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Everything posted by chim

  1. Bought this amazing lil' dealie-o, best chorus ever!
  2. Setting stop losses on this level of volatility is licking the tip with money you shouldn't have sunk into it. Half of the ladder short strategy is to trigger stop losses (the other half is panic selling). Banking on a $1000/share pipe dream is one thing but a long tactic based on the continued short interest and tens of millions of ITM calls expiring has a certain logic (and a ton of risk). The red squiggly line is part of the fun.
  3. AMC held gloriously through a rocky day. A lot of panic sellers. Short interest went up to 78%, a bunch of $9 options were supposed to go off but will now accrue interest and race Wall Street to the squeeze. Next week will be a ride to remember.
  4. RH will be reopening "partial trades" tomorrow, assume they mean market buys and no margins. They've still likely FUBAR'ed themselves with today's mess. shit is imminent. HOOOLD!
  5. No point in taking the loss, the bullshit today proves what a powder keg this is. Even if it's rock bottom tomorrow/next week, at least AMC will rebound once covid is done. It's a decent long game for the low price. I missed the GME train when it was still sub-$200, felt too pricey and risky after that. probably wouldn't have had the balls to sit on that past $300. No idea how people in the hole for millions are staying sane, but the GME squeeze still hasn't happened and will take days for the sleazebags to cover.
  6. Picked up a few AMC. Totally expecting a rocket once the restrictions drop and Streisand effect compounds, but the excitement alone has been worth it it. What a wild shitshow today, a total artificial spook. Brave souls are still holding and double-dipping. Short interest is at minimum 120%+.
  7. chim

    The Syro progress

    It's more amazing that he keeps track of it all on pieces that took some time to complete. The setup changes a lot and he always seemed like a "every channel is named 'track #'" project kinda guy.
  8. According to a current British inquiry, label cuts average ~40% to the artist's ~15%. Numan's label involvements are a mishmash but I assume one of the major acts have taken control over the online distribution. I hadn't heard of the Spotify shares deal thing. What a brilliantly diabolical way to circumvent the matter further. The Payola is literally their leverage as a continued and oppressively successful corporation. I feel sick.
  9. Doesn't that have something to do with his label contracts?
  10. GS has nothing on places like Super Best Audio Friends when it comes to abrasion and elitism. I dig 80's and 90's producers casually dropping in to spill the beans on famous tracks in the midst of a "how did they do it" discussion. The in-depth knowledge of 70's capacitors has a certain wow-factor as well. Just gotta ignore the capitalist bootlicking and so on. I can't recall any message board from the 00's era internet without sour or dull elements.
  11. Considering how archaic MIDI is, hieroglyphs would be a more fitting logo.
  12. A lot of headamps teeter on the edge between flattering Hi-fi BS and actually useful studio equipment, but I'd consider it a good investment. Having a solid sounding setup can really improve the music making process. Just watch out for the slippery slope of accessories, tube rolling and whatnot.
  13. Yep, stuff is happening. Dig the choice of clone as ordering an original will take over a decade to receive. Not fully convinced it's a solid studio addition and not just a mad lab box (watmm's favorites). And they need a better looking VU meter!
  14. Signed cause I browse at work and the gearsz workaround doesn't change the actual url displayed on top. It's just dumb.
  15. Quadraverb Crew reporting in, and Thafknar for convolution. I'm partial to impulses of plate reverbs and old Dynacord boxes. With some time adjustment you can get good sounds. I've been eyeing the Vermona VSR for a while...
  16. Excellent and inspiring work! Miles above the typical standard of this sort of thing...
  17. Get ready for the next battle!
  18. Don't worry, nobody's making money off of music anymore. Maybe if they turn it into some kind of musical onlyfans venture...
  19. Mos Def on Blackstar - Re:definition
  20. I think the extent of important studio power habits for a lot of people amounts to basic hum avoidance, not chaining power strips into eachother or letting the missus plug the hairdryer into the same branch outlet as all your gear...
  21. Loved that one, the Tusken Raiders were something else for sure...
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