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Everything posted by ghOsty

  1. Witch - S/T ... the vinyl itself is a pretty cool lime green with bits of other colors. also not pictured Mogwai - Hardcore Will Never Die, But You Will
  2. Picked up the Valve Complete Pack for like $34 the other day because of the Steam Sale... That's like EVERY game Valve has ever made. I figure I'll start with the Half-Life one and all the expansions and work my way through 2 and the episodes, while also running through Portal 1 & 2. Then I'll give the Left 4 Dead's a try (never played em before) and then finally try out Team Fortress 2 after all these years. Then eventually give the Day of Defeats a run.
  3. Campsite got caught in a flash flood over the weekend. The area got 8 inches of rain overnight, woke-up to our tent surrounded by about 5" of water that proceeded to rise throughout the morning until it peaked and started to recede around 2pm... Amazingly our stuff in our tent stayed dry overnight and we were able to get it out and into my truck in the morning. Tent was fucked though.
  4. Digging the recent Alexander Lewis EP "A Luminous Veil'... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yMewxNW2JIQ
  5. this thread has inspired me to find every song under a minute in my library, put it on a playlist and hit shuffle... like an ultimate add list, could be interesting...
  6. Been working my way through the campaign in The Last of Us, which is living up to the hype for me so far. No Spoilers... the story is great, awesome atmosphere, and it looks amazing. Anyone else playing this I could use some people to team up in the multiplayer Factions modes? I'm finding the MP interesting but a little tough without someone willing to use teamwork with. It seems to really require tactics and teamwork, which is a cool contrast to the run around and kill everything that moves builds of CoD and such. The storylines built into multiplayer with little match objectives to build your group of survivors is a nice touch too.
  7. Yeah, that album title is just terrible... Trent's a fucking millionaire, with a hot asian wife, am I really supposed to believe he's still contemplating suicide? The dark, brooding and angsty vibes of NIN used to be believable and genuine but this just seems like Hot Topicy middle school "hey guys, I'm depressed, see?" vibes.
  8. He needs to lose the brotein shakes, drink some absinthe again, let his hair grow out and go back to actually being somewhat dark... make some shit like this again!!!
  9. I've heard mixed reviews about Snyder's re-work on Swamp Thing, his work on the Batman reboots so far has been pretty good though. I've still been meaning to read Moore's Swamp Thing almost picked up book 1 today actually along with The Walking Dead book 18 but had to grab 100 Bullets when I saw it, been wanting to get into the series, and knowing that it's been going for high price online lately. I'm bumping up Swamp Thing to be the next title I dive into though.
  10. I traded in $50 worth of old Spawn trades I won't read anymore and picked up 100 Bullets: The Deluxe Edition Book 1... I seriously feel I just robbed the comic shop to as I got it for $50 value. It's currently asking at lowest $150 for a used copy and $295 for a new copy on Amazon all the way up to $900. Barnes and Noble has a seller asking for $450.
  11. Seriously cannot wait to play The Last of Us... My girlfriend pre-ordered me the Survival Edition in April for my B-day. I've been following this game through development and now hearing it's getting 10/10 reviews from many sources? I'm seriously aching to play this. The artbook and comic will be pretty awesome too, I love post-apocalyptic shit!
  12. not really impressed with the new track... his vocals really do ruin it don't they? the lyrics have gone full retard. I wanted to look forward to this one but if it all sounds like that I'll just skip and go listen to TDS and The Fragile
  13. Played and Beat Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance over the weekend, I enjoyed it. It's short and the story is a little ridiculous/campy but it's still really fun. The story isn't really the important part of this one anyway, this game is about the combat which is fast paced and pretty fun, some of the boss fights are awesome. There's a bunch of unlockables too which adds to the replay value.
  14. On a bit of a Black Metal kick are we?
  15. I was huge into NIN when I was younger and I still love everything up tp and including the Fragile era, and while the more modern era NIN with a sober beefed up Trent hasn't been as amazing as they once were I still enjoyed the albums for the most part. Sure, With Teeth was a bit poppy, but still had some decent tunes Year Zero had some pretty interesting sound design here and there despite sounding a little samey at times. Ghosts was pretty interesting as well but perhaps also a bit samey.. but now undoubtedly everything has seemed to be kinda stuck on those vibes, simillar melodies and sounds etc The Social Network soundtrack literally had a few tracks that were just taken off Ghosts, and the production he did for How To Destroy Angels kinda falls into these similar melodies and themes as well... The Slip however I feel was kind of underrated, it was made on tour in his tour bus, and kind of jumped back to some of the raw stripped down agression of Broken/TDS era NIN sound. I think Trent still has the potential to make excellent music, he's just tried to do too much at once in recent years and it's kinda watered down his output overall if he manages to find a balance between the better composition of previous era NIN and the newer sound design I think he could make another masterpiece. I'll still look forward to hearing this one, I think the potential is there still.
  16. Went camping this weekend, busted out a lot of folktronica/folky accoustic stuff while sitting around the campfire as well as some essential BoC... Boards of Canada - The Campfire Headphase & IABPOITC: First time I've ever really listened to TCH while sitting around a campfire, in that setting it was fucking great. Bibio - Silver Wilkinson & Hand Cranked: New Bibio is great, hand cranked is an early classic, it's Bibo it's all good stuff Four Tet - Pause & Rounds: Four Tet seems to get some flak round here lately, newer stuff is kinda lame but these first two albums are classics. Talkdemonic - Eyes At Half Mast: The band's name totally contradicts the sound, sounds like a metal band, but it's a great little duo mostly consisting of drums, accoustic guitars/banjos and violins/cellos, etc.. making folky post-rock, really great stuff. O'Death - Outside: Great Accoustic/Folk/Alt Country (old style real country not the modern country-pop stuff) group, 6 members and a multitude of instruments. Radiohead - In Rainbows: Their most laid-back album IMO, melodic and mellow.
  17. you know, i hand't thought of that but... you're probably right
  18. Fallen in love with these guys I discovered lately, they subtley incorporate electronics into the sound... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jL9-iDnEX6w
  19. My gf got me started on this recently as well, it is strangely addictive especially for how frustrating it can be... I'm stuck at level 38 right now, and as far as I'm concerned this level is total bullshit, yet I keep playing knowing people have gotten past it.
  20. this is incredible. holy cow. Got around to listening to this today, fuckin great mix. Some of the transitions are ace.
  21. I haven't been interested in Kanye in years, but... this new darker more aggressive turn he seems to be taking could be interesting, I have my eye on this album. Also rumor has it he's been hanging with MC Ride of Death Grips (speculated that may have been Ride on one of the synths in the back during the SNL performance) so maybe that will have some influence on this album?
  22. I can't get past level 29 in Candy Crush...
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