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Soloman Tump

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Everything posted by Soloman Tump

  1. Soloman Tump

    elseq 1-5

    Just biked in to say that chimer 1-5-1 is the ultimate bad ass
  2. Soloman Tump

    elseq 1-5

    Hell yes. There goes my productive evening.
  3. Soloman Tump

    elseq 1-5

    Im going to a festival this weekend. Chances are I will sit in my tent listening to autechre.
  4. I am thinking this is a going to be one of those over-bloated cluster fuck movies where they try to tie Prometheus into Alien but they don't manage it and it just falls apart and costs trillions of dollars to make and wastes everyones time and there will be this new type of Alien with 7 jaws that comes out of its nose
  5. Brian January Brian February Brian March Brian April Brian June Brian July Brian August Brian September Brian October Brian November Brian December
  6. ...so its basically The Walking Dead except the zombies rape you before killing you? Edgy angle.
  7. Having happily skipped the entire #RSD2016 shenanigans, I was glad to see this still sat in my local record store yesterday so I snatched it up.
  8. http://store.hmv.com/film-tv/blu-ray/twin-peaks-collection?_ga=1.232627167.1534805130.1461955408&awc=6336_1461957813_37dae9cd86ec86ea3ce894309825d123&utm_source=affiliate_window&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=awin Super cheap if you are in the UK, £17.99 for the blu ray boxed set. Grab it while you can. Free delivery too
  9. They are mostly scared of investing $200m+ on a new "blockbuster" in case it flops like John Carter. Better to stick the dollar where the fan base already is, like Iron Man or Harry Potter
  10. Not very ambient, but the new wagawaga (and loads of his older stuff) is name your price. http://forum.watmm.com/topic/90544-wagawaga-sonoxafumiosis/
  11. These are literally amazing and I don't know how I've survived for this long without them. Order them from my good friends at The Chilli Jam Man -http://www.thechillijamman.com/product/squealers-90g-25-pack-bundle/
  12. Been rewatching this (again). Started on Series 2 last night - blimey that first double episode is a bit of a drag but I love the old waiter guy at the start of the episode who bring Coop the warm milk. Thumbs up!
  13. If you set the oven to 1° and the room ambient is 18°, does the oven start cooling the cake? Idk I've not tried it
  14. Drawing inspiration from this thread. Using my enforced day off work wisely and listening to 'chre, starting with Oveeeerstepppz
  15. https://vesselsband.bandcamp.com/album/dilate Recently discovered this album after hearing "Attica" on Mary Anne Hobbes 6music show. Powerful instrumental "electronic" music performed by a live band, think somewhere near Fuck Buttons / Battles. The Limited Edition CD I got from their bandcamp had a few bonus tracks and a Falty DL remix, think its sold out now though. There are also some Throwing Snow remixes doing the rounds. Very much recommended!
  16. Serious dank times, just caught up on the last 15 pages and my night has improved OK
  17. I count 5 shots of Sansa Stark looking scared / heavy breathing / screaming.
  18. Hoggs Bison. A clever name to be fair and an actual band playing in Oxford this weekend that I might go and see.
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