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Everything posted by Zephyr_Nova

  1. I find it hard to believe that miners keep mining if the need for it is reduced substantially. The pointless machine only grinds along because we've created a pointless need. Re: the meat thing - if I were to stop eating meat tomorrow it wouldn't effect anything, because i'm just one person who's probably not going to produce offspring. If I had influence over a large number of people, or were responsible for the direction future generations might take down my genetic line, it would be another story. The two arguments are pretty much the same thing, anyway. My justification for eating meat is shit, and so is any justification for feeding into this stupidity.
  2. lol, yeah that was covered in the flahbulb vid. I mean I get it though, that's the same logic I use to justify eating meat. Like "well they're still torturing chickens cows and pigs whether I eat this burger or not, so i may as well ensure their suffering was not in vain."
  3. The only thing I'm beginning to have a grasp on regarding NFTs, is its dire environmental impact, but still not understanding its appeal for anything other than spending a lot of money to hopefully sell for a bit more money down the road. Its mere existence is really upsetting me. Who thought of this, and are they being punished appropriately.
  4. I finally wiped up the dustballs from my cabin floor. Could have knit a sweater from it.
  5. there would need to be worms in the ramen for this to happen... but honestly that wouldn't surprise me.
  6. Add a few cobwebs first. The gothy ones love that.
  7. I think powdered wigs and ruffly neck blouses hurt classical music in the same way big hair and spandex hurt a lot of 80's metal.
  8. I was wondering why all my music sounds like shit. Turns out that's literally what I was listening to this whole time. Also
  9. "A bleeding ulcer is the most common cause of dark stools. An ulcer is a sore on the inside of your stomach or small intestine. Sometimes these sores bleed. This can make your poop dark." My recollections feel validated.
  10. In addition to those, I also got "what does it mean if your poop floats/if your tongue is white/if you smell burnt toast." Surprised "if you dream about poop" isn't in there, or "if you dream of your crush's poop." I need answers.
  11. I'm imagining it, and its effect is more obscene than any pornography I have ever witnessed. A bit shaken up now tbqh, so I hope you're happy. Next time some NSFW tags would be appreciated.
  12. Don't believe Chen's lies. As soon as she reads one of your album reviews, she's yours for good. Take it from me, the guy who just posted this in the wrong thread:
  13. FWP: woman who seemed like a prospective longterm partner said she can't see us as a serious longterm thing due to different priorities. But on the plus side, she really enjoys sleeping with me and would like to continue to do so on a casual basis. It was a weird heartbreak/ego boost double whammy. I initiated it by asking where she saw us potentially heading in the future. Glad I got it out in the open sooner rather than later, especially since I'd been ignoring the apps out of a sense of loyalty to her. Hopefully none of the new matches I've ignored for the last week and a half take offence at my super delayed intro message... the first one to message me seems like trouble.
  14. Oh shiiiiit you should save that until the day it expires, than chug it while Avril 14 plays on loop + film it and post here obviously.
  15. I have yet to get that sense from anything he's written that I've read. I just see snarky ridicule with little justification, and a penchant for catchy zingers... which work well as quotes. I think that must be a big reason why he has the status he has. He's like the original bitchy reviewer, the archetype for all other bitchy too-cool-for-school reviewers to follow. lol this is exactly what I'm talking about. What the fuck kind of review is that? Why does it even exist? It's just puerile and pointless. It's like he's realized he can just say whatever bullshit he wants and it'll be accepted. Fucking Christgau...
  16. Zephyr_Nova

    afx nft

    lol I keep thinking I have to be missing something that my brain simply won't take in because I'm old. I don't think I've ever been more confused by something.
  17. Zephyr_Nova

    afx nft

    So is this basically buying an exclusive jpeg for thousands of dollars? I still don't know what's going on.
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