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The Walking Dead - AMC TV Series (spoilers everywhere)

Rubin Farr

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Last episode was QG. GF's response was enthusiastic because it was "about the only characters that don't annoy the living shit" out of her.

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Hey, for once an episode that didn't take place in the prison or that little shitty village. And hey, the Mayor wasn't in this episode. What a relief because he has got to be the worst fucking character ever. I liked this one and I agree with baph's girlfriend.

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Guest nene multiple assgasms

this episode seemed truer to the comics in a way. lately it seems like they've been trying to pack too many events into each episode, possibly as a reaction to people's complaints about how long they stayed at the farm. this time they stuck to one simple story with character development. I like how there were only four characters in the entire episode (five if you count backpack guy).

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Guest cult fiction

It was the first episode of the entire series that I would consider legitimately "good". It was shot well - the gun battle towards the start especially. The character interactions were actually interesting. The set was awesome.

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Guest nene multiple assgasms

I enjoyed the conversation between hershel and milton. also, I was glad to see andrea finally waking up to the governor's true nature.

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plus the pointless adlib actors workshop continues in full force. "Who needs to write dialogue."

That's how that do it? Curb You Entusiasm-style?



I do not approve.

Doesn't seem like a show that would make use of ad lib.


But awwmaghaaaaahhh... Sooooo boring!

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Why hasn't anyone taken the blonde chick aside yet and said 'hey you know that collection of heads you saw in the governor's apartment? well that's just the tip of the ice berg, he's planning to kill rick's son and infant as revenge for michone...do you want to be fucking a child murderer?"

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plus the pointless adlib actors workshop continues in full force. "Who needs to write dialogue."

That's how that do it? Curb You Entusiasm-style?



I do not approve.

Doesn't seem like a show that would make use of ad lib.


But awwmaghaaaaahhh... Sooooo boring!


The scene between rick and morgan after morgan wakes up. All the shouting and emoting appears adlibbed. Sure i could be wrong and you could say that they are tightly sticking to some dialogue written in a script for the scene. But it seems like a lot of bullshit riffing to me.

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plus the pointless adlib actors workshop continues in full force. "Who needs to write dialogue."

That's how that do it? Curb You Entusiasm-style?



I do not approve.

Doesn't seem like a show that would make use of ad lib.


But awwmaghaaaaahhh... Sooooo boring!

The scene between rick and morgan after morgan wakes up. All the shouting and emoting appears adlibbed. Sure i could be wrong and you could say that they are tightly sticking to some dialogue written in a script for the scene. But it seems like a lot of bullshit riffing to me.

I don't think they dare waste time on poor improvisation. The dialogue has always been terrible. Sunday's episode proves that

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You think it's because the actress they used is too old ? And not very endearing. Maybe we'd forgive her more if we were on her side to begin with.


Anyway, i shouldn't be in this thread, as i've watched a cumulative like 2 hours of the show since it started. But like every soapy/drama it doesn't take much to know much.

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Either way, I will still buy the shit out of season 3 on blu-ray when it is released, really enjoyed the first 2 seasons and don't have Sky so not watched any of this show "live" so far. Boxed sets make sense to me.

Edited by feltcher
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oh god andrea is so dumb


a) hide near the door and stab him when he walks in




b) puncture his tires as you leave (or hotwire it and take it)

oh and of course


c) run sideways when a car is coming at you

Edited by LimpyLoo
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