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Scintilli out in '09


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lol @ the title Scintilli out in '09

It's all a bit murky now, but looking back at the start of this thread it seems Scintilli was originally expected in 2008. I honestly don't remember anymore.

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*goose bumps!*


now that's magic when you get goose bumps from music. this (new) untitled track has some power in it.

WOW.. thanks for this sirch!


Plaid in all their glory (sounds like Ed).. beautiful!


Now this is the kinda of thing i wanna hear more of.. something i can melt away to :)

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  • 2 months later...

'Scintilli' should be (one of) the next album announced for release by Warp this year.... taking into account that Bibios' is scheduled for release in March.

so, some news soon, i reckon!! :D

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  • 4 weeks later...

..well, looks like Scintilli won't be out this April (suprise, suprise), as Prefuse 73 has an album coming out.. so i guess Warp will maybe announce Scintilli's release around April time? (i know April had something to do with it! right???????????????)

so, on that logic, it probably won't be out til around July/August, '11. if (fucking fuckety) ever. *groan* :(

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This is starting to take the piss :(




If the music is done then its clearly the fault of the fucking record label. If the music isn't done then its not done. How can you demand something that isnt finished.


Plaid arent some gay artists like BoC or Aphex that like to tease their fans, they've clearly shown that they like to release music whenever possible. Theyre not jerking us around, theres a perfectly good reason for the wait.



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Scintilli : 4 x CD album, 5.1 DVD/BluRay incl. 'Classics'/live gig footage + 'exclusive extras' (= unreleased Balil/Atypic/Tura/Close,Up,Over, etc. etc. w/video by ancients + summppl, rare Black Dog Productions live gig footage), double CD remix album, European/US Tour Summer/Autumn 2011.... ;0


heavyweight vinyl, too. of course :)

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Scintilli : 4 x CD album, 5.1 DVD/BluRay incl. 'Classics'/live gig footage + 'exclusive extras' (= unreleased Balil/Atypic/Tura/Close,Up,Over, etc. etc. w/video by ancients + summppl, rare Black Dog Productions live gig footage), double CD remix album, European/US Tour Summer/Autumn 2011.... ;0


heavyweight vinyl, too. of course :)


Ummm.... source? You better not be taking the piss :emotawesomepm9:

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well as it s not coming out since like, ages, im thinking maybe they're building a space shuttle or what? anyway, i dont wanna be too expecting about Scintilli, cause whenever i be that, a bad album comes out :/

so, i wanna believe in chassis and i really do. they must be keeping it for good reasons. and if not, im gonna move to Iran and work for their nuclear programme for free against the West, i mean "civilisation"

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Guest Portland LaBone

It takes a good while to convert the video to 3D and print up the packaging and make the 3D glasses that come with the album.

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It takes a good while to convert the video to 3D and print up the packaging and make the 3D glasses that come with the album.


well i would certainly put on a pair of 3D specs to view the new Plaid stuff whether it made me look like a geeky dick or not!

but can't they issue some fucking 3D contacts? man they've had enough time!!!!!!!!!!! GGGGGGGGGGRRRRRROWWWWWWWWLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!! (ooff, sorry ;P)

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Yes, hes clearly taking the piss mate. Like everyone on this forum.


Plaid forum is actually a lot better than the rest when piss taking's concerned.

and i'm not gonna say another word on the matter cos it'll seem like i'm taking the piss.


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or keep coming.. til it waits... and is... released...


(tbh i've given up on Scintilli. die-hard fan, given up. what does that say?)


i don't think it'll ever come out. and it was silly of them to name an album that wasn't even done... and maybe still isn't. - *bored*

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