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Disappointed by Oversteps and now y7...


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Guest Miblo


Do you have any downloadable stuff, with recommendations of your favourite tracks, etc? I'm enjoying

this (6.2MB), a slowed down version of a guitar piece of mine. Also
this (12MB), another slowed down version of a different piece with (programmed) drums. The full speed version of the latter is
here (11MB).


Yeah man, it's in the link in my sig. Nothin' like what you've made, or Autechre, stylistically, but... I like it. Obviously.



I'm really likin' the Lovely Miss Piipponen track. It's beautiful.


EDIT: my personal faves are Butterflies and Flames, Get on the Bus, and Parallel Motion Syndrome.

Wow, thanks very much, Sprigg. I couldn't ask for higher praise. I presume you mean

the slow version of it, since the filename of that one is 'Lovely Miss Piipponen'. Confusingly, I've since thought of calling the full speed version (for which I need to write some more music) 'Lovely Miss Piipponen', and having it appear somewhere in the midst of the record, possibly on side A; while this slow version I'll call 'Farewell, Dear Hilkka', having it close out the whole thing. Pretty soppy titles, but never mind. The explanation for them is soppier.


I love your 'Get On the Bus'. Is that the title you want for it? It's tagged as 'Get off the Bus', you know, but I'll change the tag on my file if you want t'other. I'm especially loving the fact that it's in 7/8 - this mutual admiration is kind of cool, considering the time signature of my 'Lovely Miss Piipponen' - and the meandering reversed melodies, reminiscent of Autechre's 'O=0', are cool.




This is my musical junkyard. As you can see, I haven't been uploading much lately.

Cool, even I managed to spot some Autechre in

varispeed1, although I can't precisely source the samples. That's a little bit of Oversteps at 0:27, and some earlier æ at 0:38, isn't it? Do you have any recommendations of favourite stuff? There's a hell of a fair amount to trawl through there.









EDIT: Also, yeah, I was testing this Reaktor "424 emulation" patch that I still need to finish, I think it's all Amber actually.

Ah, Amber! I haven't listened to that in a while. My favourite of your pieces would have to be '

nesticles'. It's really evocative of what I imagine to be tropical rainforest creatures, and the atmosphere at night. You have something of a penchant for reverb, though, which I don't share. Do you have any drier stuff you like, or is reverb a default element of your music?

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I picked up Fuck Buttons - Tarot Sport at the weekend, and its fucking lush. Unlike nothing ive heard before really, noisy guitar drony shit but rather uplifting and complex too. Nothing like autechre, but then they disappoint you, so maybe worth a try.


andrew hung is a huge, huge autechre fan - i was talking to him on twitter during the webcast

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This is my musical junkyard. As you can see, I haven't been uploading much lately.

Cool, even I managed to spot some Autechre in

varispeed1, although I can't precisely source the samples. That's a little bit of Oversteps at 0:27, and some earlier æ at 0:38, isn't it? Do you have any recommendations of favourite stuff? There's a hell of a fair amount to trawl through there.









EDIT: Also, yeah, I was testing this Reaktor "424 emulation" patch that I still need to finish, I think it's all Amber actually.

Ah, Amber! I haven't listened to that in a while. My favourite of your pieces would have to be '

nesticles'. It's really evocative of what I imagine to be tropical rainforest creatures, and the atmosphere at night. You have something of a penchant for reverb, though, which I don't share. Do you have any drier stuff you like, or is reverb a default element of your music?

Hmm, I guess it is and I never really thought about it. I do like reverb :)

This one, which is 8 layered tracks of sk-1, doesn't use any reverb or effects.

Neither does

this but watch your eardrums on that one, as the title suggests.

This is more drum machine and delay jam but still sounds very dry.

This is more atmospheric, like "nesticles", but dry and also atonal.

"futsteps" is a lot more like "nesticles", reverby and atmospheric.


Pretty much everything I've done recently has been noise jams. I guess I've been getting bored of trying to make tracks and would rather improvise my way to sounds I like. It would be nice to have some structure, though - it makes things a little easier to listen to.

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Pretty much everything I've done recently has been noise jams. I guess I've been getting bored of trying to make tracks and would rather improvise my way to sounds I like. It would be nice to have some structure, though - it makes things a little easier to listen to.


That's pretty much what I've been doing as well over the past while, although I usually get really anal when I start editing it all down after.. which is fine.. I get to rock out during the jam then sate my wave-chopping addiction after, best of both worlds

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Pretty much everything I've done recently has been noise jams. I guess I've been getting bored of trying to make tracks and would rather improvise my way to sounds I like. It would be nice to have some structure, though - it makes things a little easier to listen to.


