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sr4: probably got the best embrace ever. i don't think i'll ever get an embrace like that again. on our way home, we were giving one of my friends a ride (from the rave) and he was going on and on about how happy he was for us and just kept going on and on... my wife hates that dudes guts still to this day.



Do you still hang out w him and she gets all cold when you're gonna go out to drink play XBox?

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go into the cellar and eat a bunch of cheese (any kind). walk around down there, just wherever, you know like over by the stairs, maybe over by the laundry or whatever. just pace about for a bit, relax. so now you're probably thinking but you're feeling calm and that's cool. take your time (do you have any pieces of pizza?) at this point you should probably go back upstairs because it's been a while and your bride to be is worried about you, especially since you don't even have a cellar. bring to casks of cognac. proceed with dinner as you normally would, eating carrots and what not but do not open the cognac. not yet. after washing up (the dishes and your parts too!) just chill or do whatever like you normally would. when your wife heads to be give her a kiss on her head, look into her eyes and tell her you love her. tell her no matter what heppens she should always remember this. wipe a single tear from the corner of your eye. when she asks what's got into you, are you ok, what's going on? just be cool, act casual, tell her goodnight and back slowly out of the room. before exiting wipe a second tear. now go downstairs and open the cognac, both casks. drink until the casks are as empty as you're feeling and have been feeling for some time now. ok cool, you're probably fucking pissed now. head to the garage. put the car in nuetral and quietly push it out the drive way into the street. place the ring and the note (see below) in the mailbox. get in the car, turn on the ignition, the lights and get the FUCK out of there and never ever look back.


the next morning your wife will be very upset since not only are you missing but you've puked all over the fucking place and drank her priceless casks of cognac that her father gave her when he died with the demand that she preserve them forever and ever. she'll notice the car is missing and this will really piss her off. eventually, after trying to reach you on your cell (which of course is going straight to VM) she wanders to the mailbox to check shit out. she will see the ring, read the note and live happily ever after.


the note should be hand-written, not typed and should read: :trashbear:

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sr4: probably got the best embrace ever. i don't think i'll ever get an embrace like that again. on our way home, we were giving one of my friends a ride (from the rave) and he was going on and on about how happy he was for us and just kept going on and on... my wife hates that dudes guts still to this day.



Do you still hang out w him and she gets all cold when you're gonna go out to drink play XBox?


he's not around as much since we live quite a distance from eachother. but on the rare occasion when he makes an appearance, she makes sure she has something else to do that day.

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i proposed to my wife around christmas time a couple years ago while we were living in new haven, ct. I had the ring so I wanted to take her down to NYC and have a nice night and stay at a really nice hotel and go out on the town, and then on the next day my plan was to take her somewhere secluded in central park and ask her. i dont know if there is such a place, looking back. but whatever.


so we went out and had a romantic dinner and then stayed out at a bar afterwards. we were having a good time so we stayed out pretty late and had a lot to drink. everything was going smoothly. the hotel was cool (bryant park hotel), dinner was great (olives), the bar was really fun and i had loads and loads of scotch until we closed it out. my wife had worked a 30 hour shift the day before. so we were in great shape by the end of the night.


we get back to the hotel probably around 2. she starts to drawr a bath but it's filling up really slowly, so I go in to check it out and toy with it but I can't really figure it out, so I went to go lay down on the bed. the next thing I know, it's morning, and I wake up to the relaxing white noise of water flowing across the floor. the floor was covered in water, the water was flowing out of the bathtub and onto the floor and out of the bathroom. totally surreal. the woman was asleep next to me fully clothed on top of the bed. she must have just sat down next to me to wait for the tub to fill up and fell asleep too i guess. the water had been running all night. so I totally freaked out and ran and shut the water off and was throwing towels everywhere and then the hotel crew was banging on the door and all hell broke loose, they had to move all these families trying to have a nice christmas in new york out of their rooms below. we were on the 11th floor and it had flooded down to the 7th or something like that. it was mayhem, we packed up and just got out of new york. they said we were responsible for the damages (i ended up having to pay a few grand).


when we got back to new haven the mood was obviously tense because we're thinking it's going to cost us like hundreds of thousands of dollars and we're just hungover and sick, but we calmed down a bit. i was going to wait a few weeks but all of her family knew i was meant to propose to her that weekend. so I got down on one knee and asked her on her couch that night in our pajamas, she said yes, then we got chinese takeout the end.


i could listen to your stories all night grandad


this is why i love wattem

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hah.. because he was happy for you? :emotawesomepm9:



damn him!


it was a 3 hour drive! of him being happy for us.


let's just put it this way... be glad that you don't know him. when i was younger i was able to tolerate him... but as we all grew, he hasn't. exactly the same as he was when we first met in highschool. be happy that you don't know him.


he has that personality where people either love him or hate him. there is no "he's alright!". if we were to meet now this minute, i would probably turn around and not give him a time of day. i should have listened to my dad all those years ago when i introduced them. my dad turned and looked at me and said "WHERE EVER YOU FOUND HIM... TAKE HIM BACK!"

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hah.. because he was happy for you? :emotawesomepm9:



damn him!


it was a 3 hour drive! of him being happy for us.


let's just put it this way... be glad that you don't know him. when i was younger i was able to tolerate him... but as we all grew, he hasn't. exactly the same as he was when we first met in highschool. be happy that you don't know him.


he has that personality where people either love him or hate him. there is no "he's alright!". if we were to meet now this minute, i would probably turn around and not give him a time of day. i should have listened to my dad all those years ago when i introduced them. my dad turned and looked at me and said "WHERE EVER YOU FOUND HIM... TAKE HIM BACK!"

I sometimes fear that this is the way people describe me. :sad:


Well maybe not that bad. :ok:

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put the ring in your arse and ask her to finger you. voila! the ring is on her finger and she's over the moon.

I took your advice. Thanks! It worked like a charm!




Needless to say, I did the deed. She luckily said yes.

I actually didn't take any of your advice and just winged it.

Valentine's Day morning she said she wanted to go to the greenhouse at the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens. I figured that would be better than proposing at some shitty restaurant.

When she went to the bathroom, I found a nice spot to stand in and waited for her to find me. She came up to me and my mind went blank. I pulled the ring out of my pocket and said "I want you to marry me". Immediately, I started crying. She said "I want to marry you, too", but didn't cry. She looked a bit scared, honestly. I then said "Is that a yes?" and she said "Yes, yes yes!". We kissed.

It was sorta stressful. Oh well. We're engaged now.

Afterward, we went out to dinner at a French Restaurant and spent the night in a hotel.


Thanks for almost being a part of it, WATMM!

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