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Aphex Edits


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Call it sacrilege if you want, but although rdj is undoubtedly very talented, some of his tracks could be improved with a bit of editing, IMHO


Ever wished an Aphex track could be just slightly different to make it totally perfect? Suggest hypothetical changes here.


If I could travel back in time to RDJs studio when he was making these tracks, and magically influence him with hypnosis (or maybe just the offer of a pint), here's the changes I'd get him to make:


Acrid Avid Jam Shred

great until 04:34 but then gets dull.

needs a different ending, e.g. after 04:34 repeat the last 16 bars into a fade


Donkey Rhubarb

lovely but too long and too much repetition

e.g. many phrases/sections repeat 8 times when 4 would be enough



bass line at 01:16 is probably an attempt to push the boundaries a bit, but ultimately doesnt cut it. too heavy and repetitive. needs a more gentle, varied baseline.



- female moans at 02:01 are a bit tacky

- what would have been a beautiful section between 02:42 and 03:26 is runied (probably deliberately) by arthymic jumps (e.g. at 02:42, 02:54, 03:03, 03:12, 03:26). I can well imagine RDJ putting these glitches in because he wanted to make the track less accessible - but I would prefer to hear the beautiful version.

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I would have made 'Bucephalus Bouncing Ball' a lot shorter, by simply knocking it on the head at the three minute mark (which would technically have reduced the song to 'Bucephalus'). I would have used the 'Defender' sample elsewhere instead.

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Guest yetihunter

if you don't like the tracks, why listen?

if you're that bothered then, y'know, make your own music eh

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this seems a bit stupid




I have chopped the beginnings off, both Dimotane Co & The Barn (303 Kebab Mix)

just so they don't scare the bejebus oot of me when I'm listening on random.

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if you don't like the tracks, why listen?

if you're that bothered then, y'know, make your own music eh

I thought it might make an interesting topic to talk about in this forum.

Which is, after all, a forum for discussing stuff related to Aphex Twin.

And I do like the tracks, but I'm interested to see if other people think they could benefit from a few hypothetical tweaks.


edit: I'm not trying to say I could do any better, I just thought this would be an interesting way to discuss the music.

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Guest yetihunter

fair enough, i didn't mean for it to sound so harsh like

i just think if you take out all these little bits or edit it around, then surely you're taking away the aphex out of aphex?

same with any artist, i guess i almost always prefer their originals rather than the remixes

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Call it sacrilege if you want, but although WATMM is undoubtedly very diverse and fun to read, the member list could be improved with a bit of editing, IMHO



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- what would have been a beautiful section between 02:42 and 03:26 is runied (probably deliberately) by arthymic jumps (e.g. at 02:42, 02:54, 03:03, 03:12, 03:26). I can well imagine RDJ putting these glitches in because he wanted to make the track less accessible - but I would prefer to hear the beautiful version.


I think these are more like time signature changes than 'arhythmic' glitches. If progressive rock/metal can do spontaneous timing cuts, why can't electronic music?

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Guest Death and Taxes

I would go back in time and stop the people remixing vent0lin for gods sake

aren't most of those remixes his? apart from the cylob and vibert ones... i actually really like most of those remixes :cry2:


yeah not sure what he's talking about. ventolin EP is brilliant.


here are some changes that i would make:


RDJ Album - Peek 82454301 - Right around 1:34, we need a sample of a robot exploding. huge, over the top sample, where you can hear all the gears and springs and hunks of metal clanging together and ricocheting off each other and the tile floor. then the heavy pieces give way to the treble of the little screws and bolts and shards of glass tinkering and plinking down a staircase.


ICBYD - Alberto Balsalm - Not sure, but it's pretty awful sounding and needs a lot of work. First we'll take the shrill high pitch noise off ventolin and blare it through a distortion pedal with lots of feedback and run that through the track. the melody is a little soft, reinforce it with some electric guitar. maybe give it an updated nu-metal edge, with the emcee from linkin park spitting out some mad venom on it. make it more loud-soft-loud style.


SAWII - entire album - the whole thing is dull and repetitve. the amen break should be applied extremely liberally all throughout the entire work.


