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Everything posted by Candiru

  1. Yeah, I think this is a dynamic people need to be aware of. A boring centrist democrat like Biden is still working for the United States, and still a million times better than Trump, and if that's who ends up being most likely to win(which so far, all data indicates this), don't fuck around. Remember that the media is likely dependent on Trump levels of hysteria, and aren't interested in politics being normal and boring. https://www.mediaite.com/opinion/both-liberal-and-conservative-media-wants-biden-to-lose-and-it-may-get-trump-re-elected/
  2. This is based on nothing but sugar plumb fairies
  3. Barbed wire burritos, tin foil cheetos got honey Dijon mustard and car full of petite hos slammin on hibachi tables flippin the shrimp tails accidentally sent you mom this dick through gmail
  4. Pale Moth Pale Mothy Moth Moth
  5. The House That Jack Built, or Lars Von Trier Hates Women vol 33442224766
  6. File this under: Maybe it'll grow on me?
  7. I agree with this post and I like the Boston area but I’m also really fucking sick of it. Other places definitely have better character, at least for me.
  8. I just watched True Detective season 3 and I agree with the 1>3>>>>>>>>>>>2 assessment. It was surprisingly relatable the actors were really excellent. Even Stephen Dorff, who I never really thought about, was almost Jack Nicholson or something.
  9. Fleabag definitely has its moments, but the priest in the second season seemed a bit out of place to me.
  10. I start having an anxiety attack when I think about the Dems getting within a cunt’s hair of actually gaining traction and then fucking it all up by screaming “SOCIALISM! WHITE PRIVILEGE!” at the last second and losing the fucking election.
  11. I had an omelette with spinach, mushrooms, and Swiss.
  12. Plus he was played by Phillip Seymour Hoffman in the movie Almost Famous so that's gotta count for something.
  13. Started Chernobyl last night, finished it this morning. Some goddamn classy this is how you fuckin do it film/tv making dammit
  14. Other criteria include: Fedora ”aaacccchhhhhtttttually” lots of anime Telling chicks that GoT “isn’t for the faint of heart”, assuming they haven’t seen it but they have. libertarian drinking blue Mountain Dew Zelda t shirts viking-esque hairstyle cargo shorts n crocs Works in IT
  15. Anthony Fantano is actually a much better critic. Not kidding.
  16. Because they edited out any biographical details that wouldn't have fit the TV-movie, QUEEN, the Brand™ box?
  17. Yeah, i think a lot of people who voted for him thought it was all an act during the campaign and now realize he's not kidding, he's sincerely retarded.
  18. The Dorky Protectors Slap Your Man Say Bahhh Animal Contraceptive Wig Destroyer Tattle Decapitation The Tyrds
  19. I can respect the dog in that pic. Hopefully it’s not the dog that one of the sons tortured to death lol
  20. Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young Horrendous The B-52s
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