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Everything posted by Candiru

  1. This is exactly the kind of conspiracy his character in Men In Black would have warned us about
  2. Maybe I wrote it out and never hit submit.
  3. Weird. I posted about Rip Torn dying in this thread and my post vanished.
  4. It’s not a purity test, it’s about policy ideas that are realistic and can be sold through competent messaging. Warren is just better at this.
  5. Someone get this man a juicy burger, grilled by Elizabeth Warren after she reams Wells Fargo in a congressional hearing about their predatory loan practices.
  6. There are more people than you think that don’t give a shit and will vote for him again if the Dem nominee says they’re going to do nothing about illegal immigration and that the border doesn’t exist. In their eyes, Dems will look hypocritical by not caring about certain laws, even though Trump doesn’t care about treason. You can’t fix stupid but you can plan for it at least.
  7. There are people who will vote for Biden, but not Kamala Harris. Dems just have to talk about policy without mentioning identity politics. And there’s a whole lot of policy the GOP has neglected, which should make it easy, right? It’s not as easy when you say on camera that you don’t believe in having a border or start talking about reparations.
  8. One thing to watch out for is a Dem winning the nomination that keeps harping on about “woke” stuff in a way that not only annoys fence sitters, but people like myself who will vote for them no matter what. That will make people vote for Trump again. Think of it this way: If you are from a rural area where everyone is white and getting addicted to opioids, committing suicide in vast numbers, a single mention of white privilege is going to remind you of why you voted for Trump in the first place. Because fuck the people who tell you your problems don’t matter unless you are brown. It would be so easy to avoid
  9. Yes, I was listening to it and when I saw this song title I was like “this is highly relevant”
  10. A lot of live stuff from Atoms For Peace was pretty bangin' if you ask me.
  11. Biden. A lot of people are not on board with this. OK, but who would you rather have as president right now? Exactly.
  12. it's a good mix, i'm not angry since I thought BoC were herding goats on a mountainside, pausing every so often to blow into a horn made of an elk antler to summon representatives for all creatures of the forest so that the elves don't impose their un-diplomatic and otherworldly views on the townfolk and cause a rift in the council of wood whispering elders.
  13. Ben Franklin invented electricity. Rodney Mullen invented the kickflip. Walter Frederick Morrison invented the frisbee. Henry John Heinz invented ketchup. Alexandre Edmond Becquerel invented solar panels. Dr. Seuss invented the double sided dildo.
  14. I just watched the Ali Boulala episode of Epicly Later'd and it hit me right in the feels in a way I did not anticipate. I'm doing some skateboarding nostalgia lately because I found this youtube channel called Rad Rat Video where this nerdy nude does these historical deep dives into various skate personalities and topics and I enjoy it.
  15. The same kid actor from Stranger Things who's in "IT" is a million times cooler in that movie. Kids in the 80's would NOT be so wholesome. Even in the 90's we were complete assholes.
  16. This bitch confronting someone in a bathroom about being fat. Little did she know that Jesus loves him some plus sized hoes and the last supper was on point, catering-wise.
  17. True. But I guess when it comes to issues like kids being treated like farm animals at the border, nothing ever seems to convince anyone. This is just a bitch bein all bitchy so yeah true
  18. Well I do think whatever you post on social media only fuels the polarization. Sad but true. Good intentions are ruined.
  19. Kaepernick really stuck his dick in the toaster on this one.
  20. If I get shot, I better be smoking a Black & Mild
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