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Everything posted by cichlisuite

  1. Except no one will. Robotics will make human robots obsolete, therefore becoming an unwanted surplus that will have to die off. signed, your faithful non-trickle-down economy
  2. lol @ hillary it's really funny how usa scrambles to put out the fire that is china now. subsidize domestic production growth... of course, the big capital is not going to put a penny into it. the tax payers will, by way of promising jobs which will be payed as low as possible. flol intel is already lobbying to make a factory in the eu. but of course eu will have to subsidize it, according to their memo. flol
  3. cynicism and mockery is steadily becoming the front line defense from any critical discussion
  4. No Artificial rolling lols don't work and you know it. It doesn't feel right
  5. 5 albums (impossible but ok) pharoah sanders - harvest time bach - sonatas and partitas for lute (hopkinson smith) ravel - daphnis et chloe nanae yoshimura - art of koto sun ra - sleeping beauty 5 books: how to survive on a desert island the definitive guide, 2nd revised edition flora and fauna of the desert island building seaworthy crafts from materials found on a desert island complete collection of music sheets of all composers do you really want to leave a desert island (a complete collection of greatest philosophy and literature of mankind) ~120000 pages 5 movies: leone's spaghetti westerns 1 tv show season: twin peaks probably (for the atmosphere and nostalgia) 5 games: chess 5 musical instruments: 808 a sampler a good synth, something complicated like CS80 piano gibson guitar 1 podcast meh
  6. not sure if you're being sarcastic(?) people live in many kinds of communities, or they just live their lives according to their own values in their own way, "silently", without forming a community, without promoting,.... people identify themselves by their immediate surroundings and ways of life, and are quite dismissive, if not hostile, to anything that challenges their ways, unfortunately. that is a common trait to all disparate schools of thought. so each remain in their own "island", or peering at each other over the protective walls. this fact serves well to those who want to keep the current system in place. it's a powerful tool of manipulation. i believe we (as a human race, if you will) are well past the ability to steer this huge ship into any kind of meaningful way. in this i'm quite pessimistic. communism is so tainted by history, malpractice, and so skewed through all sorts of propaganda that nobody really knows what it is, how to implement it, if it should be implemented, or if it ever existed. and judging how Inquisition-like are opponents to communism, I'd say their stance is nearer self-interest and repression than a will to form an inclusive (or should i say effective?) system whatever it might be (not necessarily communism or capitalism). so if i'm critical of capitalism, i'm a proponent of communism or vice versa? why do we have to evaluate things in these extremes? isn't there a way to pick good stuff from both theories and find a better solution? learn from mistakes? isn't this a common practice in all other fields of academia? the so-vaunted scientific theory? i believe this would indeed be the case if it wasn't for the wealth power centers that will cling to their power with whatever means necessary. it's quite medieval, "dark-agey" actually.
  7. Also count in that having many companies make basically same products (cars, phones, etc) produce huge amount of waste. Models that fall out of competition are sold at lower prices or even destroyed so that the manufacturing company can keep up its perceived value; this is horribly obvious with food production. Waste of materials and resources, manufacturing power, manpower, land... If the company continues to be bad at competition, it closes down, workers lose their jobs. Trees fell for nothing, water was poisoned for nothing... Looking back at where all these unwanted products went, and how much resources that company used in an effort to stay competitive it's even easier to see the wasted effort (and potential): discontinued products with no buyers, or owners cannot repair them because of lack of spare parts. Or how many competing products are only marginally better in specs, critical/key components are manufactures by a handful of specialized companies anyway. How much waste in materials (plastics, metals, water, power...) goes into making products that are nothing else but trash: promotional gifts and products: these have no other use but to relay information: "hey there's a new spiderman movie, build the hype", and end up on a landfill. Cheap fake plastic toys, or things that break and fall apart instead of serving a purpose: hand tools, power tools, clothes,... then enter planned obsolescence... It's quite paradoxical: capitalism really doesn't want competition, it seeks to eliminate it: the endgame is one huge umbrella corporation anyway. So why not use all that effort in a planned manner? It's made for people by people, shouldn't people own it? You can still have numerous scientific establishments (now employed in R&D departments) improving products to make them more efficient, invent new tech, better integrate with the environment. Academia of all kinds can be brought in for one common goal and progress towards a better future. It's not only the competition that makes technology advance: it's people with passion and vocation, same with leadership.
  8. That would be a poetic justice long overdue. Many US presidents and their lackeys as well. CIA directors and section leaders. Turncoat politicians. Think tank lobbyists. Bankers, IMFers and the rest of the bilderberg lot. Just throw them into work camps. Let them dig gutters with a shovel and a pick, live in tents and receive rationed baren food for the rest of their lives.
  9. gran ma phones! oh i get it, it all started with gran ma phones and they came up with smart phones. your all dumb
  10. The position is for a junior analyst I stumbled upon (not my area). The description wants to give an impression almost as if one would sit at strategic conferences with senior staff.
  11. edit: just stumbled upon this job ad for a junior position. It speaks for itself. The Benefits section has three points, the last one describing the only real benefit, and even that is highly questionable if it's a junior position. I mean, how is "working with innovative tech solutions" a benefit? I might be using double monitors and a custom software. Incredible. And I was afraid I will be scribbling my analysis on a piece of paper. Why I as a worker receive so little, but have to give so much? What does this tell us, oh wise watmmers?
  12. yea, sorry, language barrier and I read your post too quickly. I now know we are in agreement. lol sheeeeeit facepalming myself
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