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Everything posted by Zephyr_Nova

  1. i've never been bothered by neighbour noise. It's the 8am construction that has torn my soul apart at various points in life.
  2. https://archive.org/details/dom-25571-sonicoutlaws
  3. I don't want to get notably drunk, but I want more beer, and all I have is tall cans. Why can't more sour beers come in small cans? I've been really down on beer formats lately.
  4. Oh I don't doubt it for a second.
  5. Are you kidding? Take away the litter and I'm left with 90% guitar pedals, keyboards and computers. That's my livelihood. I will transfer all the old cans/food containers to the bins before recycling day, in theory. The milk cartons are both empty, btw. Might go on a midnight 7-11 milk run. Gotta have my cereal...
  6. I tidied since the last photos, but then I didn't tidy for a while after that. So... there are many of the same items in a different configuration, as well as some new food containers/beer cans in place of the old ones.
  7. The Meta Life - a documentary film where a human being is born on camera, inside a house where every room has multiple cameras installed. Within the house is a school, a job, all the human being's family and relatives, a couple hundred unrelated human beings of varying ages and backgrounds, and basically society imho. There is also a theatre within the house, which is where the documentary will be shown after the human being finishes his life, every second of which has been recorded and seamlessly edited together. When the film finally makes its theatrical debut, amongst the audience will be one human being who was born on camera within the theatre. They will be filmed watching the film, while they age in parallel with the human being on the screen whose entire life has also been filmed. With any luck their lifespan will exceed that of the other human being so that they may see the first film in its entirety. If they don't make it to the end, then another human being will be born and raised on camera within the theatre where they will watch the film of the other human being watching the other film until either they expire (and the process repeats) or the previous film concludes. Should they make it that far, they will be asked to write a review of the film until their dying breath, all of which will be documented on camera. And so on, and so on.
  8. It means a science fiction novel by American writer Neal Stephenson, published in 1992. Like many of Stephenson's novels, it covers history, linguistics, anthropology, archaeology, religion, computer science, politics, cryptography, memetics and philosophy. Stephenson explained the title of the novel in his 1999 essay "In the Beginning... Was the Command Line" as his term for a particular software failure mode on the early Macintosh computer. Stephenson wrote about the Macintosh that "When the computer crashed and wrote gibberish into the bitmap, the result was something that looked vaguely like static on a broken television set—a 'snow crash' ". Stephenson has also mentioned that Julian Jaynes' book The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind was one of the main influences on Snow Crash.[1] The book presents the Sumerian language as the firmware programming language for the brainstem, which is supposedly functioning as the BIOS for the human brain. According to characters in the book, the goddess Asherah is the personification of a linguistic virus, similar to a computer virus. The god Enki created a counter-program which he called a nam-shub that caused all of humanity to speak different languages as a protection against Asherah (a re-interpretation of the ancient Near Eastern story of the Tower of Babel). Snow Crash was nominated for both the British Science Fiction Award in 1993, and the Arthur C. Clarke Award in 1994.[2][3] ...iirc
  9. There appears to be a real problem with bots trying to pirate free music they discover on blogs. But if they're sophisticated enough to seek out music, surely they can figure out how to tick off the "not a bot" option. Perhaps the greater problem is that they are just too honest for this sick world. Bots just wanna listen to their tunes and be real. Why can't the humans just accept that?
  10. Haha good catch! (Of course, it's a given that you could never have the "most elegant key change in all of pop music" without my chord's influence.)
  11. Yeah, I'm down with GEARSLUTZ Getting Erections And Releasing Semen Liberally (Usually at The Zoo)
  12. I need to give Repentless many more listens.... I think I only heard it once! Guess I got my bedtime listening figured out.
  13. Fav jelly belly flavour? Red flavour, prob. black liquorice yay or nay? yep. i don't have much of a sweet tooth, but pretty much all liquorice is good liquorice. I was talking about this very thing with one of my Bumble matches an hour ago. pineapple on pizza, good or blasphemy? Sometimes it works! Plus I loved hawaiian pizza as a kid, so it has mad nostalgia associations. Admittedly, its not a topping I order often.
  14. just about to crack open my second tall sour. get those questions in...
  15. Fuck, throat gremlins is almost certainly the culprit.
  16. That was the doc's first thought on the phone, but I don't think I sleep with my mouth open. There would be drool, and my mouth would be dry. Plus it wouldn't persist for 5 days straight (usually it's gone within an hour after waking up, but it has persisted for extended periods twice. Identical sensation though, so I'm sure it's the same thing).
  17. Kind of a FWS - I do not have any oral STIs (test came back negative). But now I really have no idea what this throat thing could possibly be. There are things about it that rule out every other throat related thing I've read about online.
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