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All You Ever Wanted To Know About The Lifetime Members Forum


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There's some validity in the argument that separating the new and older members may cause a void in quality and cohesion amongst the board, but I really believe that it's a tool used by members that are already friends.

If I owned the board I'd probably put a little corner in there for me and the mods, and then maybe after a while I'd invite my personal friends in to it so I could communicate with them more easily. And then maybe after a couple of years I'd invite some members I liked or had grown to become friends with.


I think this has unluckily coincided with that aggravating ET thread which really dragged on and caused a lot of confusion and angst.


He can have the forum, but the handling of the situation is the problem. No one should be banned in my opinion and the forum should still remain hidden. If no one was banned, no one would care imo. At least I didn't until I heard Placid, 420, and Sneak were banned... 420 obviously still banned.


ha only a wanker would go banning people just because they exposed the LIES of a shitty admin. and they weren't casual lies, i mean ffs this guy wrote pages about how LTM forum didn't even exist time and time again. the guy might as well just kill genban and leave LTM, since everything he's doing is basically a big fuck you to the rest of the board anyway. honestly, dangling the forum in front of everybody and creating a thread "allowing" people to ASK about it only AFTER it's exposed that he's a shitty deceptive mod ? how much of an ass can you be? what's next, he threatens to shut the board down? bans another whistleblower? cunt!


Pulsewarrior, you remind me of somebody...


I find myself agreeing with ZBZ a lot...I do question why I spend so much time here. It is definitely for the music and music-related conversations which are decent, but I find that I'm starting to associate some of my favourite artists and music directly with watmm, which is a very bad thing. Although watmm is on the decline, it's still better than idmforums.com (although it does have it's moments now and then). The studio forum at idmforums.com is actually much, much better than EKT, and everyone is a lot friendlier as well. It's also quite clear at watmm that Joyrex does lie constantly, and i think is far removed from properly understanding what watmm is about to a lot of people. Not only should the people who talked about the LTM forum be unbanned like 42Orange (who is a great BOC fan btw), but Lion really should be unbanned as well. These are the things that would help support and save the watmm community. Lion is watmm's true savior (not troon) who will bring watmm into a new golden age.


Give me one good (valid) reason I should unban Lion.




what should he have done instead of lying when paying members demand access to the LTM forum but do not fit in there?


That didn't really happen. The whole scenario was does it exist/doesn't it exist and no one outside of the LTM (except me) really knew/had proof (well until now obviously, looks like somebody else found the same forum flaw I did).


The whole "I've paid a subscription fee/made a donation, I should get LTM" has only just cropped up now that people know it definetly exists. What happenned in the past was that people had stumbled across it before, accidentally and its existence was denied, quite bluntly. So only NOW are people arguing that they made a donation or bought a subscription package but are not among the elite LTM.


I don't think there's ever been a case of "I've paid a subscription fee now I want LTM" because until now, no one had proof of, or knew for definite, it's existence.


Oh, you're quite wrong on that aspect - when the whole "Lifetime Member" tag came about, I got repeated requests to 'buy in', and that was just because it was perceived as "better" or carried more abilities than EKT Plus (it never did, besides access to the LTM forum).


I like how I donated 50$ once but didn't even get a subscription package, lol..


Really? Well, let's fix that right now! I certainly didn't mean not to! It might have been when we were going through a server move crisis and just got lost in the shuffle. My apologies. You're now EKT Plus for life.

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*loses faith in humanity*


Now I know why tidbit is tidbit. This is what you bastards did to him all those years ago before I joined, isn't it?

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Guest blicero

All of you who think you know what is best for WATMM should go start your own music forum.


I agree that if people were banned only for instigating in LTM threads, they should get amnesty... so they can return and get themselves banned for another reason.


Also, it's good that LTM is out in the open now, but displaying it in the forum list is a bit obnoxious. I wouldn't be opposed to hiding it.

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I like how I donated 50$ once but didn't even get a subscription package, lol..

Impakt, you're a tragic hero to me. I miss that one avatar when you had the North Face coat on and were looking forlornly at the ground. I sensed a core of malaise that's difficult for you to shake. You make cracking rinsers of tunes but how much profit, fame, or fellatio has come from it? Maybe I'm wrong, but I feel like Impakt needs his day in the sun...literally, maybe, as well, due to your Nordic locale.

P.S. I swear this is not troll and no homo, btw



I like how I donated 50$ once but didn't even get a subscription package, lol..


Really? Well, let's fix that right now! I certainly didn't mean not to! It might have been when we were going through a server move crisis and just got lost in the shuffle. My apologies. You're now EKT Plus for life.


Thank you! And yes, I am in eternal malaise - it's why I get angry and troll so much.

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and sini, as he's getting locked up in less than a week.

do tell..


he had weed in his piss while he was on probation and got dropped. he has court this week and isn't feeling too hopeful.

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Guest blicero

if you bring sini back, i might have to leave.


i'm not sure if his endlessly long posts were worse, or his music. i'm getting angry just dwelling on the idea.

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