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Everything posted by cichlisuite

  1. As far as I see it, the divide is manufactured (aka what was once marginalized is fueled and then exploited). The social architects have a wide smile on their face. People are able to coexist peacefully as long as you don't mention the war (politics). With social media shit is off the rails. It's a mind game, and the crowd loses its capacity for critical thinking proportionally to its size. As for the sport team rooting analogy, that's nothing new. It's all across the world in every country. The backdoor to this mass hysteria is the fact that none of the grown up white or blue collar workers really know what's going on; from his/her own life to domestic and global politics. All this confusion, broken dreams and promises and fear of unknown is teeming with desire for plausible answers. The backdoor: You can provide any "solution" to these questions and once it gets traction, all that existential angst is released. The larger the issue the more critical mass you acquire, and the more critical mass you acquire, the easier it is to manipulate. To what an end? Distribution of power. Behind a curtain new domestic and foreign policies are being ratified for a yet larger picture: USA is under threat. The Arsenal of Democracy (Roosevelt) is under threat, being outflanked by economic and technological rise of China. They already succeeded in stemming European Union (Brexit). As George Friedman once said: 1. Control the seas leading to North America 2. Prevent the rise of any power that could challenge that control. Namely any power that tries to unify Eurasia or East Asia. I think Trump got played like a violin. He never knew what he was doing, and he was put into place with a precise reason. Now the stage is a mess, and be observant how the pieces will be put back together.
  2. incredible. those two make a very effective team, i mean how fast they communicated the distraction and the attack on the armed robber. then just give the shotgun to the shop owner like "here buddy, deal with it." that shop owner sure had his nerves tested there
  3. Yeah, that's a nice porsche, no doubt. Braintree is in California if I'm not mistaken, which means no snow (and salted roads), and very little rain, so rust should not be a big concern. I also hear that in California there are many car enthusiasts taking really good care for the old cars and you can borrow/rent some, or buy them at a very high price. The Singer shop makes some pretty nice Porsche from ground up (refurbishing and also re-designing a bit). Very tasteful. I know I would be getting myself one of those if I had the money. I mean, just look at this beauty: So if you got the money go for it. However, it would do you good if you know your way into the engine and fix some stuff by yourself. It really depends on the condition of the vehicle how much money you're going to throw at it down the line. To afford a car like this it's not just the initial price tag, it's all the care and repair later. These cars are more for a sunday drive and not a daily commute.
  4. I've only discovered him a bit over a year ago and I've mostly listened to his stuff since. Very nice sound.
  5. NY 2020 I spent debating with a marxist economist with a phd and his revolutionary girlfriend and getting drunk on gin the year turned fruitless NY2021 was with my mother and my sister so this year we go back to the essentials
  6. that's why they get funding. corporate 'security'. popular culture is striving to convince us that this is the way to go..
  7. I know you meant that and I agree. But she's also good looking. oh did I say that aleady? ?
  8. ftfy I admit, I have a special attention reserved for women in music field, more so specifically in underground parts, I guess, because of their dont-give-a-fuck attitude, apart from talent. It's not always the men that impose certain expectations upon women and their choice of career/hobbies, it's also (other) women themselves. They need to break out from men's perception of womanhood, but also women's. And women can sometimes be even more visceral towards other women in this regard. It's kind of a "double break-out". Self-initiative, music taste and skill, enthusiasm, .... I mean, what's not to admire and respect here?
  9. When I walk on the sidewalk on any day when it's not snowing, people drive normally in their lanes. As soon as there is slush on the road, they steer a bit to the middle as if to get some distance between the sidewalk and the car. But the wheels hit the residue slush on the middle of the lane, squirting all that shit right onto my pants. I was soaked when I got home.
  10. Marry her, then she wont like like you as much anymore. Problem solved.
  11. OR a top secret military installation, more secret than area51, more secret than ever, even the illuminati doesn't know about it, drilled into solid granite, guarded with state-of-the-art tech and guns, cocky scientists doing experiments, arrogant suits running the show (and they've done it for years), eventually fucking everything up so shit hits the fan. throw in some hot love interest, a ex-SOF that knows how to handle the xenos, an android prototype having buggy software.... and you have yourself a Disney series
  12. You know what I fear most of this? An alien queen stomping the streets of LA or NY or smthng Like t-rex in Lost World even having a xenomorph hive in the NY undertunnels small-jawing some poor bums living there would be nothing short of catastrophic. Just leave the poor homeless people alone pls, the world fucked them enough. I bet a crate of beer that this will happen; poor, bland script, politically correct, just enough story development to copyright it (but bland enough so nothing really happens) with VSCO neo color tinting camera work, rising star actors frowning in close-up, and an alien brooding on top of some sky scrapper, looking down into the city lights, hissing, etc...
  13. I'd like to join the sleep complaint club as well. This year I sleep particularly bad. Some nights I get trouble falling asleep, and for the most part I figured it out: during the day, preoccupied with work and general distraction, I don't process the truly important thoughts - the existential ones. After a couple of years, I still haven't found a solution to some fundamental problems of my existence, and subconsciously, during the wake hours, I suppress them one way or another. But they come back alive once the mind begins to quiet down, which is right when I lay in my bed. So I really have to be mindful about these things, and it's almost like self-therapy at this point. I dread these existential questions. They seem pointlessly antagonistic and tough to crack. So whenever I finally fall asleep, I ALWAYS wake up after four hours, usually because of some weird and heavy dreams. I don't remember the last time I had pleasant, soothing dreams. Weed helps for a while, but I'm terrible with weed. When I have it, I smoke 4-6 joints per day and that becomes quite a drag after a couple of weeks. So I just don't buy it anymore. Chamomile and valeriana help sometimes, but aggressive thoughts can easily override the effects. On top of my own shit, my brain seem to love solving humanity problems, which is especially pointless, and nothing but a burden. This season I bought 10 cubic meters of firewood to chop it and chain-saw it myself. It's a sort of meditation, and helps a bit.
  14. alien blockbuster viral marketing has gone too far
  15. If you meet a bear in Canada, bear will say "sorry" and go on his way.
  16. if anyone here ever steamed himself in clubs, he/she might appreciate this toilet party and Helena delivers with another crazy transition at 1:27:25. I used to live for moments like these...
  17. It's proportional to the number of people starting bands in hope of upping their getting laid game
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