Ice Water with Ice 11. Order of the Burger 12. Actually makes tracks 13. Dank Dungeon Master 14. Most IDM
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