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Playing IDM with a girl around

Guest Barricade

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Guest Babar

man, from what i heard from the autechre subforum, you need some booze and a few valium pills in order to convert someone to autechre.

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first person ever to play me saw85-92 was a really hot girl, not long after its release. it was on vinyl too.


you might have dreamed that


she called it seizure music


That's very appropriate. SZM > IDM




Yeah we had this thread a dozen times but here I go again - *rant* - most people I can talk about music with the best are men. I still think that's due to that social stuff I keep babbling about. There are a few girls that are into music the same way I am, but they're all very non-typical girls that don't fall into the category I'm gonna describe now -


Our society somehow allows men to grow up into individuals more than women. What's Susan doing? She studied all afternoon for the last three weeks and got another A+ for her trophy shelve? Good for her! But what's Richard doing? He didn't study at all and instead built a tree house, then he went into class, copied from another student and still got his B-? Well, boys will be boys, what can you do. You know what I mean?


So many girls in my school were like "Susan", and they were even proud of it, and gave each other that "teehee, we're ambitious"-wink. And I sat next to them and thought jeez, when are you gonna start developing some character? "You're a girl, you're socially disabled, gotta work harder, no time for play!" - bullshit that is, but many (kids/parents) believe it. In psychology, some dude (I forgot his name) described the struggle of "phantom normalcy vs. phantom uniqueness", which is true for most of us I find. An individual strives to fit in with a group of others, yet wants to remain unique. Balance this right and there's no problem with that. But I feel with this constant "you must be the best in class"-attitude, girls are having a tougher time investing in that uniqueness-part and have to live in the illusion that, somewhere, somehow, they are so special deep inside, yet they mostly remain completely passive and never do anything to maintain a uniqueness about themselves. Which is when pre-made roles come in handy. And the people who make them know they sell. "Hey, psst, if you buy this and that VENUS-ladyshave, you're gonna awaken the goddess inside you!" (says the slogan) etc. So many women fall for this and yet never seem to think about how most of this shit is made by rich businessMEN who are playing them like toys. Some years ago there's been a car that had headlights made to look like eyes, the bumper was shaped like a smiling mouth, and I believe over 90% of people who bought it were women. And yesterday I saw a show on German telly that was called "Mein Mann Kann ... " ("Things my husband can do") in which women would place bets on various things their husbands would compete with, yet never getting up from their chairs themselves - what the ... ?!


As for the whole "IDM" thing, I think it's the same with any less-popular style of music. Whether it be underground hip hop, classical, or the old electronic. It takes some balls (metaphorical, not physical ones) to say fuck you to all the mainstream rubbish and ready-made role-models presented to you on a big shiny silver platter that is mtv, the radio, your peer group etc. and get into something that includes the risk that only you alone will enjoy it and you might catch a strange look or two. Sad as it is, if you spend your whole free time studying or driving smiley cars, you have no reason to develop said balls, and are far more likely to pump your ipod with whatever shallow band mimicking human emotions in their shitty lyrics accompanied by the instrumentals they simply ripped off less known real artists their target-group will never know about (Solange, I'm looking at you!) ...


After reading that I guess one could assume that I somehow hate women. But I don't. I love women, but I dislike the ones - male or female - who blindly follow the path laid out for them by other people. From my experience, women have a tougher starting point in our society, but nonetheless have the same chance. If they don't use it, they decide to remain guided by somebody else. And that's just fucking stupid really. Don't misinterpret me as sexist. I'm pretty much the opposite, but there would be no point in ignoring these obvious differences regarding roles, expectations etc.


I'm curious as to what the female watmmers would say about my "observation", as I'm pretty positive that you don't fall into that same group of non-individualist girls, cause if you did, you probably wouldn't be here writing about our beloved weirdo-music.

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Guest Gary C

During my first year of Uni I had a girl come back to my room. I was pretty stoned, not entirely interested, and completely oblivious to her signals. But anyway I played the Warp DVD and mostly waxed lyrical about Autechre. She called me weird and that was that. I was dumbfounded, I simply couldn't deny it.


You know that scene from Being John Malkovich when they're chasing eachother through JM's memories? They run through a scene in which JM has a girl on the sofa. She leans back, crosses her arms, and says he's strange. It was just like that.


Kind of tainted that film a little bit actually.


Fuck her anyway. I wasn't ever interested until a year after that event, when I was pissed and horny.

