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Everything posted by cichlisuite

  1. the highlight of today was two guys, on bass and trumpet, playing Miles' All Blues in a small underpass leading into a park
  2. Since we share our DNA with plants, veganism IS cannibalism. Case closed.
  3. Interesting thing he said that he feels kind of responsible for ambient music becoming capitalist working, un-intrusive background music, like "beats to study to"... there are people who "listen" to ambient like that obviously, but I guess those people never heard Brian's ambient music, or any good ambient music for that case. For me good ambient music really augments a moment in life, and it usually evokes the feeling of being somewhere else than "here", but at the same time very much "here"... I don't know if that makes any sense, and I hope Brian will change his mind.
  4. Oh have you played it already? I haven't got around to it yet (tbh I thought it's still in the making - I didn't check). If you say it's extremely well done, then I will be extremely glad to check it out.
  5. i was only half-serious with that question, but I think you underestimate the money and PR potential of it, which makes it inevitable to happen, imho. Give it 10 years and I'm sure a filmmaker or two will grab the opportunity to ingratiate him/herself with the suits. I agree with you that the public perception is very different (which might be an interesting cultural study in itself), and so there wont be the Fortunate Son of Afghanistan (hence the tongue-in-cheek question). However, I have this garbage theory that directors who want to achieve the undying hallmark have to make a post-conflict reflective film ( *cough* propaganda *cough*) film: De Niro - The Good Shepherd, Eastwood - American Sniper, Spielberg - Bridge of Spies and Saving Private Ryan, Mike Nichols - Charlie Wilson's War, to name just a few
  6. They are remastering Quake it's great I guess, probably they gonna measure if a reboot is feasible THEY BETTER DON'T MASSACRE MY BOY!!!
  7. forget that, man. army, police and private security for the elites. that's why the AI and robots are being made for.
  8. I can already see the dark-spectacled marines clutching their carbines and bobbing their heads in blackhawk helis we need another one for serene sun set scenes
  9. Since The Fortunate Son is like a pop culture soundtrack for Vietnam films, what do you think will be the signature song for Afghanistan war films in the future?
  10. Yes, it's fear, but it's also an extremely unreasonable reaction to that fear. It has a short fuse and it plays very well into the hands of people who will take advantage of it. It then becomes a deliberate disruption of a proper democratic reaction.
  11. There was a lot of "taking out" and military 101 with lots of collateral damage unfortunately. That only fueled more resolve in the hearts of the people, as anyone who read a book or two about historical examples of military occupation could understand. I mean, forcing yourself onto a country that had little or nothing to do with Al Quaeda which is basically comprised of a small core of fanatical extremists, trained and equipped by CIA no less... and Osama turned out to be in Pakistan... and most "terrorists" were Saudis anyway... And now an entire country had to be "taught a lesson"? Forget about any pretext, as sound as it may be, this now becomes "personal" if you catch my meaning. Even if the people did not side with the Talibans initially, they had plenty of reasons to do so after. No military or civilian effort is going to suppress that. But the bright minds in US thought they can raise and equip and army that will fight against its own people and force "democracy" down their throats. Who thought that's gonna work? A bunch of west point pencil pushers and silver spoon psychopaths and everyone made a lot of money.
  12. A couple dozen spec ops might be able to hold and fight off for some time, but they would be overwhelmed pretty soon. And theres not enough of them to cover the whole country. You also needto supply them. The Taliban fighters are not some mindless sheep fuckers on heroin, they are seasoned and well trained fighters, who know the terrain and are used to all sorts of privations. They know how to fight against faceless imperial armies. The occupational coalition force was not enough. They'd get shelled by mortars and fired upon on a regular basis. IEDs are a special kind of demoralizer. You need to dig up some first hand witness accounts of the veterans. The reality on ground was quite grim: Outposts cut off and under manned for long periods of time, rules of engagement worked against full military employment, the brass in pentagon didn't care enough to come up with a strategy how to work with the locals, the troops were left to their own improvizations and initiative at the platoon and company level. In the officer ranks above company and battalion level you'd get all kinds of people: some competent professionals, but also lazy idiots. There's a story how an italian unit was sending out reports about how splendid of a job they did in their sector, but as they were rotated out and replaced by an american unit, the americans found out the italians just gave money to insurgents and local leaders to leave them alone, etc. There's all kinds of unbelievable stories of bravery and sacrifice by the soldiers, showing professional attitude, despite how disillusioned they soon became about their purpose in Afghanistan. Veterans commiting suicude and become broken men because of guilt, while the top brass and politicians did nothing. This was just another typical american pointless war, instigated by the warmongering military industry paying off politicians who then receive lifetime immunity and golden pensions. It's a crime against Afghanistan, and against people who have to go in there risking their lives. Sure, you might say "they signed up for it, they are soldiers, and soldiers forfeit their lives by definition". But that's very convenient, isn't it. They were sold out by people with no moral courage everywhere.
  13. god damn mosquitos living next to the woods without AC means i have to close my windows in the evening just when it's getting cooler they need to make a sound-guided auto-turret like in the Aliens, except it will shoot flames, and I need to set up six of these around the house asap
  14. Not trying to excuse Moscow's efforts, the US is getting a taste of its own medicine.
  15. Bloated communist aparatchik government. What you're saying is like you wouldn't be able to discern Stalin and stalinists from Russian people
  16. Oh I see, yea, slash and burn style is only really sustainable if it's done to support small and far-between populations. On a larger scale, this thing is causing more harm.
  17. Sorcerer (1977) https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0076740/ Man, that's some movie. It's the second adaptation of the Arnaud's novel Wages of Fear, the first being Clouzot's adaptation from 1953. It's not a remake of the Clouzot's film, rather an interpretation of its own. It's different in many aspects. The character introduction alone takes almost half the film time, and the characters are developed in a different way (not worse or better, just different). and this one is much more technical of the driving and vehicle aspects. The trucks themselves are characters of its own, just incredible. The jungle of the "culo del diablo" in some gritty, rusty and dangerous backwater of South America is exactly what you'd expect. Inhabited by a colorful collection of criminals, runaways, grifters, terrorists, guerillas... Tangerine Dream made the soundtrack and it's strangely appropriate, adds to the grimness and gives that psychedelic undertone to it. I really really liked this one, maybe more "real" than Clouzot's, which is still one of my favorites. And the ending...well...fuck
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