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how to get someone to shut up without being rude?


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sometimes with people like that i just fake being in a really bad mood or depressed about some home issues. drop a couple of hints about some messed up personal shit at home and most people would rather not hear about it and probably avoid you for the day. unless shes one of them invasive fucking cunts who think they know you well enough already to ask you all about it and then dump all their own problems in your ears. just fucking stab the cunt.

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sometimes with people like that i just fake being in a really bad mood or depressed about some home issues. drop a couple of hints about some messed up personal shit at home and most people would rather not hear about it and probably avoid you for the day. unless shes one of them invasive fucking cunts who think they know you well enough already to ask you all about it and then dump all their own problems in your ears. just fucking stab the cunt.


lol you sound like a barrel of laughs! mr. sunshine.

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Guest Dirty Protest

She new and nervous, shell calm down soon enough. Then she'll find other people in your work to speak to and you'll feel dejected and yern for the attention.

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She new and nervous, shell calm down soon enough. Then she'll find other people in your work to speak to and you'll feel dejected and yern for the attention.


there's an element of this but she seems like she talks all the time wherever she is. she's tiring me out.


if there's any truth in the old chinese proverb "a man who knows says nothing" this bitch knows sfa!


i'm thinking this is less a case of chatty woman and more of a case of awkward man who doesn't know how to handle social interaction.


nothing wrong with my social skillz darlin

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I once told someone that it's better to quiet when you have nothing intelligent to say. She never spoke to me again.


ironically, she wasn't intelligent enough to figure out that it didn't matter that you had told her to shut up, and hence just continue to be civil where ever, and say whatever whenever.


;-] (u lot wouldn't hate me, honesty + bad puns are my general conversational forte.) ... [-;

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i'm thinking this is less a case of chatty woman and more of a case of awkward man who doesn't know how to handle social interaction.


*gets some reading glasses, places them on end of nose and gives stern look*

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the newbie at our work is worse, she was just standing next to me the other day, saying nothing and i couldn't move cause there was a wall between me and exit. And when i asked her to not stand so close (cause i really can't give a fuck, i'm honest and nice at the same time), she said that she had to be there (organizing something in a drawer). So now i realise that a mentally handicapped late 40 something has the hots for me, urgh. Cause this ain't the only time i've had to jostle for my own space from grosilla.


geh ... in other words keltoi, at least yours can talk.

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She new and nervous, shell calm down soon enough. Then she'll find other people in your work to speak to and you'll feel dejected and yern for the attention.


also this ...


maybe apart from me yearning attention.




short while ago i'm tapping away on the calculator adding up large quantities of materials for a huge job. she starts telling me about her dog being sick on her bed in the middle of the night and i politely go "sorry, just a sec..." and point to the calculator, trying to keep my mind on the calculation otherwise i need to start again... she just kept on blethering away til i lost my place and when she finished her boring story said "oh sorry did i make you lose your place?".

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the newbie at our work is worse, she was just standing next to me the other day, saying nothing and i couldn't move cause there was a wall between me and exit. And when i asked her to not stand so close (cause i really can't give a fuck, i'm honest and nice at the same time), she said that she had to be there (organizing something in a drawer). So now i realise that a mentally handicapped late 40 something has the hots for me, urgh. Cause this ain't the only time i've had to jostle for my own space from grosilla.


geh ... in other words keltoi, at least yours can talk.


this one also sits VERY close.. too fuckin close. she wheels over right next to me mid-sentence and looks intensely right into my eyes eagerly awaiting my response. :crazy:

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Guest AcrossCanyons

I worked with somebody exactly like this. Holy fuck is that shit annoying. I just smiled, nodded, and acted like my work was more important/consuming than it was.

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the newbie at our work is worse, she was just standing next to me the other day, saying nothing and i couldn't move cause there was a wall between me and exit. And when i asked her to not stand so close (cause i really can't give a fuck, i'm honest and nice at the same time), she said that she had to be there (organizing something in a drawer). So now i realise that a mentally handicapped late 40 something has the hots for me, urgh. Cause this ain't the only time i've had to jostle for my own space from grosilla.


geh ... in other words keltoi, at least yours can talk.


this one also sits VERY close.. too fuckin close. she wheels over right next to me mid-sentence and looks intensely right into my eyes eagerly awaiting my response. :crazy:


i'm sorry man, so sorry. Hopefully it will pass. (but not wind) phrrrgrgh ;-p

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1)Bear with it and come to accept that it's just the way it is. She probably is suffering and has some personal issues that are causing her to feel like she needs to talk constantly - i.e., that no one is listening so she has to spew as much forth as possible in the hopes that something sticks (and/or she wants to bang you).

2)Ask her extremely complicated and/or complex questions about whatever she is talking about, questions that don't have an easy one word answer. At the very least, she'll have to take a breath to think about it, and you might learn something interesting about who she really is. Or, she'll just decide that it's too much effort to continue to talk to you, but you won't seem to be rude (since you're taking an active interest in her).

3)Respond to whatever she says with completely tangential, freaky, and weird answers that are at once complex and nonsensical. If you can successfully weird her out enough, she'll find talking to you as odious as you find her talking to you.

4)Fart loudly and smellily every time you are around her. Apologize profusely every time it happens, and explain its a gland issue you can't control. You can use this as a basis to discuss your bathroom habits, your opinions on upper-decking, and move the conversation into territory which you can dominate the discussion.

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have some one call you at work, like a buddy, and bullshit with them for a minute, and then say, i gotta let you go, then hint that the person talks way too much when you are busy.


then say by mom.

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the newbie at our work is worse, she was just standing next to me the other day, saying nothing and i couldn't move cause there was a wall between me and exit. And when i asked her to not stand so close (cause i really can't give a fuck, i'm honest and nice at the same time), she said that she had to be there (organizing something in a drawer). So now i realise that a mentally handicapped late 40 something has the hots for me, urgh. Cause this ain't the only time i've had to jostle for my own space from grosilla.


geh ... in other words keltoi, at least yours can talk.


this one also sits VERY close.. too fuckin close. she wheels over right next to me mid-sentence and looks intensely right into my eyes eagerly awaiting my response. :crazy:


lol... i did that jokinglly when i worked in florida... not here where i work now because i don't like the people in my office. they don't talk to me because of the "rolling of the eyes not looking interested."

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1)Bear with it and come to accept that it's just the way it is. She probably is suffering and has some personal issues that are causing her to feel like she needs to talk constantly - i.e., that no one is listening so she has to spew as much forth as possible in the hopes that something sticks (and/or she wants to bang you).

2)Ask her extremely complicated and/or complex questions about whatever she is talking about, questions that don't have an easy one word answer. At the very least, she'll have to take a breath to think about it, and you might learn something interesting about who she really is. Or, she'll just decide that it's too much effort to continue to talk to you, but you won't seem to be rude (since you're taking an active interest in her).

3)Respond to whatever she says with completely tangential, freaky, and weird answers that are at once complex and nonsensical. If you can successfully weird her out enough, she'll find talking to you as odious as you find her talking to you.

4)Fart loudly and smellily every time you are around her. Apologize profusely every time it happens, and explain its a gland issue you can't control. You can use this as a basis to discuss your bathroom habits, your opinions on upper-decking, and move the conversation into territory which you can dominate the discussion.


these are very good.

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