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Guest Lube Saibot

i play whatever i want and most times noone has the balls to say anything.

i play whatever i want and most times noone has the balls to say anything.

er, did you two catch the title of the thread? We should hope not that those around you might have balls to protest :emotawesomepm9:


My girl has balls. Wannafightabouddit?


Haha no, but in all seriousness, i think both me and essines were trying to be a bit pisstakey as to illustrate how fucking pathetic it is to have any reticence in playing whatever the fuck you like to anyone. If they don't like it and you do, their fucking loss. This thread has this slight hint of pussywhipping, i feel like some guys here hide their "IDM" from the women in their lives to score some boob or something, which is shameful. Last time i ever went through something like this, i was 18, i had this romanian equivalent of a guidette (more or less) come over, and drukqs was playing, and she goes "wtf is this, this is seriously doing my head in", i go "you're an idiot", then i fingered her, she blew me, then she started crying cause she was cheating on her boyfriend who RESPECTED HER MORE THAN I DO (lawlz!), and left.



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Guest Lube Saibot

Yeah we had this thread a dozen times but here I go again - *rant* - most people I can talk about music with the best are men. I still think that's due to that social stuff I keep babbling about. There are a few girls that are into music the same way I am, but they're all very non-typical girls that don't fall into the category I'm gonna describe now -


Our society somehow allows men to grow up into individuals more than women. What's Susan doing? She studied all afternoon for the last three weeks and got another A+ for her trophy shelve? Good for her! But what's Richard doing? He didn't study at all and instead built a tree house, then he went into class, copied from another student and still got his B-? Well, boys will be boys, what can you do. You know what I mean?


So many girls in my school were like "Susan", and they were even proud of it, and gave each other that "teehee, we're ambitious"-wink. And I sat next to them and thought jeez, when are you gonna start developing some character? "You're a girl, you're socially disabled, gotta work harder, no time for play!" - bullshit that is, but many (kids/parents) believe it. In psychology, some dude (I forgot his name) described the struggle of "phantom normalcy vs. phantom uniqueness", which is true for most of us I find. An individual strives to fit in with a group of others, yet wants to remain unique. Balance this right and there's no problem with that. But I feel with this constant "you must be the best in class"-attitude, girls are having a tougher time investing in that uniqueness-part and have to live in the illusion that, somewhere, somehow, they are so special deep inside, yet they mostly remain completely passive and never do anything to maintain a uniqueness about themselves. Which is when pre-made roles come in handy. And the people who make them know they sell. "Hey, psst, if you buy this and that VENUS-ladyshave, you're gonna awaken the goddess inside you!" (says the slogan) etc. So many women fall for this and yet never seem to think about how most of this shit is made by rich businessMEN who are playing them like toys. Some years ago there's been a car that had headlights made to look like eyes, the bumper was shaped like a smiling mouth, and I believe over 90% of people who bought it were women. And yesterday I saw a show on German telly that was called "Mein Mann Kann ... " ("Things my husband can do") in which women would place bets on various things their husbands would compete with, yet never getting up from their chairs themselves - what the ... ?!


As for the whole "IDM" thing, I think it's the same with any less-popular style of music. Whether it be underground hip hop, classical, or the old electronic. It takes some balls (metaphorical, not physical ones) to say fuck you to all the mainstream rubbish and ready-made role-models presented to you on a big shiny silver platter that is mtv, the radio, your peer group etc. and get into something that includes the risk that only you alone will enjoy it and you might catch a strange look or two. Sad as it is, if you spend your whole free time studying or driving smiley cars, you have no reason to develop said balls, and are far more likely to pump your ipod with whatever shallow band mimicking human emotions in their shitty lyrics accompanied by the instrumentals they simply ripped off less known real artists their target-group will never know about (Solange, I'm looking at you!) ...


After reading that I guess one could assume that I somehow hate women. But I don't. I love women, but I dislike the ones - male or female - who blindly follow the path laid out for them by other people. From my experience, women have a tougher starting point in our society, but nonetheless have the same chance. If they don't use it, they decide to remain guided by somebody else. And that's just fucking stupid really. Don't misinterpret me as sexist. I'm pretty much the opposite, but there would be no point in ignoring these obvious differences regarding roles, expectations etc.


I'm curious as to what the female watmmers would say about my "observation", as I'm pretty positive that you don't fall into that same group of non-individualist girls, cause if you did, you probably wouldn't be here writing about our beloved weirdo-music.


