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Anyone make a habit of going to saunas?

I havent been in a coons age but just last weekend me and my friends built a sweatlodge in the woods with branches, blankets, fire and lava rocks. Was an extremely refreshing experience.

I was reading up on saunas on wikipedia and was actually surprised to find that the article on the benefits of saunaing was paragraphs long, brimming with rejeuvenating qualities:


Sauna may provide some relief to patients with asthma and chronic bronchitis, and may also alleviate pain and improve joint mobility in patients with rheumatic disease. The sauna does not cause drying of the skin, and may even benefit patients with psoriasis, although sweating may increase itching in patients with atopic dermatitis.[citations needed]

Contraindications to sauna include unstable angina pectoris, recent myocardial infarction,[27] and severe aortic stenosis. Sauna is safe, however, for most people with stable coronary heart disease.[28] It is not harmful to the aged or even young infants over 3 months in moderation[29] and does not affect wound healing.[30] Sauna use may reduce the incidence of the common cold, and temporarily relieve the symptoms.[31][32] It increases performance in endurance sport,[33] increases plasma volume and red cell volume in athletes, decreased systolic blood pressure, significantly improved exercise tolerance, increased peak respiratory oxygen uptake, and enhanced anaerobic threshold in chronic conditions.

Sauna plus multidisciplinary treatment may reduce chronic pain more effectively than multidisciplinary treatment alone. Sauna reduces chronic pain more effectively than cognitive behaviour therapy. It is indicated for rheumatic pain (with cold shower) but not for neuropathic pain.[34] Is effective for appetite loss and mild depression.[35] Indicated in reducing symptoms in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome,[8][36] and rheumatoid arthritis,[37] and indicated for anorexia nervosa.[38] Sauna improves function in conditions such as, congestive heart failure, and high blood pressure, improves vasodilation, improves heart arrhythmia, and reduces heart rate on exercise. Sauna has been proposed for treatment of other conditions such as, glaucoma,[39] Sjogren syndrome,[40] chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia,[41] anorexia nervosa, obstructive lung disease,[42] recuperation after childbirth, and also for lifestyle related diseases of, diabetes, arteriosclerosis, obesity, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, atherosclerosis and smoking induced symptoms.[43]

Sauna has also been found to reduce levels of stress hormones adrenalin and noradrenalin and to increase levels of ACTH (adenocorticotropic hormon), cortisol and beta endorphin.[44] Sauna has been found to increase the hormone testosterone in men. Sauna also found to reduce prostaglandin F2alpha and protect against oxidative stress. It enhances activation of monocytes to bacteria and endotoxins.[45]

Other benefits of saunas: It has shown that regular saunas combined with exercise therapy can efficiently clear organic chemicals,[46] solvents,[47] drugs, pharmaceuticals even PCBs[48] and heavy metals from the body.[49]

In addition a sauna followed by a cold shower has been shown to reduce pain in rheumatoid arthritis where pain is mediated by sensitised c-fibre sympathetics. Regular saunas have also been found to improve micro circulation reduce vasoconstriction and hypertension.[50][51] Many symptoms of chronic illnesses may be due to vasoconstriction effects eg. cold sensitivity, pain even mood states, and sauna improves microcirculation and blood supply to constricted areas.[52] Research has also shown that adaptation to cold through short term cold stimulus, as in cold swimming, immersion (or showers) has the added benefit of improving the body's anti oxidant capabilities, with increases in glutathione and reduction of uric acid, which may mean better handling of the stresses of illness.[53] Those that are shown to involve reduced glutathione or increased glutathione use, include; cardiovascular conditions, pulmonary diseases, diabetes,[54] inflammatory bowel diseases, cancer, osteoporosis, aging, and after pesticide exposure.[55] Conditions involving oxidative stress include neuro degenerative diseases, CFS, bone fracture and others. Conditions in which increased uric acid may be a risk factor include, gout, metabolic disease and vascular diseases.

A reported study from the Thrombosis Institute in London into the effects of the cold bathing found that volunteers that followed a disciplined daily regime had increased immune white blood cells and the level of the bodies natural blood thinning enzymes substantially increased, improving micro circulation. It also stimulated the production of hormones such as testosterone in men, and boosted women's production of estrogen. Cold water immersion raises thresholds of pain tolerance, and aids adaptation to cold, reduces muscle spasm, can influence the frequency of respiratory infections and improve subjective well-being. It may cause an immunological modulation in terms of the Th1-type pattern, which is a proinflammatory cytokine profile. It is involved in diseases such as arthritis,[56] diabetes,[57][58] inflammatory myopathies, inflammatory bowel disease,[59] psoriasis, CFS, fibromyalgia, chronic pain, fatigue conditions,[60] auto immune disease and other inflammatory conditions. Cold water adaptation reduced total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol, lowered plasma viscosity and blood pressure rate product. Cold water immersion reduces recovery time in athletes,[61] enhances repeat performance and reduces exercise induced muscle damage.[62]