Mike and Rich - Upright Kangaroo. Song actually needs to emit burp smell during burp samples. Right out the headphone jack or something, just a humid whiff of sour cream and onion crisp breath for every instance of the sample.

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- what would have been a beautiful section between 02:42 and 03:26 is runied (probably deliberately) by arthymic jumps (e.g. at 02:42, 02:54, 03:03, 03:12, 03:26). I can well imagine RDJ putting these glitches in because he wanted to make the track less accessible - but I would prefer to hear the beautiful version.


I think these are more like time signature changes than 'arhythmic' glitches. If progressive rock/metal can do spontaneous timing cuts, why can't electronic music?


ah maybe - to me it sounds like a fairly normal 4/4ish section thats been deliberately mangled. I'm always expecting the melody to continue and it keeps getting interrupted. But its very subjective. I'm just saying I would prefer it a different way. I'm not saying electronic music can't do spontaneous timing cuts.


Your post became boring after "sacrilege", I suggest you edit it.


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I would go back in time and stop the people remixing vent0lin for gods sake

aren't most of those remixes his? apart from the cylob and vibert ones... i actually really like most of those remixes :cry2:


yeah not sure what he's talking about. ventolin EP is brilliant.


here are some changes that i would make:


RDJ Album - Peek 82454301 - Right around 1:34, we need a sample of a robot exploding. huge, over the top sample, where you can hear all the gears and springs and hunks of metal clanging together and ricocheting off each other and the tile floor. then the heavy pieces give way to the treble of the little screws and bolts and shards of glass tinkering and plinking down a staircase.


ICBYD - Alberto Balsalm - Not sure, but it's pretty awful sounding and needs a lot of work. First we'll take the shrill high pitch noise off ventolin and blare it through a distortion pedal with lots of feedback and run that through the track. the melody is a little soft, reinforce it with some electric guitar. maybe give it an updated nu-metal edge, with the emcee from linkin park spitting out some mad venom on it. make it more loud-soft-loud style.


SAWII - entire album - the whole thing is dull and repetitve. the amen break should be applied extremely liberally all throughout the entire work.


Mike and Rich - Upright Kangaroo. Song actually needs to emit burp smell during burp samples. Right out the headphone jack or something, just a humid whiff of sour cream and onion crisp breath for every instance of the sample.


Idiot. Epsecially the Alberto Balsam comments. You fool.

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I would go back in time and stop the people remixing vent0lin for gods sake

aren't most of those remixes his? apart from the cylob and vibert ones... i actually really like most of those remixes :cry2:


yeah not sure what he's talking about. ventolin EP is brilliant.


here are some changes that i would make:


RDJ Album - Peek 82454301 - Right around 1:34, we need a sample of a robot exploding. huge, over the top sample, where you can hear all the gears and springs and hunks of metal clanging together and ricocheting off each other and the tile floor. then the heavy pieces give way to the treble of the little screws and bolts and shards of glass tinkering and plinking down a staircase.


ICBYD - Alberto Balsalm - Not sure, but it's pretty awful sounding and needs a lot of work. First we'll take the shrill high pitch noise off ventolin and blare it through a distortion pedal with lots of feedback and run that through the track. the melody is a little soft, reinforce it with some electric guitar. maybe give it an updated nu-metal edge, with the emcee from linkin park spitting out some mad venom on it. make it more loud-soft-loud style.


SAWII - entire album - the whole thing is dull and repetitve. the amen break should be applied extremely liberally all throughout the entire work.


Mike and Rich - Upright Kangaroo. Song actually needs to emit burp smell during burp samples. Right out the headphone jack or something, just a humid whiff of sour cream and onion crisp breath for every instance of the sample.


Idiot. Epsecially the Alberto Balsam comments. You fool.




wow...bcm...you just shot in to the lead as watmm's most idiot with that post

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Guest thisket
yeah not sure what he's talking about. ventolin EP is brilliant.


here are some changes that i would make:


RDJ Album - Peek 82454301 - Right around 1:34, we need a sample of a robot exploding. huge, over the top sample, where you can hear all the gears and springs and hunks of metal clanging together and ricocheting off each other and the tile floor. then the heavy pieces give way to the treble of the little screws and bolts and shards of glass tinkering and plinking down a staircase.