Stellar post man. Thoroughly refreshing read. I hope MasonicBoom doesn't notice that little bit i bolded out in your post, though. If she does, WATMM will experience a perfect shitstorm.

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Guest Lube Saibot



Woah woah woah there. You can't go around dropping a bomb like that and not going into details. I realize it might be a bit creepy since it's your grandma but DO TELL. *emotes that SUPER ENTHUSIASTIC chin-onto-palms emoticon thing that watmm doesn't have*

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Guest Adjective

i find pretty much no one i'm around in RL, regardless of gender, cares about, or likes braindance.

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i play whatever i want and most times noone has the balls to say anything.



i play whatever i want and most times noone has the balls to say anything.

er, did you two catch the title of the thread? We should hope not that those around you might have balls to protest :emotawesomepm9:


i run with a rough crowd.

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Guest dilbthelame

quite often get away with putting on the more chilled out stuff, geogaddi, and saw 85-92, etc, without too much of a reaction


shagged to chiastic slide a couple of times... the first girl didn't say a lot at the time but the next day it was like 'yeah... so that record you had on last night... next time i'm picking the music' (she picked bjork so it wasn't all bad)


had some really interesting nights swapping genres with a good mate of mine, she introduced me to loads of shoegaze, i introduced her to warp basically. was really cool to do, especially as she was one of the openminded ones.


my last girlfriend.... didn't really know anything about music. to the point of 'oh that sounds nice. i like the squelches. this is squelchy too, you might like it' *plays lady fucking gaga*

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I don't have much success with the chilled-out braindance. Girls tend to complain that it puts them to sleep. I get more success when I play stuff with a regular beat at a moderate tempo. Anything by Clark is usually a hit, and Royal Astronomy by µ-ziq usually goes down well.

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Guest happycase

I haven't really had the chance to hang out / drive around with a girl my own age for 8 months now.


When I used to put on Venetian Snares around my ex you could see her mind overloading and veins started popping out of her forehead and I had the sensation that she was going to kill me. Eventually, to avoid crying, she'd yell and tell me to put on something else. She was down with BoC, Gangpol Und Mit, and some of the ambient Aphex Twin. Didn't tolerate Plaid.

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My gf upon hearing Oversteps in the car: "OMG baby, this is the worst music ever! Please turn on the radio (Sirius)"


My previous gf upon hearing Hangable Auto Bulb in the car: "it sounds like someone beating on pots and pans!"

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Guest Coalbucket PI

I played a track from Doll Doll Doll when I was with a girlfriend years ago and she reacted really badly. I think playing abrasive IDM in front of a girl is like telling her you've never had a girlfriend before.

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sometimes (not always) you can fool them by saying something like "Doesn't this almost sound like an STS9 side project? They're so great, aren't they baby?"


then when they want to put on some "Lotus" album or something you can just say "wouldn't you rather play katamari?" and you win again.

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my last long-term gf (still a good friend) got me into merzbow, throbbing gristle and skinny puppy. we both agree strongly on the subject of the greatness of ep7, cichlisuite, and oversteps. i often leach her old skam 12"'s when I feel the need for a little keynell action.


we also both love the shit out of flying lotus. actually we both just love music in general.

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i was 18, i had this romanian equivalent of a guidette (more or less) come over, and drukqs was playing, and she goes "wtf is this, this is seriously doing my head in", i go "you're an idiot", then i fingered her, she blew me, then she started crying cause she was cheating on her boyfriend who RESPECTED HER MORE THAN I DO (lawlz!), and left.


^ The watmm way of life


shagged to chiastic slide a couple of times... the first girl didn't say a lot at the time but the next day it was like 'yeah... so that record you had on last night... next time i'm picking the music' (she picked bjork so it wasn't all bad)


Medium-Era-Autechre works surprisingly well. Anvil Vapre and Tri Repetae were perfect. Sex to Björk is kind of psychotic though.


my last girlfriend.... didn't really know anything about music. to the point of 'oh that sounds nice. i like the squelches. this is squelchy too, you might like it' *plays lady fucking gaga*


Oh come on! :angry: I had a crush on a girl sort of like that some time ago. Not as bad but still horrible. I play S.A.W.2 and she sends me some cheesy 90s trance 64 kbps mp3 she got off limewire. How meh can you get.

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i once played aphex for essiness and she did a back flip into my vagina. we were doing homework and my mom was there. she said, "i don't know what's worse, the stench of vagina or all this noise!" we got an A.

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