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Everything posted by Candiru

  1. Hesitation Marks = scratches on wrist from hesitating before suicide? Oh jeepers.
  2. Lil' John Wayne Dijon Wayne Frank Zapatas Goats in the Abyss Goats In the Shell Quaker Goats
  3. Lusty Swingfield Pelvis Restley D'Jaughn Wayne
  4. The Wire. 6 episodes into the first season. You know that feeling you get when you just start watching The Wire, and you're like "I'm so glad I'm on this journey, guys." That's what I'm feeling right now. Guys, watch The Wire.
  5. Harry Poppins Queens of the Cretacious Period Martin Tall
  6. Sierra Nevada Bigfoot. It's a hoppy barleywine.
  7. Hamster Huey and the Gooey Kablooey
  8. Killing Them Softly Crumb Operation Dumbo Drop
  9. As much as season 2 dragged, it ended in a way that made you look forward to the next one. Season 3 ended making me wonder if the show will be cancelled due to behind the scenes network executive drama or something.
  10. It's almost like the writers don't have the confidence(or budget) to keep the story moving along and change things up, so they're dragging the governor and prison scenario into season 4? But I was pretty much cheering when Merle went rogue and started picking off Woodbury goons. Maybe the best part of the season for me. Fucking grenade launchers. Scared off by a flare.
  11. I think Gas is my favorite ambient music, and it's possible I've thought this since the first time I've listened to Pop. It's just taken me time to realize it and think "this is above all ambient music." It's a creative endeavor by a musician that doubles as a deep dive into your subconscious mind. For example, SAWII is obviously masterful and snapshots from the mind of RDJ, but Gas has the strange effect of being all about YOU when you listen to it. Hard to explain, but I'm sure some of you know what I mean. Like something that has existed in nature and our brains all along, but Wolfgang Voigt materialized it and made it readily available to us. Hyperbole aside, it's cool.
  12. Yogi Relaxed Mind Tea, trying to tell my mind to fucking relax already.
  13. Colbert had an innovative pig farmer on his show last night who cross bred some Russian and Chinese pigs to create the tastiest pork known to man. He brought some piglets with him and they looked like cute little puppies.
  14. Everything from Goose Island I've had is top notch. Their Belgian styled Matilda and Sofie are awesome as well. There's a bit of beer snob controversy about them being bought out by Anheuser Busch, but if it doesn't effect the quality of their brews and makes them more available, then who cares?
  15. Gandalf - Fucking Gandalf. So addictive. The krautrock meets synthpop meets r&b meets chillwave meets shoegaze meets black metal meets industrial meets dark ambient drone meets garage rock/post punk is just kinda cool I guess. Album of the year, assholes. The 8 track was only 5 cents.
  16. In the snow/slush Normal days
  17. An avocado. Some Italian roast black coffee.
  18. Bug Thuggery Thug Buggery Swill Da Tintin
  19. And not even in an intentional way. It's like a dweeby high school twat tried to make an art house film with shallow symbolism as the main storyline. The only thing happening in the narrative is that the monsters are the kid's character flaws. Obviously that little idea goes nowhere, so just fill up the running time with lots of awkward pauses and horribly face-palm inducing "drama". Maybe the cinematography will be enough to recommend it? Nah, not even if it was 25 minutes. Fuck that movie. It makes 90 minutes feel like 3 hours.
  20. Darjeeling is clearly a low point in the history of cinema, along with Where The Wild Things are, Spike Jonze's abortion.
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