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New Film With Original Soundtrack by Aphex Twin?

Guest EleminoP

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Guest Romhotep
i've heard of this Sleep Furiously. i wonder why. can't recall.

Might just be from the thread I started on it like a week ago.


Also, now giving myself credit for finding it back then. Can I jazzband this since I already started a thread on it?




But yeah, I'm really hoping this isn't just a SAWII retread, I'm always skeptical of what gets called an original score. Snippets I've read about this thing don't completely dash my hopes, though.


Shit better sound like KTPA1 and KTPA2, though.

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As amazing it would be if he did make an original score, it does seem very unlikely. Mr. James does not like making music on request, and to make a decent film score, it would have to be just the right mood for the situations in the film, and the director would have to tell him if the music doesn't fit, or isn't good enough.


He is not the kind of person who likes being told how to make music. It's the kind of thing that would end in a walkout.


i think he's older now, a bit more mature and things have changed. afaik he has a family now and he's probably more likely to compromise (that not necessarily ever being a bad thing at all) in order to make something like this happen. if something like this was going to happen, why not now? beside the film seems so perfectly suited to his upbringing, why not go completely out of his way to do new music. He would do it if he wanted to, and even though i don't know much about the situation, i still don't see any reason he wouldn't want to. it's not like some huge crappy Hollywood movie or anything. it just seems like something he might actually do at this point.

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Awesome. Do you think there will be a way to see the film outside of this film fest? An eventual DVD release, perhaps? I'd like to see it even if it is just SAWII.

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i've heard of this Sleep Furiously. i wonder why. can't recall.

Might just be from the thread I started on it like a week ago.


Also, now giving myself credit for finding it back then. Can I jazzband this since I already started a thread on it?


I knew I should have done a search...sorry. Go jazzband!


It does seem like SAWII usage, possibly with some Drukqs piano, but I've still get some hope based on its location. Anybody live in Edinburgh?

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Guest Romhotep
i've heard of this Sleep Furiously. i wonder why. can't recall.

Might just be from the thread I started on it like a week ago.


Also, now giving myself credit for finding it back then. Can I jazzband this since I already started a thread on it?


I knew I should have done a search...sorry. Go jazzband!


It does seem like SAWII usage, possibly with some Drukqs piano, but I've still get some hope based on its location. Anybody live in Edinburgh?

My sister was supposed to be in Edinburgh round then, but instead she's coming in to visit me and my grandfather in the States.


Cunt. :arrr:

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Guest BunnyRabbit
"Sleep Furiously’ is also noteworthy for being the first and only feature-length film with a soundtrack by cult musician-composer Aphex Twin."


Royal Holloway link.



You'd think Warp might mention it.


Hope someone releases it as an OST.


i think his contract with warp has finished



I knew someone would say that.


It does seem to have but they still list his DJ dates on the the Warpbot e-mail.


Frustratingly little info on this.

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Guest analogue wings
I knew someone would say that.


It does seem to have but they still list his DJ dates on the the Warpbot e-mail.


Frustratingly little info on this.


They still have back catalogue to sell and they're not about to fool themselves about who's feeding their kids.

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Guest bitroast


Gideon Koppel has just completed his first feature-length film 'sleep furiously' - collaborating with the cult musician/composer Aphex Twin, writer Peter Handke and Executive Producers Mike Figgis and Serge Lalou.


this, along with "Intertwined with an original soundtrack" from that festival site make it seem pretty convincing that it actually is an original score and not just saw2 tracks.

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Guest bitroast
I dont know, doesn't he live on a farm now?


really? and the film is a colloboration with aphex twin?

asif this isnt just a documentary on richard d james in disguise.

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I suppose it'd be best to hope for something along the lines of Plaid and Tekkonkinkreet soundtrack-wise. I don't mean musical sytle, obviously, I mean approach to soundtrack's accompanying films.


Wait and see is the best option I can think of right now.

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Guest bitroast


I am curious to know who this email is from - but thanks for your interest in 'sleep furiously', I hope that you get to see the film in Edinburgh.

In answer to your question: no, Richard James did not compose an original soundtrack for 'sleep furiously' - these are tracks Richard kindly let me use for the film.

It is very irritating that the festival made this false claim in their program notes.

best wishes


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Guest Kenneth172

I am curious to know who this email is from - but thanks for your interest in 'sleep furiously', I hope that you get to see the film in Edinburgh.

In answer to your question: no, Richard James did not compose an original soundtrack for 'sleep furiously' - these are tracks Richard kindly let me use for the film.

It is very irritating that the festival made this false claim in their program notes.

best wishes



Not surprising really is it? "original soundtrack" my arse...

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Guest Romhotep

Damn, well, I'm still gonna hold out hope foolishly even if I expect nothing.


Maybe he'll have been wise enough to use some stuff besides the usual.

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I am curious to know who this email is from - but thanks for your interest in 'sleep furiously', I hope that you get to see the film in Edinburgh.

In answer to your question: no, Richard James did not compose an original soundtrack for 'sleep furiously' - these are tracks Richard kindly let me use for the film.

It is very irritating that the festival made this false claim in their program notes.

best wishes



If that is true, and I definitely can believe it it, then damnit


Here's to the possibility that he gave them original tracks but didn't tell anybody. If they don't know his music well it could happen. :beer:


I admire your optimism


I knew someone would say that.


It does seem to have but they still list his DJ dates on the the Warpbot e-mail.


Frustratingly little info on this.


They still have back catalogue to sell and they're not about to fool themselves about who's feeding their kids.


LOL :aphexsign:

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Guest bitroast

yeah its true. though it wasnt sent me to me. my brother was interested and emailed the director of the film. within an hour got that reply. if emails are anything to go by, he seems like a real nice guy.

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Guest BunnyRabbit

Fucking Festival organisers trying to trick us into going to see their films!



I liked the way pigster just stated the fact and only backed it up when questioned.


Why not just bring the evidence out first time?


Doesn't matter now obviously but still....

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