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Guest tht tne

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Guest tht tne

i have became interested in initiating a thread about long-term watmmers' surmisals on distinct eras of watmm

personally i was tripping balls every other day for my first 3 years here and drunk for a good while after, so... lol

perhaps y'all's memories are more intact than mine, but i'll make an effort to ascribe some watmmistory via tht!


march-december 2004 - the most classic era of my membership: everyone was cool and funny and there were only like 2 trolls afaik, wisp still posted in ylc, ultravisitor

2005 - i seem to remember this was the year the content disappeared but i could be wrong, Fred McGriff may have mspainted avatars for everyone this year, analord

2006 - i had no internet access for ⅓ of 2006, but i think i posted some music this year, several long-timers had left by this time and i don't know exactly why

2007 - again no internet access for ⅓, Beno was banned i think, this year wasn't particularly distinguished in my mind, you could actually still pull off a rolling lol though

2008 - certain members started to really get on my nerves, my enjoyment of the site dipped and hasn't recovered, but this was before i knew about ltm so that's a +

2009 - sporadic lols to be had, heavy influx of new members, some awesome some not so awesome imo, essines i think posted a lot more but this is when he tapered off

2010 - this year has had its ups and downs, every new member has some kind of shit to talk, much more ceephax adoration than before, keltoi hitler video, chatmm


as you can see my recollections/opinions are decidedly unrevelatory & do not cohere with anyone else's, i'm sure

in short before the ltm forum was revealed i came to watmm for lols, music & Fred McGriff... lots of pow/mia's now

some of you have been here years longer than me and stayed... i would like to know why in the form of lolian years


edit: i love you all, mosca

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Guest tht tne

you seem lonely :(


i'm not lonely at all, but i know this thread isn't gonna work out because everyone old is in ltm forum now... however,

the new members are hungrier than i've ever known watmmers to be before, it used to be effortless... they'll pounce

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Guest tht tne

keltoi hitler video



yes, that's the one... one of the all-time greatest lol generators... watmm used to have a "classic threads" forum?!?

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Guest tht tne

Watmm is still as good as it was when it was Joyrex.com, actually better... Some members suck, some bring lols. Time moves on. Get over it.


sorry, no


2009 - :wink:

2010 - :cool:


that's more like it!

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i think it was always kinda good since i started lurking in 2003, always something interesting/funny going on..sure ltm is as dumb as joyrexe's next "fucking lol" thread but there are no signs of watmm disintegrating so that's cool.

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when did i join


07 - read some stuff about autechre


08 - participated in discussion about quaristice and small things


09 - saw some salvatorin posts that i liked and decided to start posting


10 - farted on my cock

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keltoi hitler video



yes, that's the one... one of the all-time greatest lol generators... watmm used to have a "classic threads" forum?!?


And it was 2009, not 2010.

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