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Everything posted by cichlisuite

  1. if you need to use a chainsaw on a regular basis then by all means get it. it should last you at least your lifetime if you take care of it. if i learned anything from my father is that tools should be one-time investment for a man. my father specially prides himself having tools his father gave him, and some even from his grandfather ~100 years old. on the other hand, if cutting trees is just once in a blue moon for you it might be better to simply borrow one.
  2. if you put a finger on the picture to cover right side of his face, you see on the left the Jeff in control, and if you cover the left side you see the Jeff who can't quite grasp the situation he is in.
  3. a car is nothing but an expense. a necessary one sometimes.
  4. oh there will be plenty of things for the society to pointlessly fuss over: your brain chip apps, mods, hacks will be the next big thing, smart appliances and cars, all 20 billion earth-dwellers having each their own patreon, elon musk, then you have 170 genders to choose from... more elon musk... your brainchip coming with a pre-installed grimes album will be the next outrageous thing the legal system will trip over... i mean the future is...
  5. as @user said about the basics - set and setting - and i agree that you can be alone and it's completely safe, and in my personal opinion, offers best experience (if you're reasonable with doses). just be a friend with yourself, i bet after this you'll be even greater friend with yourself. if you have a good friend you feel relaxed around it can be a great experience for both. i have fond memories making music with a friend. being in nature is absolute best, as you can tune in, and you're instantly synced: it's where you come from and belong. some planning ahead is welcome: water, a spliff or two is a really great tuner overall, just don't mix with too much other stuff: a beer is nice though. i only had a couple of experiences with lsd and shrooms each, because in my experience i don't need it so much, and i think no one really needs to indulge in this.
  6. go into a bush, then wash in the river dude it's summer don't be so überkoolische, take a stroll with Alice on the riverbanks, explore the undergrowth, climb a tree and sing some pavarotti, ride the whirlwind, then discuss how all matter is condensed to a slow vibration etc with a random grandpa sitting in the park, live laugh love
  7. yeah lol somehow he reminded me of alan partridge character and i can't quite pin it down why
  8. lol how TimJ became the de facto dingmungformungung neutralizer. A proof of inherent property of the Universe to always seek balance.
  9. dude you aren't kidding, those are impressive climbs and nice photos. you do any acclimatization climbs on these high peaks or you just bolt it to the top? these high climbs are whole different ball game in terms of logistics, planning and preparation than what i'm doing. knowledge and skill is also very important as is care for safety, and, as you said, you really must know what you're doing, and never half-ass your way forward. it could cost you your life. i love mountains - been hiking and climbing since i was a kid, then been to alpine school where we learned knots and handling rope, done many rocky climbing/hiking, specially when i was in the army (draft program - mountain regiment). it's special, i love it, and the people too. i always meet the most interesting people when i'm in the mountains, people and the nature, these two things. that's why indoor climbing never got my interest. i have recently (last 10 years), discovered off-track hiking / climbing, pathfinding with compass and a map. it brings so much enjoyment because i can feel like a first-time explorer, and it's really my thing. i "pitched" a bivouac in some strange places, but never in a extreme climate such as 5000+m altitude. the highest i've been is just a couple meters shy of 3000, but most of them range in 2000-2500. oh but they are beautiful. no wonder the Julian Alps inspired such a rich 100-year-old mountaineering culture. it's not so much about altitude with me as it's about going really off-"road" and finding beautiful stuff and passages / routes.
  10. since all of this just started, i would like to acquire a large piece of real estate.... a habitable planet, means of transportation, 150 prime women and some scientists. please send papers to sign immediately
  11. i do that irl sometimes tho ngl tbh
  12. In the year 2222 the world could live in peace and harmony and love, and the school books would say "the ideas for this type of government was forged on a music discussion board in year 2021" but y'all playin
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