That's pretty much what I've been doing as well over the past while, although I usually get really anal when I start editing it all down after.. which is fine.. I get to rock out during the jam then sate my wave-chopping addiction after, best of both worlds

Exactly. Though I've been doing very little of the latter, I've thought a lot about how that approach satisfies both urges.

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I know nothing can fill the pre 1990's Autechre hole but I'm just looking for stuff that gives me hope. I've been looking for stuff that's kind of between noise and hip hop, maybe like the early 00s Merck stuff but not as cartoony, maybe like Muslimgauze but with a little bit more going on?


I busted out Minidisc again recently. Damn, sounds just as fresh today as when I got it in '02. Would be nice to have more tracks with structure but otherwise this is right up my alley.


Maybe I just need to make some tunes. Scary thought.



Sounds like you would enjoy:


Speedy J - A shocking hobby

Gridlock - Trace

Brothomstates - Qtio

Funckarma - Parts

Meam - The L


Also Somatic Responses has a reasonable amount of high quality noise/industrial/hip-hop stuff. Not industrial like marilyn manson, just tons of distortion and crunch to it. Very sinister and destructive sounding. If I had to recommend an album by them I'd say Pounded Mass.


Yeah, Speedy J sounds closest to what you seem to be looking for, although most of the stuff I listed is sorta noise/hip hop.

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y7 is the most subtle song in the entirety of Ae's catalog that I've heard yet. and I really liked Oversteps. If you wanna take a break from Autechre for a few years, :emotawesomepm9: go ahead, you'll know what you're missing, I'll let you know when they get back to fucking around with percussive sounds.

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I know nothing can fill the pre 1990's Autechre hole but I'm just looking for stuff that gives me hope. I've been looking for stuff that's kind of between noise and hip hop, maybe like the early 00s Merck stuff but not as cartoony, maybe like Muslimgauze but with a little bit more going on?


I busted out Minidisc again recently. Damn, sounds just as fresh today as when I got it in '02. Would be nice to have more tracks with structure but otherwise this is right up my alley.


Maybe I just need to make some tunes. Scary thought.



Sounds like you would enjoy:


Speedy J - A shocking hobby

Gridlock - Trace

Brothomstates - Qtio

Funckarma - Parts

Meam - The L


Also Somatic Responses has a reasonable amount of high quality noise/industrial/hip-hop stuff. Not industrial like marilyn manson, just tons of distortion and crunch to it. Very sinister and destructive sounding. If I had to recommend an album by them I'd say Pounded Mass.


Yeah, Speedy J sounds closest to what you seem to be looking for, although most of the stuff I listed is sorta noise/hip hop.


I used to listen to Qtio constantly. It's too bad Lassi hasn't been releasing much, last thing he did was a 12" collab EP with Blamstrain on the Narita label. My favorite of his is still the 30ish-minute set he did with Crankshaft on 3-03-2000. You might be able to find that on Soulseek...can't seem to find a link on Google, sorry :( Have you seen the Nonstop Ibiza Experience? Its music is pretty awesome. Also if you're into trackers, check his stuff on AMP, he is a god.


Speedy J is pretty cool. I think I still have the Oil Zone laying somewhere around here. For that kind of flavor I like Ken Ishii a little bit better. I don't think I've heard any of the other guys you've mentioned but I've seen their names, except for Meam.

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Guest Sprigg


Wow, thanks very much, Sprigg. I couldn't ask for higher praise. I presume you mean

the slow version of it, since the filename of that one is 'Lovely Miss Piipponen'. Confusingly, I've since thought of calling the full speed version (for which I need to write some more music) 'Lovely Miss Piipponen', and having it appear somewhere in the midst of the record, possibly on side A; while this slow version I'll call 'Farewell, Dear Hilkka', having it close out the whole thing. Pretty soppy titles, but never mind. The explanation for them is soppier.


I love your 'Get On the Bus'. Is that the title you want for it? It's tagged as 'Get off the Bus', you know, but I'll change the tag on my file if you want t'other. I'm especially loving the fact that it's in 7/8 - this mutual admiration is kind of cool, considering the time signature of my 'Lovely Miss Piipponen' - and the meandering reversed melodies, reminiscent of Autechre's 'O=0', are cool.


Reminiscent of O=0? That just made my day. It was definitely supposed to be 'Get on the Bus,' :trashbear:

I dig the soppy songtitles, man. It's nice when they actually have meaning past 'I want to be unique!' (though there's nothing wrong with crazy/odd/intriguing song titles).


I like the idea of the sped-up/ slowed down versions of Piippoen though, sounds like a great idea.

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