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Everything posted by Zephyr_Nova

  1. Good find! Still look 25 to me, but I'm tiny with no visible musculature, so maybe any bigger dude with an athletic build looks old to me... especially in black and white film.
  2. WTF @ the grown ass men in this photo being ages 13-16. Did Hollywood cast this runaway mission? What is going on. You can't tell me with a straight face that one of these guys is 13.
  3. Better question might be: who in Florida wears a trench coat of human skin - because you know there's at least one of them. It's Florida after all.
  4. That's every game of GTA I ever played, but way better graphics.
  5. Since we're talking about dick stuff - when I first discovered masturbation in grade 5, I of course thought that I had unlocked one of the greatest, best kept secrets of the universe. But I also felt like a monster, and tremendous guilt despite no Catholicism in my upbringing. I guess in my mind I was the equivalent of a no-pants-trenchcoat-bro in the park. Although my shame did nothing to shake my enthusiasm.
  6. I think "No, I'm Iron Man" may be my favourite song title. (Off Butthole Surfers' album, Piouhgd.) Also, Hairway to Steven is the best album title (same band)... and that was before this hipster trend of naming your band Com Truise etc.
  7. lol kstew = kristen stewart? Our face masks are almost identical, as well as our souls.
  8. Looks like a fleshlight. That eye's gonna get poked out in no time, especially if it's just hanging out above the porn.
  9. Next time you see your friend, ask him why he can't be more like your real friends at watmm. We're here before you even arrive.
  10. So, do these people all work jobs where it's cool to punch in whenever, or are they just magically able to be on time if it's job related? If so, then they're being deliberately rude/shitty to whatever friend they're meeting, as they clearly are able to be on time when they care. *I'm sometimes late meeting friends, but I've also been fired from jobs for that reason. So I'm consistent.
  11. An hour is bad. It is easy to be late if you're depending on bus transportation. Hard to be late by car, unless there's unforeseeable traffic congestion. I actually like it when the person I'm meeting is a little bit late, because it makes me look good. And then I can be like "oh, don't worry about it, it's all good," and then they're like "he's so easygoing and understanding."
  12. This section is one of my very favourite Slayer moments (up until a little before the 2:30 mark... sounds like spores being released and taking control of their hosts' nervous systems):
  13. Listened to World Painted Blood while delivering food tonight, and holy fuck that is one solid album. Every song is a hit for me. Between the last time I heard it (no idea when that was) and now almost every riff on there has become a classic for me. Really great vocal hooks too. I find with Slayer, the first album listen through always comes off as a total onslaught without much variance, but with time the character of each song really reveals itself. I feel like this one really chrystalizes everything that is great about Slayer... its like they studied all their old albums, and paid a knowing homage to their whole career. The songwriting is water tight. 9/10.
  14. Made $90 in just over an hour doing delivery. Two $20+ orders + one $30+ order plus a couple $10ers. The restaurants stopped allowing people inside, and the whole city's gone nuts for takeout. Felt like I was getting nothing but dinner parties all night. Made $150 in 5 hours, my most lucrative shift to date. Hoping the lockdown continues for a little while... also, it really needs to. The numbers are worse than they've ever been in BC.
  15. *changes Tinder location to England*
  16. Here's another featuring a weird abstraction of my face singing at you with the utmost sincerity. Proceed with caution. It's my Tinder super-anthem.
  17. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6ypQnklBt9A0hyeSgljTlA/videos
  18. I had no idea the queen had a husband this whole time.
  19. lol is that actually written by Zizek? (Just skimmed the first bit.) That's a rare case of a 50/50 could be satire, could be legit article at a glance. I'm guessing it is indeed him, because he is wacky.
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