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Everything posted by ghOsty

  1. I really hope they lay off a bit on the whole alex grey vibed transcendentalism for this album... Lateralus was amazing, 10kdays was kinda meh. I'd like to see them go dark and weird again like they were in the Undertow-Aenima era. Also... some Lustmord remixes again would be pretty cool. Edit: Also having been a former regular to the toolband.com chat in my youth (I'm slightly ashamed of this, that place is every tool fan stereotype and then some) I will say, Blair's newsletters are total bullshit, that dude must be flipped out of his mind from too much acid and desert parties.
  2. Mobile shot taken of the MInneapolis skyline, from my hotel room at the Graves 601 last weekend... That hotel was lush as fuck. And some classy drinks we had at the Bradstreet Crafthouse, attatched to the hotel... I quite like the colors in this one
  3. ive been thinking about getting this. but ive never played the first black ops. do i have too or can i go straight to 2? I didn't play Black Ops 1 either, I think there's a few details and references probably missed but it seems to stand alone pretty well, I wasn't lost on what was going on.
  4. I agree ivan, Black Ops 2 really probably is the best CoD yet... Not only is the multiplayer great, the campaign was epic
  5. I've had Assassin's Creed 3 for months and I can't get myself to finish it... I've never been a big fan of the series, never finished 1 or 2 either to be honest. I figured this one would be different but I got bored with it fairly quickly. I think I'm done with the series.... Watchdogs looks more like what I've always wanted from the series, I'll probably check that out when I acquire a PS4
  6. Hahaha, I love Conan's reviews... Tomb Raider actually does look pretty good, I know my girlfriend is looking to pick it up, so I'll probably play it eventually.
  7. Anyone played Metal Gear: Rising yet? I downloaded the demo tonight but haven't gotten to it yet, it looks pretty cool. I know it's not a stealth-action game like the rest of the series but, the gameplay seems a lot like the fast paced melee combat ala Zone of the Enders, but set in the MGS universe. ZoE:2nd Runner is one of my fav PS2 games ever and I love the MGS series, so this is a plus in my book, should make a great replacement until ZoE:3 comes to light. I also kinda like hack and slashers (so sick of God of War, though) so I'll probably end up picking this up eventually.
  8. I'm totally addicted to these things atm... it's like a little PBJ pie of delicious
  9. I kinda hate my girlfriend's cat, that thing is not right... I mean I know cat's can be weird, but this thing is autistic or something... Plus I think the damn thing peed somewhere in the living room this morning and I can't seem to find out where. I'm making my gf track it down and clean it when she gets home (it's her cat and she agrees it's her responsibility and not mine, cause she knows I don't like the damn thing). In the meanwhile I'm hiding out in the bedroom away from the smell.... Ok, detraction from the first statement, there is no kinda I fucking hate this cat. If I didn't love my gf so much I wouldn't put up with it, fortunately she's kinda getting kinda pissed at the damn thing being such a shithead lately too,I'm subtley seeing if I can use this to eventually coax her to get rid of it eventually.
  10. I finished vol. 2 of Ed Brubaker's Criminal, and moved onto Incognito... Criminal is one of the best series' I've read and I might even go so far as to say it even trumps Sin City as far as the crime-noir thing goes. h Incognito was also a great read, a darker take on Superheroes in a more realistic world than most superhero series' set when the era of Superheroes is kinda over. Ed Brubaker's just a damn good writer and Sean Phillip's style compliments him perfectly. I'll probably end up looking into the Fatale series they did together as well. Also Being a big Batman fan I want to read Brubaker's work with Gotham Central as well, which is supposed to be good.... Currently I'm reading the First Compendium of The Walking Dead, I've only seen the first season of the show and need to catch up, I probably will make an effort to catch up after reading the books, though I do know there are differences between the show and comics. I'm not too far in yet but enjoying it a lot, at this point it's pretty in-line with the show but it was a while since I watched the first season even so it's nice to refresh my mind with the original medium,
  11. I read that story this morning on my Facebook feed and figured it must be fake, but apparently it's very real and a quite remarkable and awesome turn in the story. The story behind it was actually pretty sad, I felt bad for the guy who was just trying to pay tribute to his wife and ended up getting a shitty tattoo. Awesome of the artist who fixed it up to do it for free. Looks pretty decent now.
  12. The ending fix was good IMO, I also got my paragon maxed so I could have the extra option, no complaints... Mass Effect was a great series and 3 was a great closer to it. Come to think of it now though, I know i DL'ed the Omega DLC but can't remember if I finished it or not, I see the new DLC is out too. Perhaps I should just do another play-through. However right now I'm working through Skyrim some more, got sucked back in again finishing up the main stuff before I start on the Dragonborn missions and I still gotta finish Dead Space 3.
  13. I've completely been out of touch with time this week, seriously it didn't even occur to me that it's already Thursday until a few moments ago, despite knowing I should be looking for another job after being laid off, I've done absolutely nothing productive this week.
  14. She starts a new project at her job tomorrow, that must be it... I bet she's got herself all worked up inside her head about it.
  15. Girlfriend must not be sleeping well tonight, she was getting bitchy about every little noise I make out in the living room while she's trying to sleep in the bedroom. However I'm being much quieter than I usually am most nights so I don't know what her deal is. Last time she came out I told her politely to just close the bedroom door to block out noise instead of making me turn everything down to super quiet levels, she blew up and stormed into the room slamming the door behind her. It's not even that time of the month... WTF?! Women are so crazy sometimes.
  16. Damn, really hard to say... Despite all being stylistically breakcore there's some very different moods and aesthetics throughout the entire catalog. I've always been partial to Rossz, cause that's the album that got me into Vsnares, and it's fucking brilliant. However if I had to round out a top 3 I'd probably include Chocolate Wheelchair and Huge Chrome Cylinder... But shit, the more I think about it idk, I may have to dive into another Vsnares binge soon. It's been a while
  17. Heard this gem being played on the radio the other day, a classic...
  18. Got a six pack of these in the fridge. Good stuff, not as sweet as you'd be led to believe based on the name, but there is hints of maple and brown sugar.
  19. My gf took me out for wings last night, ate a bunch of spicy wings. As a result this morning after my morning dump, my ass burns a bit.
  20. So I was browsing through gamestop yesterday and saw Aliens : Colonial Marines for 19.99 already. A day from release and already returned and resold at clearance rates? I laughed a little. What a flop, doesn't even look worth it at that price.
  21. I knew Aliens: Colonial Marines was gonna be shit from the beginning... But like was mentioned, for a good Aliens game, seek out Aliens Vs Predator or AVP2, both I think were also remastered for Xbox360 and PS3, those two games are the best Alien/Predator games there is and probably ever will be.
  22. So not more than a few hours later I get a call from my mother that there has been a college refund check for $1300 adressed to me, mailed to their place (my permanent address)... I can now finally afford the new laptop I've been saving for with some extra left over. Today has been a weird mix of emotions. Also new Autechre is currently cheering me up.
  23. Just got laid off and found out ebay wont refund me for an item I attempted to return that the post-office lost all within the same hour. I could really use a bowl to de-stress but need to stay clean as I now am on the jobhunt again... This has definitely put me in a "fuck everything" mood.
  24. I'm not aware of the glitch, but the game does have scavenger bots that you can send out now to mine resources and deliver them to the bench systems... I just make sure to stay on top of always having them sent out so I feel I do okay with resources.
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