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Everything posted by kausto

  1. I have no workflow problems with 3.X
  2. If this will be sorted out on G2 side then they'll share some Oversteps Tour stuff with Max seq patches i guess ? kek
  3. Hey i made a donation once and subscribed as Expert Knob Twiddler once and i know what you re talking about. But..
  4. Yeah wtf ffs i'm angry cause i'm maddest russian ae fanboy and i don't deserve this fkn permissions and shit
  5. why does sean look so weird he looks like an aPVP addict somehow
  6. I love PFM2. I have it since 2014 iirc. I helped Xavier to find first fm-related bugs since PFM2 is fm synthesizer not pm like yamaha. Recently some user found more fm-engine bugs and they were fixed. Now it is close to an ideal. Dave Noyze shows some grey territories: http://ixox.fr/forum/index.php?topic=69399.0 My try to visit this territories https://clyp.it/on3zi2nq You can use 4 instruments simultaneously: https://clyp.it/niwpah2r You can upload your own waveforms as txt and scala files also
  7. kausto


    I remember an interview of that time, 2005 where SB was asked about favorite stuff of the moment and his answer was smth like "meh i don't dig this modern stuff much but mr. oizo moustache is awesome". And Untilted actually feels like that, some kind of reinterpretation in 'chre style.
  8. Sure. As for me i borrowed cc numbers etc from renoise guru lua tool some guy made a template for it. So i made my own 3-page template for zero sl. There is one nuance — blofeld doesn't show currently tweaked param on it's gui automaticaly as tx81z do for example. Edit: it's for Modey
  9. Yeah menu diving is PITA in blofeld. Always misleads you from sounds you actually want (oh one more Env page etc). That's why i sold it pretty long time ago (i tried to tweak it with my zero sl also before doing it). Though sonic range you can sqeeze from it is ridiculously wide and interesting.
  10. I wish this ep features none of that tracks. I'm looking for more insane and weird stuff like more fleshed out Field Day tracks #1 and #2
  11. It could be boss rdd-10 + boss rsd-10 or it could be automated quadraverb and so on
  12. Interesting read NYZ - NTE GDN => Behind the scenes with the Yamaha FB-01
  13. sure. for OT you have to push play and record simultaneously to activate live recording mode
  14. You should use non-integer modulator ratios to achieve such dissonant sounds
  15. My friend who makes synths at Black Corporation made me an offer to craft some abstract stuff for showcase / black corp night and lent me one of their units, Deckard's Dream. It is arrived in StPetes already an will be in my 'studio' soon. So now i have to make something abstract with it Btw i'd choose NordRack2 instead of Blofeld. Blofeld is deep and capable though it's menu is pretty counterproductive when you try to achieve something really intetesting for example when you deal with it's modmatrix and modifiers (this one is really killer feature though it is less deep than MW XT's one)
  16. Got some money for work (which is not finished yet and actually not even started lol) and immediately started GASing over FS1R.
  17. I doubt it is FM. I think it is more modern approach on additive synthesis in style of NI RAZOR etc. Iirc i saw a photo from Lazar's studio where you can see this stuff implemented on nord modular g2
  18. https://forum.watmm.com/topic/80256-fm-synthesis-techniques-anecdotes/?p=2054404
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