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Enter the Void


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i don't understand the usage of the term 'high art' when applied to irreversible. Does crazy camera angels opening up a movie and 2 single violent scenes equal high art? the rest of the movie seemed like an unmemorable rom com drama, it was pretty shit. The movie would have been a better film if it was 15 minutes long and only involved a fire extinguisher and a rape.


I got stoned, thought it was too long and drawn out. The story arch worked but it wasn't a whole movie's worth of story. I was happy when it ended. Then it started again. And that.




i can't recommend it but yeah the only thing i really took away from the movie is 'why is this so overly long and drawn out' when the only 2 remotely entertaining parts involve rape and CGI face being destroyed by a fire extinguisher

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i don't know about the high art thing. i really don't like that term apart from when discussing music. even then i like to call it "art music." it helps explain certain things.



but this film - it really made sense to me. irreversible also did to a certain extent. they aren't really very "smart" films. there are other movies which touch on these themes in a more dignified, introspective, logical way.



both movies are spectacles. this new movie, "enter the void," is the better of the two.


what i felt while watching these films was a droning, hypnotic nothingness. the length is necessary to pull you in. the length is the movie.


anyway, if you didn't like it, you didn't like it. can't argue with that. also you can't argue with someone liking it.

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i don't understand the usage of the term 'high art' when applied to irreversible. Does crazy camera angels opening up a movie and 2 single violent scenes equal high art? the rest of the movie seemed like an unmemorable rom com drama, it was pretty shit. The movie would have been a better film if it was 15 minutes long and only involved a fire extinguisher and a rape.


I got stoned, thought it was too long and drawn out. The story arch worked but it wasn't a whole movie's worth of story. I was happy when it ended. Then it started again. And that.




i can't recommend it but yeah the only thing i really took away from the movie is 'why is this so overly long and drawn out' when the only 2 remotely entertaining parts involve rape and CGI face being destroyed by a fire extinguisher






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  • 2 weeks later...

A friend of mine saw this and described it as Clockwork Orange meets Train Spotting meets Requiem for a




uh. wat? if thats the case.... wow


Well, that's not the case. Your friend is a jackass.

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Guest tht tne




A friend of mine saw this and described it as Clockwork Orange meets Train Spotting meets Requiem for a




uh. wat? if thats the case.... wow



anyone see it??


obvious influences:



requiem for a dream

blueberry (maybe)

interstella 5555


not really very similar to a clockwork orange

hallucinatory imagery was insanely great kid

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Guest tht tne

i would say 2001 meets "Smack My Bitch Up"


i loved this movie, i look forward to purchasing it and watching again


that's apt, good on ya

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A friend of mine saw this and described it as Clockwork Orange meets Train Spotting meets Requiem for a




uh. wat? if thats the case.... wow


Well, that's not the case. Your friend is a jackass.



lol. thanks

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a friend of mine saw it and said the visuals were amazing, the sex scenes get ridiculous, scenes with talking are good, the idea of the shot over the shoulder was great and after the kid gets killed it just turns into a list of horrible things the director can show. he also said there were so many times he could find a strobe light beautiful.

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  • 1 month later...

just got done watching it last night, really really great film, kind of hard to watch all the way through but worth seeing


yep, and make sure you catch it in decent quality... otherwise a lot of the beauty and emotion this film provokes through some pretty trippy visuals will be lost and you'll probably be scratching your head.

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just got done watching it last night, really really great film, kind of hard to watch all the way through but worth seeing


yep, and make sure you catch it in decent quality... otherwise a lot of the beauty and emotion this film provokes through some pretty trippy visuals will be lost and you'll probably be scratching your head.


just a torrent of it? I noticed that there are alot of dark shots that dont come out clear on a compressed avi..looks like pixels.. but theres no theater around thats playing it.


What a fucking amazing movie though, and just the fantasy of living in a type of underground tokyo is utterly fascinating to me. Would that be underground? I dunno, i liked it more than lost in translation :facepalm:

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wow the trailer looks shit...

I thought it looked fucking awesome, and was gutted to find out the cinema near me had just finished its run of the film. Really need to see [a good quality] version of this.

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Watched this last night, been thinking about it all morning. It's great, you can definitely tell he loved 2001, just has the same kind of pacing.


The acting in general wasn't amazing, although I thought the girl who played Linda as a kid was great.


Visually the film is astounding, I was just sucked in. The Love Hotel sequence was perfect.



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Okay, I guess I should have given more details. The rest of the guests were around 50-70 years old, and they were talking about some movies they had recently watched and all of a sudden I interrupted and said, "I've just watched this new movie called Enter the Void and it's about a guy who..." and that's when I went into details.



The first and third person perspective seemed confusing for them, and then I started talking about the love hotel scene, abortion scene, the car crash, and Irreversible. I killed the birthday party.



...so yeah... the lesson is to think before you speak.

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Okay, I guess I should have given more details. The rest of the guests were around 50-70 years old, and they were talking about some movies they had recently watched and all of a sudden I interrupted and said, "I've just watched this new movie called Enter the Void and it's about a guy who..." and that's when I went into details.



The first and third person perspective seemed confusing for them, and then I started talking about the love hotel scene, abortion scene, the car crash, and Irreversible. I killed the birthday party.



...so yeah... the lesson is to think before you speak.


I've learned the hard way, some films you just can't talk about in casual conversation.


Talk about Michael Bay movies in those scenarios...

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Ah makes sense now ! Reminds me of the faux-pas my friend made when he took his girlfriend to see Requiem For A Dream on Valentine's day. He knew little about it, and judged it based on the title alone, when they left he could only just speak to say 'Sorry'

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