ICBYD - Alberto Balsalm - Not sure, but it's pretty awful sounding and needs a lot of work. First we'll take the shrill high pitch noise off ventolin and blare it through a distortion pedal with lots of feedback and run that through the track. the melody is a little soft, reinforce it with some electric guitar. maybe give it an updated nu-metal edge, with the emcee from linkin park spitting out some mad venom on it. make it more loud-soft-loud style.


SAWII - entire album - the whole thing is dull and repetitve. the amen break should be applied extremely liberally all throughout the entire work.


Mike and Rich - Upright Kangaroo. Song actually needs to emit burp smell during burp samples. Right out the headphone jack or something, just a humid whiff of sour cream and onion crisp breath for every instance of the sample.

I almost got mad... :rolleyes:

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Guest Ron Manager

Run The Place Red remix from Smojphace EP


the 0:30-1:30 section should be looped and repeated on 8 sides of vinyl. would be my new favourite release.

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SAWII - entire album - the whole thing is dull and repetitve. the amen break should be applied extremely liberally all throughout the entire work.


Haha that got a good laugh out of me. Perhaps a remix LP by Bong-Ra would do the job :rhubear1:

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I would go back in time and stop the people remixing vent0lin for gods sake

aren't most of those remixes his? apart from the cylob and vibert ones... i actually really like most of those remixes :cry2:


yeah not sure what he's talking about. ventolin EP is brilliant.


here are some changes that i would make:


RDJ Album - Peek 82454301 - Right around 1:34, we need a sample of a robot exploding. huge, over the top sample, where you can hear all the gears and springs and hunks of metal clanging together and ricocheting off each other and the tile floor. then the heavy pieces give way to the treble of the little screws and bolts and shards of glass tinkering and plinking down a staircase.


ICBYD - Alberto Balsalm - Not sure, but it's pretty awful sounding and needs a lot of work. First we'll take the shrill high pitch noise off ventolin and blare it through a distortion pedal with lots of feedback and run that through the track. the melody is a little soft, reinforce it with some electric guitar. maybe give it an updated nu-metal edge, with the emcee from linkin park spitting out some mad venom on it. make it more loud-soft-loud style.


SAWII - entire album - the whole thing is dull and repetitve. the amen break should be applied extremely liberally all throughout the entire work.


Mike and Rich - Upright Kangaroo. Song actually needs to emit burp smell during burp samples. Right out the headphone jack or something, just a humid whiff of sour cream and onion crisp breath for every instance of the sample.


THOSE IDEAS ARE BRILLIANT!!! No, they really are! :yeah:


In fact, I have some more great ideas:


Avril 14th: Just at the 1:14 point, there needs to be a woman screaming really, really loudly at the exact pitch of being woken up in the night by strange men shining powerful torches in your eyes.


bbydhyonchord: The beat of this song is all wrong. We need some extremely loud samples of 73-yips and Ventolin (Wheeze Mix) going twice as fast and half the pitch at the same time.


Xtal: Yeah, it's all just too boring. It is positively essential that we get loads of really tiny samples from Logan Rock Witch, about 0.0025 seconds long, and loop them all for about 20 minutes, all hammering at the same time. We also need the sound of me crashing my bike through a huge glass sculpture full of herion, just at about 4:15.


Melodies from Mars: The whole EP is very,very boring. There are no exploding chinese roundabouts, even a small hedgehog on fire would have been nice! Why did RDJ even release it??? What it needs is a skip full of burning plastic toys, and then a car with loads of diamond bladed angle grinders sellotaped to it should drive at 1,000mph straight into it. Sample that noise and use it on every last beat throughout MfM. Also for Analogue bubblebath 5 (btw could anyone help me find the CD version of this release?) same treatment as MfM but the sample should sound like it were played through a 50ft tube full of mice.


Also, i've made my own remix to Bucephalus Bouncing Ball! :grin:



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