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Everything posted by cichlisuite

  1. obviously he wanted to talk about more than one aspect of violence against children
  2. Didn't buy the road tax vignette this year, so most of the time I was avoiding highways, or if I drove on highway, I picked days when the chance of running into patrols was minimal (calculated luck of some sorts). It worked for 10 months, but on friday my luck ran out, and now I have to pay the fine, which is higher than if I payed for the tax in the first place. So yeah, I'm a supreme idiot lol.
  3. ^ that table looks like it's gonna tip over any moment now
  4. What I really disliked about whatsapp was that anyone in my contacts suddenly felt the liberty to message me anytime about anything. It wouldn't be that bad if it wasn't for some of the clients. Next thing I know I'm getting flooded with related and unrelated messages and links they wanted to share. ffs, I had to find a polite way to tell them that this is my private "channel" that I didn't intend to use it for business. I installed it for ONE friend from US to keep in touch. I felt like one of the clients was a bit surprised about it, so I just deleted the damn app from my phone.
  5. is that the only swaeter saen owns?
  6. yeah, it's a very good piece I enjoyed very much. But The Sorcerer was not based on Clouzot's WoF film, but rather on the book. It's the author's own interpretation of the book.
  7. I agree. The 1992 Artificial Intelligence was better.
  8. lol I remember watching some videos of Parliament discussions when Brexit was going on, and that bald fella next to Boris always struck me as the most suspicious guy ever
  9. they will come with darkness- and wall-penetrating cameras, targeting mechanisms and tasers and guns, fast "thinking", swift and agile movement, armored chassis, funded by tax payer money, so if we destroy them, we will pay for new replacements and thrown into jail. Everywhere miserable labor peoples living paycheck to paycheck with no prosperity or hope. Everyone will want to be rich: actors, models, but the rich will only be seen on TVs, living far away from our eyes, traveling in private aircraft city-to-city, continent-to-continent, only in high rises, never on the dirty streets. Resorts sparse and unreachable, nature destroyed, artificial food in cubes... yes, future!
  10. ^ this shit just makes me miserable as fuck, I don't want it to, but there it is. Even with my sparse internet diet I can't avoid it. if it's just an "art installation to provoke" or if it's a legit prototype, same shit. We know where this is going. I know why investments in AI and robotics are so hot right now. The sci-fi or "dystopian near future" movies were a wet dream and a goal. The paths are converging. It makes me miserable and angry. Humanity is trash. I hope I'm overreacting, but I know I'm not.
  11. After getting all that firewood into the pen, me an my sister were fooling around with the wheelbarrow. Then I climbed into the wheelbarrow and she "drove" me around the yard, but left me on an incline, so when I tried to get out, the wheelbarrow tipped over and I rolled out, but I landed at a weird angle just below my neck and now my muscles hurt like shit when I tilt my head upwards. So I'm walking around slouched, and turning around with the whole body like some hunchback of Notre Damme. Sucks being old.
  12. it's plasma, much like the rest of the lightning, if by the tip you mean the point that connects to the ground, as the overall phenomena is more instantaneous in nature
  13. that's really sad. The man had a unique sound
  14. There's so much bad music, just tune in your local pop radio station and you'll be showered with bad music 24/7 Whatever teens are listening to nowadays. Everything with autotune in it, and those sharpie-pen-faced rappers
  15. once upon a time... 01. Andre Holland - unabomber / Interstellar Fugitives [UR-045] 02. Marc Floyd - the safety is off / Condition Red [UR-043] 03. UR - code red / Acid Rain III [UR-028] 04. UR - nannytown / Interstellar Fugitives [UR-045] 05. Remote - protecting my hive / The Swarm [UR-048] 06. Mad Mike - moor horseman on bolarus 5 / Interstellar Fugitives [UR-045] 07. Perception - mirage / Interstellar Fugitives [UR-045] 08. Mad Mike - metamorphisis / Galaxy 2 Galaxy [UR-025] 09. Andre Holland - I'm in / The Infiltrator [UR-039] 10. Marc Floyd - wobbler / Condition Red [UR-043] 11. Chameleon - re:con / Hidden In Plainsight [UR-050] 12. Drexciya - bubble metropolis / Bubble Metropolis [UR-026] 13. The Infiltrator - thought 1 / Interstellar Fugitives [UR-045] 14. Drexciya - Smokey's illegitimate report / The Return Of Drexciya [UR-037] 15. The Suburban Knight - nocturbulous / Nocturbulous Behaviour [UR-011] 16. Octave One - day star rising [UR-015] 17. The Suburban Knight - infra red spectrum / Nocturbulous Behaviour [UR-011] 18. UR - the mighty asteroids of Jupiter / Acid Rain III [UR-028] 19. Mad Mike - base camp alpha 808 / The Final Frontier [UR-003] 20. DJ Rolando - the shining path / The Aztec Mystic [UR-035] 21. Dark Energy - black strategy / Hidden In Plainsight [UR-050] 22. The Suburban Knight - maroon / Interstellar Fugitives [UR-045] 23. UR - atomic witchdokta / Dark Energy [UR-029] 24. UR - electronic warfare / Electronic Warfare: the mixes [UR-034] 25. Mad Mike - the final frontier / The Final Frontier [UR-003] 26. UR - B2 / Codebreaker [UR-038] 27. Mad Mike - metamorphisis / Galaxy 2 Galaxy [UR-025] 28. The Suburban Knight - nitestrike / Hidden In Plainsight [UR-050]
  16. Finally got around watching The Wire, and I don't remember when it was the last time I hated a movie villain more than I did Marlo's crew. Man, Snoop and Chris are fucking monsters. Especially Snoop. I wanted to waste them myself, lol. The scene where they chased Michael (not sure it was him) into the abandoned building, and when he shot them I was like "Yeah boy, fucking get them!!" But it turned out they were just training him and had paint bullets... fuck. Amazing show in all aspects. It got me on a binge. Bunk Moreland is hillarious.
  17. That was a nice throwback. I completely forgot about this record, and I grooved on it plenty back in the day. Thanks.
  18. That 4th track really cuts the cord. I see that as very deliberate, like putting a watermark over a landscape painting. Still, I'm enjoying this album very much.
  19. yea, man. those "industry figures" need to figure some shit out.
  20. Of course it's out of place after Aliens. It's on Fiorina, while Hadley's Hope is on LV-426, duuuuuh! But seriously, I liked the setting of Alien 3. The movie is good, and it holds well in the Alien universe, imho.
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