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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by beerwolf

  1. I'm afraid I'm also in the terrible album cover camp
  2. DYNS is indeed one of the greatest tracks ever made. Even the NME (when it was great) made it Single Of The Week (I remember reading it!) The album is pretty weak though. But That Tune is absolute ninja!
  3. Unfortunately the more turd these studios churn out they only make the greatest monster ever created more of a caricature of itself. It's testament to how great the first two films are that the Alien has any integrity whatsoever. By now it should be a joke.
  4. I played it three times in a row the first time I put in on. Mad fucking tune.
  5. TBF he's always had pretty bad press at watmm towers. I think apart from the run of three EPs after Untrue everything else has been mostly sniffed at.
  6. Don't forget folks it's in April that the world has to stop and think about Holocaust Remembrance Day
  7. Very nice work Mr Jenkinson
  8. Risky business taking class A drugs the wrong side of 40. I couldn't imagine still dealing with that shit nowadays. Both psychologically and physically. The hell I endured from age 32 to 38 was enough to kill most people. Luckily I have the constitution of a ox and I'm still here. That's no exaggeration. RIP
  9. I remember putting on one of their 8.9 albums they recommended (can't remember the name but it was sort of similar to what Yves Tumour does) it was absolute fucking garbage and I lasted about 12 minutes before quitting it. I'm pretty sure that was the last time I ever paid any attention to anything they thought of. But yeah the Sunday classic album review is really good.
  10. I read the Sunday album review when they look back at an album from the past they haven't already rated and to be fair that's usually a good read as it's going to be fairly enthusiastic and usually involves a lot of history about the artist but that's the only time I click on the website.
  11. He's probably a dad bloke nowadays. Maybe the younger life he had before that inspired his music in a more creative way. There's only a handful of artists in the universe who have remained constantly at the top of their game throughout their lives. And three of those individuals have sub forums on watmm. I'm not angry at the negative comments towards Burial, just saying his best records are probably long gone.
  12. I'd usually avoid a Andre 3000 solo album as I ain't exactly a big OutKast fan but might have to check this out. I'm intrigued.
  13. I realky liked the whole Negan thing, but I didn't like the whole Alpha/Whisperers thing, so made it to season 10 before finally giving up two seasons from the end!
  14. Same. In my top 10 too. Aliens is somewhere in the top 25 but the first one had such an impact on me when I was young that it left an indelible mark on my soul that hasn't ever left. And never will.
  15. Cocksucker! The jury will now retire to the whores rooms where they will deliberate You Cocksucker! Open the whores rooms and get them fucking!! You Fucking Cocksucker! The sale of whisky rises, the sale Of Cunt plummets You fucking cunting cocksucker!!! Arrrrre you deeeeead! Deadwood is lols
  16. Always switch it off as soon as I can. When I was staying at a backpackers in Australia, everyone would gather in the common room to watch it together (and I mean everyone). Apart from me. Which everyone, including myself, found very amusing. It maybe really good but I'll never know, just does my head in as soon as it starts.
  17. Don't think I've seen that one, Big Brain Burger Dude
  18. Okay remix. Need some hard fire from the extinct BOC furnace to rekindle my interest in them. A track like this is alright but it's like giving me a bowl of vanilla ice cream on a freezing, cold winters evening. I'm just not interested. No matter how tasty it is
  19. Yeah that's a classic. I watched that documentary years and years ago, and that scene really put a hook in me.
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