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I Phear This Forum May Be Starting To Make Me Hate Aphex Twin

Guest Masonic Boom

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Ease down.


ease down.


jesus christ, most LOL i've experienced on watmm in quite a while, i knew it was a michael bein quote but i thought it was from terminator at first, oh man thats hilarious

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Just power through, a lot of people on here have fallen to this imaginary peer pressure of having to be a complete twat cos everyone else is. I mean, this is the internet but it's turned into real life or something?


I think this is the most sensible thing that anyone has said here in days.


I was having a bit of a moment last night. A bit of a "it's not the band I hate, it's the fans" moment. Followed by a bit of a "is it me?" moment.


I know that I'm older than the average internet user these days, and I should be all jaded and shit - but I had this sudden flash. That in the mid-90s, the internet was where you went off to get *away* from the conformism, the anti-intellectualism, the hate-games, you know, talk to a bunch of computer geeks. It wasn't perfect by any stretch but this high school bullshit was definitely in the minority.


Now going on the web is like opening the Daily Mail.


You try being reasonable and logical and fair, you get this kind of open sewer of hatred directed at you. You try being jokey and smutty and dumb, you get this open sewer of hatred directred at you. I accept that different internet communities have different cultures and you have to make *some* effort to acclimatise, but this is ridiculous.


I joined this forum because I'm a somewhat obsessive fan of Aphex Twin and have been rediscovering a lot of the world of that kind of music. I also like a lot of the geeky sci fi futurist culture that goes along with this music. But I never expected the kind of hate-mongering, misogyny, ultra-conformism, conservatism, outright anti-intellectualism that seems common on this forum, from *THIS* kind of crowd.


Is this part and parcel of what this culture is now? Because if it is, then I vastly mis-estimated what this place is and what it's about. I joined this community to talk about music, to talk about the philosophy and culture that goes behind that music, to look at pictures of gear, to hear what other producers are creating and maybe even collaborate with them.


Sorry for starting such a meta-thread. It's entirely possible I am in the wrong place if I've misunderstood the culture and thrust of this board.


It'd probably be quite nice if a moderator locked this thread now, before it descends into more nastiness.





Ease down.


ease down.


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I also like a lot of the geeky sci fi futurist culture that goes along with this music.


err...what? none of the artists featured on this board are into this kind of thing. you're talking about electro and techno for sure but these artists are just not into this. autechre, yeah the music sounds futuristic but it has nothing to do with science-fiction.

also, this is just a forum, don't expect to find the secret of life here.

also, most people here are like 16 years-old.


I didn't want to start a thread like this but yeah I always felt this, like aphex reminds me a lot more of medieval/gothic (not goth) music and conceptually he could be doing the exact same thing/exact same ideas as Wisp (just a lot better at it). Only stuff like Polynomial feels really blatantly FUTURE to me

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