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Sexy Sarah Palin

Guest Gary C

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Looks like she needs to get fucked in the ass so she knows her place.



Fuck this bitch, I was tired of hearing her talk the first time she opened her mouth.


And I don't see how that cover is provocative in any way shape or form. It's a woman standing in running gear. Not even sexy running gear. Just running gear.

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it just says something when the supposed progressives cant wait to pull the same bullshit tactic that they used before.



perpetual nonsense. great.


lol, do you see any democratic leaders pulling that tactic? i'm just saying this from the point of view of an extremely frustrated liberal.


please don't let my anger represent the outlook of the "supposed progressives," who obviously still have grown no balls over the past few months and fear upsetting conservatives to the point where their reforms are suffering (just look at the health care bill).


also, maybe i misunderstood you, because i'm not sure who is the "they" you're referring to in your first sentence. i assumed conservatives because i've never heard of left-wing politicians acting like tits by questioning patriotism.

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That could very well be, but my prediction is China will also have a bumpy road ahead. It may take a decade to really come to a head, but it seems the one child policy gave them this totally weird population curve, the younger generation is already having to cope with supporting the huge bulge of elderly. I wouldn't be surprised if India comes out the overall winner. Plus they already speak English. But when my Indian friends come to Shanghai they are blow away by China's infrastructure. They at least are getting that part of it right.


Don't you think you're overstating it with Obama? Of course I haven't been back in the states, but from an outsider's perspective it just seems his poll numbers have slumped as anyone with a brain would have assumed they would. Do you think there's really been a huge sea-change in terms of his popularity?

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Politics in general is fucking depressing. Over here as well, our main two parties that go back and forth in power every decade or so nowadays are basically the same. I mean, they're all mates at the end of the day, they're completely out of touch and alienated from the people to make things worse.


It's the most pessimistic time politically over here. Politicans are just jokes in the media and people only vote for whoever because "they might as well" and it doesn't really make much difference anyway.


(Disclaimer: I don't really follow politics too heavily and don't claim to be a genius. This is just my take, shoot me down if you will.)

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Why is she in the media, other than her own self-importance?


She helped to almost single-handedly lose McCain's election, lost her husband, left her job as governor of Alaska, and now acts like she's the second coming of Christ.



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Obama can only do so much. I didn't expect him to fix the economy over night. The right wing media, beck/limbaugh/fox have got such a boner for hating on obama like Ive never seen. Its over the top. He can't do anything right. Can't even comb his hair in the right direction for them


Palin sees dollar signs. She wants to get rich. Becoming President would just be gravy to her.

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Obama can only do so much. I didn't expect him to fix the economy over night. The right wing media, beck/limbaugh/fox have got such a boner for hating on obama like Ive never seen. Its over the top. He can't do anything right. Can't even comb his hair in the right direction for them


Palin sees dollar signs. She wants to get rich. Becoming President would just be gravy to her.



I am so sick of her and the fringe base she comes from. People hate the Bush Administration for a lot more reasons than because they beat a fucking Democrat in 2000.. more like, over 500,000 dead Iraqis (for no apparent reason), and the thousands of Americans, of course.


The partisan people now are just petty and immature. It's about the country, not your sports team.

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I doubt she'll run for president. There is too much dirt out there about her already. None of the Republican party leaders take her seriously. I will say though, that she still has a solid following in the southeast U.S. but those are people that do nothing but go to church and watch FOX News. I have some neighbors in my building who literally do nothing all day but sit out on their balcony with their plants and knickknacks and smoke and watch FOX News.

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I doubt she'll run for president. There is too much dirt out there about her already. None of the Republican party leaders take her seriously. I will say though, that she still has a solid following in the southeast U.S. but those are people that do nothing but go to church and watch FOX News. I have some neighbors in my building who literally do nothing all day but sit out on their balcony with their plants and knickknacks and smoke and watch FOX News.



it's crazy. it's like FOX's whole thing is to prey on the weak-minded who absorb anything they hear. they hire former models and women above an 8 of attractiveness so they'll listen to them more or something. ignorance is like Murdoch's secret weapon.


B. Clinton said that America's problem is how everyone has their fair say. it's both good and bad,, tis sad but true.

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If the headline was "Look at this picture, what's she doing away from the sink?" I'd agree with the sexist sentiment.


Otherwise she's talking shit.


To American WATMMers - How seriously do your fellow citizens take Palin? She seems like kind of a joke.



I doubt she'll run for president. There is too much dirt out there about her already. None of the Republican party leaders take her seriously. I will say though, that she still has a solid following in the southeast U.S. but those are people that do nothing but go to church and watch FOX News. I have some neighbors in my building who literally do nothing all day but sit out on their balcony with their plants and knickknacks and smoke and watch FOX News.



it's crazy. it's like FOX's whole thing is to prey on the weak-minded who absorb anything they hear. they hire former models and women above an 8 of attractiveness so they'll listen to them more or something. ignorance is like Murdoch's secret weapon.


B. Clinton said that America's problem is how everyone has their fair say. it's both good and bad,, tis sad but true.


Yeah, I can never stomach watching FOX News for more than a few minutes at a time, but there must be something that they do to inspire the kind of blind loyalty they have amassed with the LCD populace.


I like that everyone has their fair say, I just want people to be smarter and less scared of the world around them.

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Sarah Palin has accused Newsweek of 'sexism' with this cover. The photo was originally taken for a running magazine, and she says that it's been printed immorally by Newsweek, changing the context.

Regardless of the publication, she's still posed provocatively in a regal looking office with an American flag...




I never saw anything attractive in her before, but looking at that picture... I'd stick my wick in it. :facepalm:



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The partisan people now are just petty and immature. It's about the country, not your sports team.


Ive been saying the same thing. Its like sports teams. Not about the actual problems and finding solutions. Lets just find a way to argue against the other team. Sadly, people vote on star appeal. Not on credentials, brains etc. Oh, she has a downs baby like me. Oh, she's a working mom like me. She should run the free world

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Agreed. I don't despise her personally, but the GOP and current conservative movement piss me off, as do the anti-government Tea Party protesters who sat all fat and happy under W. There's no voice for moderates or libertarians out there.


That said Obama hasn't accomplished much of anything besides appease the majority of his voters by simply not being George W. Bush or an "evil" Republican. But it is ridiculous to even think he's somehow ruining our country.

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