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Joyrex Lied


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Guest Z_B_Z

I just never thought WATMM would be about this kind of sheeyit. Just goes to show you that dominance, hierarchy, politics, and all that chimpanzee stuff will still seep into a so-called "haven" for those who want to avoid things like that because it's stuffed down their cockhole every waking hour.



and if its everywhere else, what would make you think that these things would be absent here? if anything, people are more up front about it because you dont have to communicate face to face

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one of those people, that we know of, is dead :(

it really is a very interesting photo when you look at stuff like this


edit: i saw centurix post about two months ago on slashdot.


who is the deceased member?

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Guest abusivegeorge

one of those people, that we know of, is dead :(

it really is a very interesting photo when you look at stuff like this


edit: i saw centurix post about two months ago on slashdot.


who is the deceased member?


Yeah man? Not something I expected or wanted ot hear to be honest!


and by that I mean it's sad to hear, not that I'm having a dig at you for saying anything mate :)

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one of those people, that we know of, is dead :(

it really is a very interesting photo when you look at stuff like this


edit: i saw centurix post about two months ago on slashdot.


who is the deceased member?


quelnt - motorbike crash iirc. his mate posted on xlt and i think it was reposted here

edit: or was it a fall when climbing? or was that someone else? gaaah :wtf:

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Guest abusivegeorge

this is a day of mourning

RIP 42Orange and Placidburp


You missed a lot by not reading dude.


Placidburp got unbanned. Sneaksta was banned too, but he got unbanned as well.


It's just 420range out there now.

oh thanks for filling me in mate.


why'd sneaksta get banned?


Not a clue mate, spect I'll from him later on :)

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Guest margaret thatcher

and since when did i become ltm scum? brotherhood of the brachiosaur maybe.


probably when you did this:


i didn't know about the lifetime members' thing. how can i join?


There is no "join", you have to be approved (liked enough by) joyrex and then he offers you in.




hey gerald... can i join your suoper el3et sub f0rim plaz?





quoph died in a motorcycle accident and it was posted by someone else related to him.




yeah, i remember that from when i first joined.

there might be some others who have died - i doubt my family would post about it on an internet forum...

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I saw this thread last night when it was like 2 pages long, I'm surprised its still up. Also why does it matter that joyrex said it didn't exist? Isn't that the whole point of the forum, that it is secret?

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I saw this thread last night when it was like 2 pages long, I'm surprised its still up. Also why does it matter that joyrex said it didn't exist? Isn't that the whole point of the forum, that it is secret?


my only problem with this whole thing is its going to make the non-ltm part of the forum suffer... so basically less posts, less entertainment, etc... electronic music forums are hard to come by, so if I could I would go explore some other ones, just a shame the main one that exists is being run very un-welcoming. like the whole "read the rules" stuff and strong attitudes you find here. could be some real musical talent out there not wanting to deal with the bullshit that gets spewed around in this place alot. not to say that the bullshit itself isn't entertaining, but too much of it just fucking stinks

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whats the consensus among ltmers btw, do you really need/want a secret forum ?



I suspect you won't get an answer as it appears there's a ban on discussion, and the LTM members who are passing comment are either pretending not to be LTM or trolling.


As a very general rule if someone has more than a couple thousand posts and are EKT Plus, they are LTM, though this doesn't hold true in all cases. Length of membership isn't necessarily an indicator, in the sense that in the past LTMs have implied that you had to be around for a certain iteration of the board, ie joyrex.com, to be selected, and this is not true. In terms of nationality, the States and Scotland are well represented, there's a handful of English, Irish, Canadians, euros and antipodeans. I'm not aware of any Welsh or French LTMs, which is fine by me, I wouldn't let them in either. Most of the LTMs are getting on a bit but again this isn't true in all cases. There's quite a lot of them, not many were surprises, although I was surprised by some of the people who were excluded.


This is pure speculation but I suspect that there is some sort of selection committee, obviously with Joyrex having a veto. Referring back to Joyrex's earlier comments in the thread about lumpenprol, it does raise the completely absurd prospect that people are making moral judgements about other peoples lives away from wattem. So you have a member who has been here a while, contributes regularly, has a unique 'voice' and perspective, possibly being excluded from full interaction with the community because of some puritanical and hypocritical standpoint. Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but that's what happens when you put obstacles in the way of discussion, set up secret subforums and committess etc.


Or BCM, last time I checked he wasn't LTM. And yet he's been here ages and contributes regularly to all the forums including the EKTs... There's plenty more examples of members who contribute significantly more to the forum than a lot of the LTMs. It would be interesting to know if the criteria is anything more than 'if your face fits arbitrarily decided by a circle jerk'.


Now, I'm not attempting to set up an us and them position on the board, some of my favourite members are LTMs, but if you had a sense of humour you could change the title of the LTM forum for non members to something befitting a gay sauna, something like 'The Pleasuredome' or 'the Locker Room', just anything to show a little bit of self awareness, deprecation, joviality...

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Guest futuregirlfriend
if I die I hope someone keeps my account open as a dupe. I should include my login info in my will.
haha thats an awesome idea


maybe it's already happened. i want to see a recent photo of a chinese lady with full exif data as proof that the original lumpenprol is still with us.

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Guest margaret thatcher

i can't find the original lifetime members album artwork, but encey did a mix of their tracks


(image removed)


really solid mix! should be reuploaded!


edit: i assume i can't post the artwork cos it's got names of ltmmers on it. i dunno.

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thats a really great song, don't you guys think?...


man electronic music is fantastic! music is fantastic! life is so awesome, when I first started listening to the RDJ album a door opened to a whole new world. it was really quite the times. now I listen back to these albums and they still blow me away, but i'm always looking for new stuff to explore. isn't it great we have this community to share new music and ideas!?

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i can't find the original lifetime members album artwork, but encey did a mix of their tracks


(image removed)


really solid mix! should be reuploaded!


edit: i assume i can't post the artwork cos it's got names of ltmmers on it. i dunno.



Yes, according to Joyrex outing members is a banning offense. Not sure how considering LTMs were publicly visible until a few months ago.

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Referring back to Joyrex's earlier comments in the thread about lumpenprol, it does raise the completely absurd prospect that people are making moral judgements about other peoples lives away from wattem. So you have a member who has been here a while, contributes regularly, has a unique 'voice' and perspective, possibly being excluded from full interaction with the community because of some puritanical and hypocritical standpoint.


As far as myself you may have it wrong, I suspect my never having been invited stems less from a moral judgment about my character (joyrex's poking fun at me about that has always seemed good-natured to me?), than from the fact that I've often questioned him on banning matters in the past. It's also possible he sees me as having a sort of "anti-establishment" attitude in general, and really why invite someone to your private party if he might blow it up? I don't blame him. I take comfort from the fact that essines, yegg, xxx, karmakramer, yourself, and many other members old and new who I like immensely are not ltm-ers. We're in good company.


As to the last part of your post I wholeheartedly agree, what's really lacking is humor about the whole thing. I'm certain this thread was initially intended as tongue-in-cheek/mock outrage, and initially chenGod, a mod, pinned it to amplify the joke. But then, as usual things spun out of control and people got banned. I'm glad that joyrex reconsidered though, and hope he unbans 42orange if in fact he's still banned. That's all.

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