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dr lopez

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dr lopez

  1. wow I’m floored by this. Only half way through but it’s sounding so great. an elegy to that classic idm sound we all know and love. hitting me with all the nostalgia feels. 1000x updoots good sir. Heckin pupper. Faith in humanity = restored. *soy face*
  2. holy shit this like if MHTRTC and LP5 had a baby but wisp might be the father
  3. It's here!!!! playing now, first track is amazing already.
  4. I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Midichlorians off the Tannheuser gate. Glittering Gungans. Dellow felegates. All lost like tears in the rain. Okeyday.
  5. dr lopez

    Brexit :(

    it is crazy how the most likely scenario is really fuckin cool and out of an apocalyptic sci-fi film. god i hope i die before that happens
  6. if we preordered can we download on bandcamp>
  7. well it definitely shouldn't have been him at the helm... akira is in no way funny, or cute or filled with that kind of soft wit kiwi style
  8. so this is basically samurai masu beatsu II or outtakes from that album. (I'm talking about rave till you cry) At the very least, these are tracks from his 1999 "era" where he collected a bunch of his stuff and put out 3 outstanding releases on rephlex. To that extent this is great - a fourth meditation on that style and era of bogdan's music, named after his custom shirt he would wear while doing gigs in the later aughts i think. imho it doesn't flow as well as samurai or even boku mo wakaran, but there are still some excellent moods and moments that only boggy can conjure. I'm so happy he's back releasing again and I hope we don't have to wait too long for the next one and that it's a further exploration of the alright style he left us with over 10 years ago!!!! surely mr basil's got stuff like that in the can. B+
  9. yes it was a very cynical cash grab centered around nostalgia and the "star power" (can't believe im saying this) of jordan peele. because of two average and not scary movies he's suddenly an authority.
  10. remember when he made that robo-motorcycle movie lol
  11. dr lopez


    yeah the aging limmy bit is so fucking funny
  12. yeah i had a great time in the theater because i was drunk, but then at home i sobered up and thought it was average to below average
  13. what about replacing the PSN shit with your discogs username so those curious can look people up on discogs
  14. yes yes let the dick measuring begin
  15. it seems someone made pokemon themed hamburgers why is that so hard for you to understand?
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