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Everything posted by Zephyr_Nova

  1. It always tastes significantly worse to me. No idea why that would be, but it's always the case.
  2. Not drunk yet, but I'm one beer in and feeling angsty, so feel free to throw some shit at me in the next 4 hours.
  3. My favourite beers keep phasing out bottles, replacing them with cans, thereby ruining my enjoyment of them. Fuck you, Dark Matter. Is this trend taking place all over the world, or just my stupid island.
  4. I've also been making a conscious effort to drink more water. But it sucks having to wake up in the middle of the night for pee's sake. If I drank the recommended amount of water over the course of a day I would have to cancel all my plans due to pee. SFWP: local news program thought felt it necessary to put a pic of a dead owl in my newsfeed because it died downtown...??? What in the actual fuck.
  5. I haven't spent a lot of time with Amon Tobin's music, but was listening to the Splinter Cell soundtrack in my van the other day - between that and this single, it's interesting to note the distinctive drum sound and bass sound. It's partly the organic sample choices, and largely the way he compresses them. There's not many artists I listen to and immediately recognize their compression sound, but he's one. Clark had that going on between ETBOY and Totems Flare.
  6. I'm sorry to say that was not me. Sounds awesome though. I would put it back up if I could.
  7. i have black and white pics from years back where I had a gigantic hobo beard, and I look exactly like Aaron Funk. Which is odd, because I look nothing like him in the flesh. It's only weird pics where it happens.
  8. I haven't had a creative focus for a longer stretch of time than normal, and my cool vibes are thawing hard.
  9. My friend was waiting at a stop light, sunny afternoon, when this she noticed this guy running down the street with blood dripping down his face. So... she's stopped, there are other cars and people around, obviously she stays in her car because what else is she going to do? Anyway, he ends up jumping on the hood of her car, starts kicking in her windshield, and screams "I'm gonna fucking kill you, bitch!!" Unfortunately my memory of her anecdote is a bit hazy at this point. Possibly the guy was also brandishing an axe? I believe two cops end up tackling him to the ground before he can murder her. Not sure what sort of impact the experience had on her psychologically, but she seemed to take the whole thing in stride.
  10. Glad you've been enjoying my BS! I will need to relisten to each Slayer album to give a fair assessment, but I recall Seasons in the Abyss and Christ Illusion being favourites. Both have many great, memorable songs and riffs. In the meantime, I have uploaded this track I made in 2011 comprised entirely of Slayer samples for you: I am also wearing my God Hates Us All shirt today, as it turns out. Must be Kerry King's birthday or something.
  11. this thread lead to me downloading the Will Self epub mega-pack. I recall reading Great Apes in the early 00's and really enjoying it.
  12. I think of Move of Ten as Ae's most "accessible" album. Like if I was in a car full of people who wouldn't necessarily appreciate Ae, I could still put this on and everyone would be doing the head nod to the beats/not getting upset. Well, except on track 6 because apparently that one's scary (listening to Can at the moment, so can neither confirm nor deny).
  13. Corner her in the stairwell and sing this at her aggressively:
  14. I'm afriad it's going to have to be Autechre. Confield, Gantz Graf, Draft 7.30 and Untilted are all near masterpieces for me. Confield has a couple spots that are perhaps a shade shy of masterpiece. Whereas Aphex albums always have moments of greatness, but come off as compilations rather than cohesive albums. Prob my two biggest influences for electronic music, alongside early NIN and Depeche Mode.
  15. As an aside, I collabed with the GS!YBE guitarist against his will, because my bandmate recorded her solo album with him, and I later made electronic arrangements of her solo songs, one of which used cello and xylophone from his recording. Shhhhh!
  16. Ask her what her favourite colour is. But be sure to mention that shades also count.
  17. I take back what I said about favourite shitty flute. It is this:
  18. Do you sit or stand to pee? I usually pee in the shower, or outside my cabin. But if I use a toilet I sit because I'm not a savage. (My god... so many piss splattered floors/seats at other peoples' homes/public urinals). Cats or dogs? Ugh... I grew up with cats, and I like how you can just pick them up and how they purr when they're content. But I also know their love is an illusion, and if I were to die tomorrow no cat would give a fuck except insofar as I might potentially stop feeding them. They're users. Whereas a dog will love me more than a person will. That shit's real. Yet I buy into the cat delusion when they're purring in my lap. And they're so fucking cute it hurts. So... dogs are objectively better, yet I'm still partial to cats. I prefer both to people, because they're completely unpretentious (the cats 'n' dogs, obviously, you fucking posers). Do you enjoy sushi? If so, do you go for classic rolls, specialty rolls, cones, or sashimi (what’s your favourite?). I hate california rolls, and anything with fake crab. Spicy Tuna roll is where it's at. Banjo or kazoo? I have yet to use a kazoo in a recording, so it would be hypocritical of me to not go with banjo. Whats your favourite shittyflute track? Favourite alcoholic beverage? I'm drinking a Field House Brewing "Dark Sour" Blackberry + Blueberry right now, so that is my favourite alcoholic beverage at present. Ever listen to manowar and jack off into fire? No, and this is my greatest regret.
  19. I'm hittin' the sauce again tonight, with none but my own company to accompany. So get those inquiries in while u Can.
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