Cold water exposure challenges both the neuro-endocrine and the immune systems, reduces stress hormones and attenuates their response. Increases ADH and cortisol and increases immunomodulatory cytokines.[63] Cold water exposure and adaptation can modify the sensory functions of hypothalamic thermoregulatory centres to lower heat loss and produce less heat during cold exposure and have immunostimulating effects.[64] The thermogenic action of adrenaline in cold exposure produces heat and may reduce this stress hormone.[65] An important effect is the ability of sauna to use up excess sympathetic nerve tone in both the central and peripheral nervous systems and just as importantly use up excess levels of local tissue hormones involved in feedback loops to the hypothalamus, thus aiding recovery in chronic illness.[66] The therapeutic sauna with hot cycle followed by a cold cycle brings the benefits of both, forces all the blood to flow gently and evenly outwards to the skin to cool off in the heat of the sauna, and then forces it to flow evenly inwards to protect and heat the vital organs of the body when suddenly cooled. With sauna, sections of the body with chronically deprived blood, increase supply and reduce oxidative stress. As the blood supply cycles into the organs and then out to the skin it acts like a pump bringing stored chemical toxins from remote areas of the body through the microcirculation to the skin to be removed in sweat.

The parasympathetic system governs sweat glands secretion and is increased by sauna. It has been shown with drugs such as caffeine, that delayed metabolic (organ) clearance was offset by a minor (2.5 percent) elimination in (skin) sweat by sauna.[67] Sweat tests have shown pharmaceutical drugs are eliminated in sweat.[citation needed] Narcotics, alkaloids, and barbiturates are eliminated in sweat, and elimination increased with heat.[citation needed] The beneficial effects of therapeutic sauna are both temporary and long term, with some benefits lasting about 24 hours.[68] Adaptation and detoxification will occur after longer use when the practice can be suspended or continued if beneficial.


If i ever get a house it's definitely going to have a suana in it.

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I lived in an apartment complex for three months that had a sauna, it was delightful. I miss it but the subliminal skuzzositude of the public sauna is something I don't miss.

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whats a chinese sauna like?

do they give you tiny 70-pound women curled into tiny balls to use as a chair?


travel tip: brothels are called saunas in China. No relation to small rooms with hot rocks in them.

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so what do you call a little room with hot rocks in china?


can you get a sauna in a chinese sauna while having a sauna AND getting your knob sooked in a room with hot rocks, all at the same time?

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so what do you call a little room with hot rocks in china?


can you get a sauna in a chinese sauna while having a sauna AND getting your knob sooked in a room with hot rocks, all at the same time?


actually I lied, some saunas do have saunas in them, near the shower room. You can't have sex in the sauna though (sounds like a recipe for heart attack express)

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I usually go to the sauna once a week when its colder outside after sport. Too bad I've only been once to a "real" sauna with multiple rooms, temperatures, etc, cause most of my friends dont want to go in there naked:cat:

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Guest morphis2525

never been in a sauna, seeing as i is a tad overweight i should proly try em out. try to sweat my man tits away

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this sounds like a fine idea, problem is where the hell is a sauna


thats the problem! Unless you live in some cold european country or have a membership at some health club bullshit, the sauna is hard to come by. If you've got trees and rocks you can make to with a sweatlodge, but not everyone has access to TnR. I was thinking i should just open up a sauna on a boulevard. Public sweats 5 bucks, private rooms 10. Maybe serve some beer and light meals, who wouldnt want to hit that up?

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Guest Mr Salads



this sounds like a fine idea, problem is where the hell is a sauna


thats the problem! Unless you live in some cold european country or have a membership at some health club bullshit, the sauna is hard to come by. If you've got trees and rocks you can make to with a sweatlodge, but not everyone has access to TnR. I was thinking i should just open up a sauna on a boulevard. Public sweats 5 bucks, private rooms 10. Maybe serve some beer and light meals, who wouldnt want to hit that up?


3rd option, i know this can be done: get a condo with a sauna in it up in the mountains. We used to go to a condo in the mtns and it had a sauna. Problem is the condo's a timeshare. 2nd problem is, its only available in november. and now, its fucking august. So this thread is a bit premature.

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I have never been bothered by sweating profusely.


In fact, I find it moderately arousing.  And sex in a sauna can be done, lumenprol, you just can't do it for long without having Gatorade and water standing by.



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