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google, you are adorable...

Guest bundle of sticks

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theyve had faster computers than us for years, and so i can assume they have also been working on advanced software before we even had computers.





















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Guest beatfanatic

I like how ET admits that he doesnt understand the technical side of things but is willing to accept these crazy ideas at face value. I would assume that if you are a skeptic, it would apply to most things but apparently not.

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i cover my webcam pretty much 24/7, however i do have an FBI file on me so im not just tin foil hattin'


well, if this super-sophisticated intelligence AI system is anything like google voice's voicemail transcription, we've got nothing to worry about.


"hey frog. i libertine cordial assasinate. name. angry. fell you can thursday. call fuss don't cap tree cancel cancel. calming when you better chance. fresh."


haha i didn't realize they did this, does this mean i can check my voicemails this way on my android g1?

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I like how ET admits that he doesnt understand the technical side of things but is willing to accept these crazy ideas at face value. I would assume that if you are a skeptic, it would apply to most things but apparently not.


This is exactly my feeling on it. There are enough people who understand computers, operating systems, and software to such a high degree and deepness that it would be impossible for google to do some of the things that are being mention without somebody figuring it out. Perhaps this guy?: http://blogs.technet.com/b/markrussinovich/ (although he works for microsoft now, hes really fucking brilliant, he discovered the rootkit on sony cds and created tools to detect and fix them). Read his blog if you want to have your mind blown on how thorough and deep his understanding of windows is.

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i cover my webcam pretty much 24/7, however i do have an FBI file on me so im not just tin foil hattin'


well, if this super-sophisticated intelligence AI system is anything like google voice's voicemail transcription, we've got nothing to worry about.


"hey frog. i libertine cordial assasinate. name. angry. fell you can thursday. call fuss don't cap tree cancel cancel. calming when you better chance. fresh."


haha i didn't realize they did this, does this mean i can check my voicemails this way on my android g1?



I tried the Google Voice that works by listening to your speech and writing an sms out of it. It's just as horrible as he made it seem. It gave me some really weird, nonsensical phrases when I used it.

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Guest pulsewarrior

ET your trolling kung fu is weak. You'll never be a jswift.


even jswift was weak. this clown is a complete fucking amateur.

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I tried the Google Voice that works by listening to your speech and writing an sms out of it. It's just as horrible as he made it seem. It gave me some really weird, nonsensical phrases when I used it.


yeah it's the google voice service i'm referring to specifically - not sure if the android stuff has a similar tech...


having said that, though, google voice is one of their best offerings. i was able to choose a phone number that spelled something out, i can route specific callers to specific voicemail boxes or have them ring certain phones... it's pretty well done overall.


even the voicemail transcription, though largely seeming like the rantings of a mental patient, generally gets the gist of a message across, or at least can give you an indication of urgency.


here are some actual, real transcriptions i've received from google voice:


"Bill Gates try to get in touch with you man. Any working."

- (this was not from bill gates)


"Full Palms. Hey C, or your most Republic disease at have the time I get that one. So man. My brothers donating tomorrow and it looks like anyone's closed her boss. And actually, that's pretty wild. I hope you guys there. Better he's going. But anyway, I think you coming to town today and leaving tomorrow, but the airports are closed in a month, but I just want to let me know. Hey, how you doing. What's going on weekends. Hi Karen."

- (my name is definitely not karen)


Chris, What's going on this IS car. I just got a minute. I was calling to go to hook up so we can. So, okay. Anyway, I made it out. I think you know how long and Tallahassee see what we can get down. Tom text me and facebook eat. Let me know how your schedule is our school next week, but I think it's around matches sometime in the new museum and see if we can work something out okay. Thanks.

- (this IS car...)


anyway, sometimes knowing the source can help. but it's often better for a laugh than anything else.


and if the government is tracking this data, they're going to get awfully confused.

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those are some great translations. To be fair, people aren't always too great at relaying messages either. A coworker recently took a call for me and gave me a little note with the general info later (he had subpar hearing and handwriting). Apparently, Steve Martin had called, he said I knew him, and he'd been expecting a call from me all week.


In reality, it was some jerk from a collection agency (not at all named Steve Martin), but I was pretty excited for a minute there.

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hmmm. ok. well i dont really know much about the technical side of it all, you seem to have a better grasp. i do know this though. they are using computers that are decades ahead of ours, in terms of processing speed, and complex software algorithms. theyve had faster computers than us for years, and so i can assume they have also been working on advanced software before we even had computers. google for instance, is just old NSA technology. theyve had their own little google for a lot longer than weve had ours, but basically when you google, youre just using a limited section of the real NSA search software







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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

hmmm. ok. well i dont really know much about the technical side of it all, you seem to have a better grasp. i do know this though. they are using computers that are decades ahead of ours, in terms of processing speed, and complex software algorithms. theyve had faster computers than us for years, and so i can assume they have also been working on advanced software before we even had computers. google for instance, is just old NSA technology. theyve had their own little google for a lot longer than weve had ours, but basically when you google, youre just using a limited section of the real NSA search software








while hes making another troll joke or something, his statements are based on claims made by other people much less crazy than ET. its not hard to follow, no matter if you believe its overzealous radical conspiracy theory or not

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they are going to have hours of me masturbating and getting drunk. also i don't have a webcam, but i would just love them to have hours of me masturbating and getting drunk. it makes me happy.


the 'ET reaction':



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Guest abusivegeorge

I have a friend, who once filled my other friends shoes with tomato sauce because his feet stank and he though this would cure his problem.

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my computer's cd-rom is a cup holder. you may try to convince me it is used for digital media, but since i have only known the joys of coffee cup holding, i am afraid i cannot believe you. what i am afraid of is that they may know how many cups of coffee i have had, the exact bean count i have put into my grinder, and how many times i have looked at goatse using my dial-up modem for internet surfing. goatse, you are adorable...

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