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Everything posted by cichlisuite

  1. Came for saucy watmm gossip, found a culinary thread. Very vanilla, guys, disappooooointeeeeed
  2. It could as well be the logic board. I have 4 HDDs lying in my closet because of this. Lots of data lost forever, unless some miracle...
  3. Rather unusual to request your roommates to communicate their time of arrival, myself I've never seen this to be a common practice nor necessary tbh. But each have their own experience, and maybe in your case it's necessary, idk. Living with roommates is weird and can be quite frustrating, even if all involved are generally sensible human beings. What I learned is that apart from having strict rules, you should always adhere to them, no matter what. Once you slack, or make an exception, it's over quite quickly. What I mean is that you should make it a priority for yourself to always clean after yourself immediately. Have a schedule for cleaning the kitchen and bathroom thoroughly once a week and keep up the standard everyday and AFTER EVERY USE. That way you make an example, and keep the standard high.
  4. I think I know what's going on. Someone, or something wants to stop this human craze. Evergreen, get it? Could be the aliens. I wish I am right about this.
  5. this is probably the first song I've ever noticed as a kid in a world of noise made by grownups, and it still fills me with euphoria to this day: my sister and I would rock on Elvis for days on end this song has all the psychedelic groove there is talking heads are my goto feel good music this song is a bomb
  6. great, you've been there too i see, i managed to take a shot of the helix nebula as well on my way from the pegasus constellation, we probably missed each other by 10 au, dude next time give a holler
  7. Don't hide. Embrace the opportunity. Such events occur only once every 100 years.
  8. there was a time when I thought about starting such a thread. i could feel the pride for my thundering farts penetrating my conscience: i was on top of the world. gazing into the light, soothing in putrid methane substance that was once air, i realized that i am only but a vessel for a greater sire: the one that lives in billions inside my bowels, one that truly reigns this world. i am nothing compared to him; whose mysterious ways and ancient wisdom give birth to such thread-ripping thunders and thick, pure methane atmosphere that can kill, but also create life of its own. being so close to the creator drives people away in disgust, one's dwelling becomes a pit of stale despair.... and... if untreated, death by suffocation.
  9. What's heavier: 1 tonne of Zephyr' boredom, or Zephyr's logfile of swipe lefts?
  10. Oh man, i'm seriously jelly here, i want to go there. In fact i want to go to south america. How recent is that photo? The following is not much, but it's honest hike
  11. dack jorsey is selling his first tweet for several million $$ people are actually lining up to buy it . . .
  12. Personally I like Kill Bill and Jackie Brown the most. Pulp Fiction and Reservoir Dogs are cool, but I've seen them so many times. 4 Rooms had a nice idea, it reminded me of a theater play in some way, but in the end it turned out kind of bland, idk, only watched it once. Haven't watched Once Upon a Time in Hollywood yet. Inglorious Basterds was quite fun, but for some reason Brad Pitt's accent and character really bothered me, except when he was speaking Italian ("Grazy") - that was fucking hillarious. The whole theatre scene with Landa is very funny.
  13. Idk, to me JP seems like a guy who really believes the stuff he's selling, so maybe not a grifter but definitely a guy with a superority complex (i'm the guy who will save the modern man) which aligns well with his preaching (heavy individualusm and achieving). He is a clinical psychologist by profession so he probably had to seethe through much of troubled human psyche. That leaves a mark on a person who works in such environment despire how much one believes it cannot affect him. Inevitably he came to certain conclusions about how society should be structured and how people operate/ behave in it. He lacks wisdom and intellectual detachment (ironic as it is) or broadness or suppleness of mind that will allow him to stop looking at the world as a dog-eat-dog jungle. I mean he is clearly a product of his mind and environment: his "solution" is as narrow-minded and neo-liberal as it can get. And it sprung out of his narrow focus on a prehistoric human psyche trying to get the grips on the world of predatory success. However, articulators such as him (and that shapiro toddler) are very much needed in today's system (that's why they are given air time and platforms). They have to explain to the masses how the new feudalism works and how to function in it. They are the think tank for the layman.
  14. Testing up another covid set goddamn. No other sore throats and another mild symptoms. Skipping the way about every protocol I wish to lengthy hotline.
  15. this is indeed superb, thanks a bunch
  16. that voice modulation is awesome if it's on purpose
  17. the cabbage dillas if you look closely, rob is holding a mirror, and sean's face is the reflection of rob's face so you see they are one like aphex twins
  18. When I drive my car in speed higher than 120 km/h the sound of engine becomes very loud. But the sound is coming from only slight forward and below so I suspect it must be something wrong with the exhaust pipe, specifically where the pipe connects with the engine. I could describe the sound like a resonance of some sort. But who knows, the car has 280.000 km on it... On top of that, the left speaker channel on my vintage receiver stopped working. Awesome.
  19. you cannot separate the purpose of the technology's existence from direct consequences of its use. and you say you're against capitalism. .... incredible parable
  20. i'm not defending anything, apart from the environment, which we rape again and again. see, this is the fundamental problem with corporate thinking: you calculate "efficiency" in comparison to all the numerous layers of human exploitation of resources and call it "progress" or "development" or "achievement". meanwhile, it's still just another layer of excessive power demand on a system that is already strained to the breaking point. the baseline of such analysis is ever shifting upwards, obscuring the ever weakening foundations that it stands on. and if i use an analogy of tetris: instead of eliminating rudimentary layers beneath it and keep within manageable parameters, you stack one upon the other until it's GAME OVER.
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